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Sermons on coldhearted:

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  • Consequences Of Cold-Hearted Husbands And Fathers Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Dec 7, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible teaches that husbands and fathers have a sacred responsibility to provide for, protect, and nurture their families.

    The Bible teaches that husbands and fathers have a sacred responsibility to provide for, protect, and nurture their families. However, some husbands and fathers fail to fulfill this responsibility, instead being cold-hearted and neglectful. In this sermon, we'll explore the biblical more

  • What's In Your Heart?

    Contributed by Steve Taylor on Aug 4, 2018

    People can be heartbreakers, coldhearted, stonehearted, give you heartburn, be halfhearted, and even greenhearted, but we need sweethearted and kindhearted individuals in our life at all times.

    Some might say, living a Christian life sounds hard. They believe that they couldn’t possibly make it as a Christian. Well, it is hard sometimes. I can’t say that it’s all Halle Lujah and Amen being a Christian. It’s hard work; it’s a struggle, and at times, it just breaks your heart. Let me more

  • A Broken Man Is A Loveless Man Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 28, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    When we are broken and wounded on the inside, it can be challenging to love and receive love from others.

    The statement "a broken man is a loveless man" highlights the profound impact of inner brokenness on our ability to form and maintain loving relationships. From a biblical perspective, this statement rings true. When we are broken and wounded on the inside, it can be challenging to love more

  • Dead Bones For Living Souls Series

    Contributed by Ovidiu Radulescu on May 26, 2009
    based on 60 ratings

    That strange story about the dead bones of Elisha and the man coming back to life, is a picture of a creative God who will try to get the attention of His coldhearted people anyway... Elisha and the prophets of God, and all God’s people in general, includ

    We come here today pay our respect to _____________________ and to comfort members of the family and friends. We belong to a larger family, the family of believers in Jesus Christ, the conqueror of death. And this is the hour when our belief in Him is tested. This is the moment when our declared more

  • Life With The Father Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Jul 27, 2012

    What is the real evidence that we live with the Father? What is the real evidence that we have spiritual eyes that God has revealed Himself to? Is it hands raised in the sanctuary, a hymn sung in quartet harmony, a chorus completed on Sunday morning? N

    Intro: What is the real evidence that we live with the Father? What is the real evidence that we have spiritual eyes that God has revealed Himself to? Is it hands raised in the sanctuary, a hymn sung in quartet harmony, a chorus completed on Sunday morning? No. It is obedience to God’s more

  • Cross Wows Series

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on Jan 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The “WOWS” miricals of the cross are not for us to just wonder about. God performed these things so that you might know: He sent His Own Son to pay the price of your sin He punished Jesus in your place Jesus suffered the wrath of God so you wouldn’t

    CROSS WOWS Matthew 27:45-54 I. DARKNESS OVER THE LAND (Mt. 27:45) A. It Was Not An Eclipse 1. The Jews use a lunar calendar 2. Passover always falls on the full moon 3. A solar eclipse impossible on a full moon B. It Was A Supernatural Darkness 1. The darkness of God more

  • The Complaining Brother Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 1, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    The self-righteous are quick to point out the sins and faults of others, but overlook their own.

    THE COMPLAINING BROTHER A. Luke 15:25-32 (READ) 1. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for the YOUNGER SON to come HOME! ILLUSTRATION: Picture what that first FAMILY MEAL was like back home. The Father sits at the head of the TABLE and the brother sits across from the Prodigal. more

  • We Are All Blind In Some Way Series

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Feb 3, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    where are we blind?

    Mark 10:46-52 There was a blind man called Bartimaeus, who lived in Jericho. According to Jewish law at the time, blind people held a special position; he was cared for and there was nothing he was required to do. His fellow citizens had a religious duty to give alms, and that meant he would more

  • "When You Don't Have A Prayer" Series

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust Judge

    Introduction: I was born and raised in the “holy land” - to you its Canada’s 10th province… we called “God’s country” … nowadays being exiled here in Upper Canada I refer to it as the “holy land”. It was a wonderful place to grow more

  • "We Don't Get What We Deserve" Series

    Contributed by Bruce Hamsher on Aug 6, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    True mercy is compassion that goes into action.

    “We Don’t Get What We Deserve” Matthew 5:7 Beatitudes - #5 Intro: (My Court Date - Guilty - Judge showed Mercy - Didn’t get what I Deserved) Today, we look at Beatitude #5 which states, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” First of all, let’s look at what MERCY is more

  • Christ Our Life Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ our Life (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Philippians chapter 1 verses 3-11. Ill: Genie and ‘box of chocolates. • Wouldn’t it be great to be able wish away our problems. • To have instant solutions to the things you desire. • In this letter there are no instant solutions, there are no quick cures; • But there are some more

  • God's Judical System

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 29, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Makes a comparison on how our judicial systems works compared to Gods

    1 John 2:1-2 God’s Judicial System I. Introduction A. WE should be really proud to live in America B. Think about how a judicial system works 1. We first have to be charged of a crime 2. We then have a trial, that we are innocent until proven guilty 3. There is always as advocate, or lawyer, on more

  • Sermon On The Mount Lesson 6

    Contributed by Bill Prater on Jan 1, 2001
    based on 147 ratings

    Lesson 6

    We live in a world where it is easy to become cold-hearted, insensitive, and unsympathetic. We are constantly being bombarded with news of some tragedy that has happened somewhere in the world. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear of, and see the results of, some violent act that has occurred. more

  • Fives Minutes In Hell

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jun 17, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    If every Christian could spend just five minutes in hell, we would all have a new outlook on our responsibilities as Christians.

    Five Minutes in Hell John 16:22-24 Intro The title of my sermon today, “Five Minutes in Hell” is the flip side of the sermon we heard two weeks ago, about how we would change if we had the opportunity to look into Heaven. I suppose it is a impossibility to actually take a tour of hell, but we more

  • A Faithful Man - Joseph Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 1, 2023

    There is not a lot about Joseph, a faithful man contained in scripture. Matthew 1:18-25 gives most of the information about Joseph. But what we discover here is that Joseph was a man whom you & I would do well to imitate in many ways.

    There is not a lot about Joseph, a faithful man contained in scripture. Matthew 1:18-25 gives most of the information about Joseph. But what we discover here is that Joseph was a man whom you & I would do well to imitate in many ways. And that just makes sense. The man whom God would choose more

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