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  • Not Just Another Make Over!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jul 3, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    You see God already had a new life waiting for them, not some old fixed up version of life, with a new paint job waiting to be applied, But a brand new life, in a brand new land,

    Not just another make over! As I was thinking about what I was going to speak on this week, I thought about a lot of things. But clarity for me from God, didn’t all finally come together until late Saturday afternoon. You see, I have been re-doing this little convertible, it’s a 66 more

  • Bearing In Mind

    Contributed by Rob Ross on Jan 14, 2001
    based on 109 ratings

    What are some biblical characteristics that our church should emulate?

    Verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Topic: Church Probing Question: What is church? Key Word: characteristics Subject: characteristics of church Aim: To encourage the congregation to identify desirable church characteristics. Title: Bearing In Mind Introduction Illustration: (Name Brand more

  • Bearing Burdens 

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 144 ratings

    Christians should help to bear the burdens of others.

    BEARING BURDENS Gal. 6:1-5 INTRO.- ILL.- An airline company was disturbed over a high percentage of accidents so they decided to eliminate human errors by building a completely computerized plane. "Ladies and gentlemen," came a voice over the PA during the initial flight, "It may interest you to more

  • Bearing Fruit

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 8, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    What happens when Jesus inspects your life? He cursed the fig tree because it didn’t bear fruit - why? And how do we bear fruit for our Savior?

    I have three fruit trees in my backyard. I would not call it an orchard – just three trees – a plum, a pear, and an apple. It’s not an orchard, nor am I an orchardist – or whatever you are when you have an orchard. I think my trees know it too – they get together every winter and say "how are we more

  • Bearing Fruit

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 217 ratings

    We are to be doers of the word and not hearers only. God has called us to bear fruit not just feed off the vine.

    Bearing Much Fruit  The American church today has allowed mediocrity to creep in.  Everyday 10 churches go under in the United States  Everyday 7 new churches are started that’s a loss of 3 churches everyday.  In the last 10 years the church attendance has remained, more

  • Bear Fruit

    Contributed by Helen Allen on May 14, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A well-kept vine will bear good fruit.

    On the subject of pruning, Mark and I didn’t do much gardening at all last year. We mowed the lawn every so often, trimmed the front hedge back a couple of times, and had a lot of good intentions for deadheading the roses and other flowers and bushes. The problem was that the longer we left it the more

  • Bearing Fruit

    Contributed by Glenn Hamel on Nov 17, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    This message is to inspire belivers to witness and share their faith.

    Bearing Fruit. I. Open in Prayer II. Remind that February is Evangelism month I ask that we prepare our hearts and minds for this time that has been set aside for the purpose of winning souls. I want to urge you to pray diligently for the Lord to move not just here in these walls but in our more

  • Bearing With The Weak Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 1, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    How do we handle people who disagree with us? Paul gives us some good advice on how to listen actively, respond prayerfully, and watch circumspectfully when dealing with the less mature in Christ.

    To listen to an audio version of this message go to: and search for Romans 15. There is an interesting time period when raising kids – last week we talked about that point at which they realize they are not children anymore. Later there comes a time when they think they more

  • Bearing Fruit

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 111 ratings

    Thesis: Fruit-bearing is different for each individual Christian.

    Thesis: Fruit-bearing is different for each individual Christian. Intro.: 1. Begin with a conversation between a farmer & a fruit tree: FARMER: Good morning tree! How are you doing today? TREE: Just fine, farmer! My, isn't it a lovely morning? FARMER: Yes, it is. Except for one thing--where more

  • Dare To Bear Series

    Contributed by Harley Jay Nickless on Dec 4, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    It is vitally important that we do not allow the pressures of this life to harden our hearts. Tall order wouldn’t you say? How do you do it? How do you prevent the problems and pressures of this life from hardening your heart? I think the secret is fo

    Prescription For Pressure Part 2 “Dare To Bear” Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:5 (NIV) Introduction Little Bobby had a habit of stretching the truth just a bit. One day while walking home from school he saw a large black dog run across the street in front more

  • "Bearing Fruit"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Oct 7, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    A sermon about abiding in Christ.

    John 15:1-10 “Bearing Fruit” Over and over again in the Old Testament, Israel is described as being the Vine or the Vineyard of God. In Isaiah 5:7 the prophet declares: “The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel.” In fact, the vine had actually become more

  • Bearing Fruit

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Aug 27, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    A message on fruit-bearing.

    BEARING FRUIT John 15:1-5 INTRO: We are responsible to God for bearing fruit. How much fruit we bear will depend on how dedicated and mature we are as Christians. Today, lets look at the more

  • Bearing The Torch

    Contributed by James May on Mar 4, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    We must make sure that we pass the light of the gospel on to the next generation.

    BEARING THE TORCH By Pastor Jim May The flame in the Marathon Tower in each Olympic stadium is the most recognized symbol of the Olympics, dating back to the Games of ancient Greece, when athletes competed in a relay race, passing a torch from one to another until the last runner, in a long more

  • Grin And Bear It

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Mar 29, 2013

    Did Jesus actually accept the cross in a cheerful fashion? If so, then why? Let us ponder that possibility.

    Cheerfuly Giving (It may be Friday, but Sunday’s coming) I. Christ was Set on Joy even through Suffering Hebrews 12:2 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of more

  • The Rabbi Bear Series

    Contributed by Joe Tilton on Aug 22, 2013

    A healing on Sunday set the Rabbi in a tither! The Law was broken! What was this scene about and did God break his own Law?

    August 25, 2013 The Rabbi Bear Everything was going smoothly at a very elaborate wedding in a large church. The Wedding March was about to be sounded from the pipes by the organist as the wedding party strolled in and took their places. It was time for the flower girl and her young escort to more

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