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  • Setting The Lord Always Before Us Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Nov 21, 2022

    We should never look at this world in isolation from God. We must view everything we do and see from an eternal perspective Setting the LORD Always Before Us.

    It’s sometimes hard to be spiritually minded in this world: • The spiritual world is an invisible world (2 Cor 4:18). • The people that surround us are often worldly. • Our fleshly desires gravitate towards earthly things. But unless I am spiritually and eternally minded, I am going to waste my more

  • Finding Calmer Waters Series

    Contributed by Roger Nelmes on Jan 29, 2008

    We are going to mix up our group a bit and have some discussion and interaction as a way to review and find application for our series "The Perfect Stor,." We are going to break into small groups.

    Finding Calmer Waters Tonight we are ending our series with a message entitled “Finding Calmer Waters”. We’re going to do things a little different and we’re going to have some fun. We are going to mix up our group a bit and have some discussion and interaction. We are going to break into more

  • Satisfying God's Sweet Tooth

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 25, 2010

    What is it that Satisfies a Holy Righteous God? The only answer of course is Jesus Christ alone!

    Intro: 1. Most of our lives are built upon lies, some of them are: The check is in the mail... You get this one; and I'll pay the next time... My wife doesnt understand me... Trust me, I'll take care of everything... It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing... I never watch TV, more