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Sermons on disloyalty:

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  • It Pays To Be Loyal

    Contributed by Elisha Akwetey on Mar 19, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. But Job, the Bible says, maintained his trust and integrity in the Lord, and wouldn't sin against God. His condition didn’t provoke him to make the wrong confessions (Job 2:10); how admirable.

    IT PAYS TO BE LOYAL Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him *(Job 13:15)* The above statement of trust and loyalty represents Job's affirmation of faith in God, in the face of daunting challenges. He was terribly afflicted; his condition got so more

  • The Lily: Sprawling Weed Or Medicinal Herb Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Aug 2, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    God comes in Christ to heal our disloyalty, to judge and yet cure our sin, to help us flourish. Illustrated with Chrismons.

    When I was twelve years old, our family moved to a house larger than the one we had been in. With a larger house came more yard, and with more yard came more plants to care for and more lawn to mow. If anybody was going to do any gardening at our home, it would have to be my father. My mother, more

  • Loyalty: Do You Know Where Yours Is?

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Oct 10, 2015

    Time reveals a person’s loyalty. Today we must apply much precaution to whom or to what we are loyal to! Most people do not deeply reflect as to why, or from where, they get their loyal convictions to someone or something, be it a friend, sports team, political party, or a religion or church!

    Loyalty: Do You Know Where Yours Is? Capt. Kelly Durant 10-11-15 Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 2. Don’t disloyal people make you angry? more

  • In The Service Of The Master – Part 9 - Judas, The Betrayer Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Sep 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you know what it is to be betrayed? Betrayal means disloyalty and treachery have been used to expose you to an enemy, to expose you to harm, or simply just to expose you. How does betrayal happen?

    Traitor. Deserter. Turncoat. Defector. Betrayer. Betrayal. Do you know what it is to be betrayed? Betrayal is a profound word loaded with volatile and angst-ridden emotional implications. Betrayal means disloyalty and treachery have been used to expose you to an enemy, to expose you to harm, more

  • Christian Loyalty, Revised & Expanded Series

    Contributed by Dennis King on Sep 9, 2022

    I admit that in 2017 a much shorter version of “Loyalty” was submitted and freely distributed. This lengthier, updated submission was written to give the subject of “Christian Loyalty” a more appropriate reexamination.

    Christian Loyalty, Revised & Expanded As an introduction, I would like to admit that in 2017 a much shorter version of “Loyalty” was submitted and freely distributed. This lengthier, updated submission was written to give the subject of “Christian Loyalty” a more appropriate reexamination. In more

  • Remain Loyal Series

    Contributed by W F on Sep 20, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    If we want to kick-start our faith we must remain loyal (Part 2 in a series on "How to Kick-start Your faith").

    How to kick-start your faith Part 2 Remain Loyal (2:10-17). INTRODUCTION Malachi 2:10-16 With good reason there was one particular woman who was always suspicious of her husband’s waywardness. Each night there would be a row when she would discover a blonde or a brunette hair on his lapel. One more

  • Know The Enemy

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Nov 25, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    Do you know your enemy

    KNOW THE ENEMY I Peter 5:8 Several weeks ago, Hurricane Hugo blew through America - Hugo "Citgo" Chavez! While he was here he had a few remarks concerning our president, going so far as describing him as the Devil himself! The New York Times reported a study about the diminishing belief in the more

  • The Death Of An Empire Series

    Contributed by Sam Tollison on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    The prophet Nahum descibes what happens when an empire abandons the law of God.

    NAHUM Part 1 Nahum 1:1-11 (NIV) 1 An oracle concerning Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. 2 The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The LORD takes vengeance on his foes and maintains his wrath against his enemies. 3 The more

  • For Jesus' Love Series

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jun 13, 2017

    Love and loyalty exuded as traits God looked for and expected in leadership from HIS CHILDREN, followers of Christ Jesus.

    FOR JESUS’ LOVE By Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (June 13, 2017) “So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He more

  • When God Saves His People From Themselves (Joshua 22:1-34) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 29, 2022

    Everyone in this story does what's right, and it almost leads to tragedy. God steps in, faithfully, to make sure it ends well.

    Most movies that you go to see in theatres share a similar framework. Something bad happens, or has happened, at the start of the movie, that leads to tension and conflict. Eventually, there's a big climactic scene near the end of the movie where everything gets resolved. At this point, the more

  • Where’s The Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus says that he is not king of this world. So, whree is Jesus’ kingdom? How does Jesus’ kingdom impact the owrld in which we live?

    John 18:33-37 “Where’s the Kingdom?” INTRODUCTION We who live in the United States have a difficult time understanding the concepts of “King” and “Lord.” Our limited exposure to kings comes mainly from England’s tabloids and their tales of intrigue in the House of Windsor and the shenanigans more

  • Good Friday Introduction Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 6, 2020

    On Maundy Thursday night, Jesus was struggling with his beloved trainees, disciples and followers to make them understand their purpose of life on earth; and the importance of Advent of Jesus Christ to this world. But disciples not upto the mark.

    Good Friday Hebrews 6:4-6 “Events Leading to Crucifixion of Christ in Personal Life” Introduction: God is Good and His love endures forever. Today is Good Friday. Next 2-3 hours going to be a great time for us to sit at the feet of God, and be listening to the Meditation on the seven words of more

  • The Story Of Hosea And Gomer

    Contributed by Richard Jumper on Jul 27, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The story of Hosea's obedience to God, ,Israel's disobedience and then God's forgivness.

    The Story of Hosea and Gomer Hosea 1:2-10 7/28/13 The story I am about to share with you is a true. It happened in Western Illinois but it may have happened right here, in Long Point and Flanagan, as well! Mark and Bonnie had attended school together since the first grade. Mark was very more

  • Apostasy Of The Christian Heart

    Contributed by Stan Lobin on Oct 26, 2022

    An examination of the Jesus parable of the prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collector and Christians who respond look and react to our others harshly with gossip and other negative that defy God's commandment to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

    Apostasy of the Christian Heart When we become Christians, the Bible tells us that we receive Christ into our hearts. I believe that means that a Christian should possess a Christ-like heart; a heart that desires to please God and a desire to be obedient to God’s commandments and more

  • The Hostage Negotiator

    Contributed by Patrick Schatzline on Feb 4, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon is designed to show that Christians can walk in freedom form the enemy. Jesus came and died as our ransom. The enemy lost the battle at the cross.

    A. You are Royalty – Rom. 8:17. We’re co-heirs B. There is an attack going on (news bulletin) There is no such thing as a soldier that doesn’t have scars! Terrorists are lose! C. Islamic Fundamentalists: (sorrow) You can’t have a hostage without a ransom D. Somebody has to pay ransom! *He that the more