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  • Proper Planning Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 21 ratings

    This section warns against self-centered planning. Worldly living is not displayed only by a disbelief in God, sometimes it’s apparent in the disregarding of God as we plan our life & our daily activities.

    JAMES 4:11-17 PROPER PLANNING [Luke 12:16-21] It is too easy for Christians to make plans and set goals, expecting God to fall in line behind them. It is easy to plan our lives as if we controlled the future and had unlimited authority over the factors that affect our life. And so, in reality more

  • Repentance Precedes Restoration Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 17, 2009
    based on 60 ratings

    Divine grace cannot be divorced from human responsibility. The bestowing of the riches of covenant grace are for those who are genuinely willing to turn away from sin to follow God alone.

    ZECHARIAH 1:1-6 REPENTANCE PRECEDES RESTORATION [Haggai 1:1-11 / 2 Chronicles 7:14] The visions of God showering His people with the riches of divine treasure must first be prefaced by the message that travels parallel down the track, arm in arm with divine blessings. The eternal truth which more

  • Mary’s Song Of Praise Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 21, 2009
    based on 22 ratings

    Mary had hidden the Word of God in her heart since childhood. When she was filled with the HS she was able to pour forth this song of praise to the out of the treasure of Scripture in her heart. Mary’s hymn of praise reflects her character & her emotional

    LUKE 1: (39-45) 46-55 THE MAGNIFICAT / Mary’s Song of Praise [1 Samuel 2:1-10] Mary had hidden the Word of God in her heart since childhood. When she was filled with the Holy Spirit she was able to pour forth this song of praise to the out of the treasure of Scripture in her heart. Mary’s more

  • The Use Of Wealth Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    The aim of this warning is to awaken all Christians who are tempted to adopt worldly goals & standards rather than God’s goals & standards. The secondary purpose is to assure suffering Christians of the Divine judgment coming upon their oppressors.

    JAMES 5:1-6 THE USE OF WEALTH / A Source of Spiritual Numbness [Amos 5:11-27/ Mt. 6:19-21] The last section dealt with arrogant self-centeredness. Arrogant self-centeredness is demonstrated by planning a future without placing God’s will first and it can lead to more dangerous possibilities. more

  • How Patience Is Developed Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 10, 2010
    based on 36 ratings

    We are not to expect to have life easy & comfortable. Our great expectation is the blessed hope of Jesus' return. That event brings our eternal rewards. We must patiently endure hardships & heartaches until Jesus returns.

    JAMES 5:7-12 HOW PATIENCE IS DEVELOPED [Matthew 5:10–12 / 1 Peter 4:12-13] From addressing abusive rich non-believers James turns again to restless suffering saints. Learn endurance was his counsel at the beginning of his letter (1:1-5). Be patient and endure is his continued counsel as his more

  • The Convicting Ministry Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 11, 2010
    based on 64 ratings

    Jesus assures His followers that He would not leave them alone, but would send His substitute, the third member of the God-head. The Holy Spirit came to empower the church for life and witness

    JOHN 16:7-11 THE [CONVICTING] MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [1 John 4: 1-6] There was much disappointment among the Apostles when Jesus disclosed that He must return to the Father. Jesus’ great work of redemption required His death so that through His resurrection from the dead death more

  • When God Comes Near Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 6, 2007
    based on 50 ratings

    People reach out in crisis. Those who reach out to God find that He comes near. God’s nearness has its effects upon the saved & the sinner alike.

    ISAIAH 33: 13-17 A FUTURE FOR THE FAITHFUL God here promises to come near and deliver His people from the destruction of their enemies. This great deliverance is not enacted from afar but by Him coming near in authority and power and making Himself known. This presence more

  • The Privileges Of Being A Child Of God

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Sep 21, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    We need to act like we are children of the King

    The privileges of being a child of God Written anonymously on the walls of a medieval castle were the following words: You call me Master and obey me not. You call me Light and See me not. You call me the Way and Walk me not. You call me Life and Desire me not. You call me Wise and Follow me not. more

  • Christ Cleansing The Temple Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 27, 2007
    based on 111 ratings

    If Christ showed such zeal in cleansing an earthly temple, He will use zeal in cleansing another temple, the believer’s life, also.

    JOHN 2: 13-17 CHRIST CLEANSING THE TEMPLE The other Evangelists do not record this cleansing of the Temple at the beginning of Christ’s ministry, but, as we all know, tell of a similar act at the very close of Jesus’ ministry (Mt. 21:12f; Mk. 11:15-17; Lk. 19:45f). John, more

  • The Lord’s Time Of Blessing Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 27, 2007
    based on 97 ratings

    God asks us to keep the long run in view when we consider what is occuring in our life. He works things out in His way on His time schedules. But God will bless His people with peace, productivity, & provision.

    ISAIAH 35: 1-10 THE LORD’S TIME OF BLESSING Here is revealed the desired kingdom for which the nation has longed since God first promised it to Abraham. This is the state that mankind constantly longs for-a utopia in which peace and productivity prevail. This condition will not more

  • Guilty As Charged Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 2, 2011
    based on 25 ratings

    The route of personal righteousness is clearly marked, "no road to heaven this way." For we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    ROMANS 3: 9-20 GUILTY AS CHARGED Men like to believe that they are basically good, but fallen natural man is under sin. In other words, all men are sinners, both by character and by conduct. Men may not be equal in their sinning but we are all condemned as sinners. Each and every person, more

  • Encountering God's Purpose Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 20, 2010
    based on 37 ratings

    These verses summarize the Book's strategy, subject, & purpose. The strategy was to use selected works or "signs" of His subject, Jesus, which illustrate Jesus' character, demonstrate His power, & relate Him as the answer to man's great needs.

    JOHN 20: 30-31 ENCOUNTERING GOD'S PURPOSE For many scholars these last two verses of chapter 20 constitute the conclusion of John's Gospel with chapter 21 being John's personal appendix. These verses summarize the Book's strategy, subject, and purpose. The strategy was to use selected works more

  • The Fear Of The Lord Real Conviction

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Sep 22, 2010

    Thefear of God makes us love Him more

    1 TIM 2:1-7 Dear Father and Lord Jesus Christ, This is for all people everywhere. We plead for all people because they all need You! We pray for all people because many never talk to You! We intercede for all people because most do not know what to ask! We give thanks for all people for few express more

  • The 10th Word: Sanctify Your Desires Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 27, 2010
    based on 25 ratings

    God forbids coveting because it sets my heart on things of earth rather than on things of heaven. It removes our trust away from God & makes us discontent with what He has provided for our life. The Bible teaches us that we are to live a life that is cont

    EXODUS 20: 17 THE TENTH WORD: SANCTIFY YOUR DESIRES [Luke 12:13-34] Today, we come to the last of the 10 Commandments. In these Laws of God governing our daily living here on earth, we have seen that God has a high standard that He expects His people to strive for in life. I trust that as we more

  • The Two Masters Of Man Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 18, 2011
    based on 64 ratings

    After stating the doctrine and that we are by faith to appropriate it, he now states the practical daily experience to see whether we have made it our own or not. Doctrine truly combined with belief always has corresponding verifiable actions

    ROMANS 6:12-14 THE TWO MASTERS OF MAN In the previous passage Paul has been teaching doctrine and the new man's ability to appropriate and live out that doctrine by faith in its truthfulness. After stating the doctrine and that we are by faith to appropriate it, he now states the practical daily more

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