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  • Look At Me! Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 9, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    Our deeds are not to become a show to be watched.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you ever been around folks who will do good things, but they want to make sure others know they did it? LOOK AT ME! • For some it is all about looking good. • In a small college town a tavern frequented by students ran the following ad in the campus paper during the more

  • More Like Great Service

    Contributed by Joseph Stapleton on Sep 16, 2010

    Are you a true servant of Christ? This sermon shows what is required to be called a true servant of Jesus.

    MORE LIKE GREAT SERVICE (All my sermons use illustrations for and the scripture is NIV unless otherwise noted. ) In a popular televison commercial for a large insurance company that claims you can name your own price, the customer asks, “But will I still get good more

  • Command The Rich Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Sep 16, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    Paul said to command the rich to do something good with their wealth. 1- Command the rich to put their hope in God 2- Command the rich to be rich in good deeds 3- Command the rich to lay up heavenly treasures

    INTRO.- Command the rich. Do we ever have the right to command anyone? Maybe not, but God does. God can command us to do whatever He wants because He is God. It’s like parenting. Parents can tell their kids what to do and when, but of course, that doesn’t mean they’ll do it. But parents have more

  • Hold Your Tongue Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Oct 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Our tongue can get in the way of our growth as a Christian

    James 1:26-27-If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from more

  • Alien Life Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Aug 5, 2012

    How should Christians respond to persecution and to suffering in the world?

    This passage introduces the epistle’s section on Christian living and its overall theme. To borrow from Francis Schaeffer, it is “How Should We Then Live?” How should Christians conduct themselves in a world that is nonChristian, i.e. where the citizenry do not acknowledge Jesus more

  • How Does John Describe Love?

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Apr 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How Does John Describe Love? (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: The Test of True Love: love is proved… sacrifice (vs 16) mercy (vs 17) actions (vs 18) The Results of True Love: assurance (vs 19-20) answered prayer (vs 21-22) abiding (vs 23-24) SERMON TEXT: Ill: • The US Treasury Department has a special more

  • Live Like You Were Dying Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 12, 2019

    You can’t love God without loving people.

    A. INTRODUCTION – ALL ABOUT LOVE 1. Who do people want around them when they are dying? Not the banker, stockbroker, boss, etc. they want people they love and those who love them. 2. You can’t love God without loving people. “Anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 John more

  • Doing Good Works This Holiday Season

    Contributed by Arsenio Segismundo on Dec 10, 2021

    Just because we are not saved according to our works doesn't mean that we shouldn't be concerned about pursuing a life of good works in full obedience to God's Word.

    Topic: Doing Good Works This Holiday Season By Ptr Arsenio “Jack” Segismundo Text: Ephesians 2:8-9 “8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Introduction: Just because we are not saved according more

  • Rewards

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 11, 2023

    A reward is viewed as something received in this life or in the hereafter.

    Rewards – Matthew 10: 40 - 42 Intro: William Barclay in his commentary on Matthew writes the following story: There was once a cobbler who very much wanted to be a pastor. But, because of career and family demands, he could not follow his dream. He was asked to more

  • Right Scales Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Oct 20, 2023

    Right scales refer to the honest, integrity and humility. These are the blessings on the right people. God’s children always have blessings of God. God is delighted in right people.

    Theme: Right Scales Text: Proverbs: 11:1-11   Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever. Illustration: In Europe in the 14th century, unemployed soldiers often became small armies of bandits and robbed and burned and killed, and raped towns and villages all over Europe. These more

  • "A Voice Crying For Repentance”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 5, 2024

    I begin with the illustration of tunnels to make a point "mountains leveled, and roads made smooth. Repent Your God is coming, He hates pride, they will be humbled. Is your righteous behavior in display in a secular culture if not repent?

    In Jesus Holy Name December 8, 2024 Luke 3:3-4 “A Voice Crying for Repentance” Have you ever thought about how roads are cut and planned, all the permits required, they heavy equipped needed, the engineering. Someone once said: “If you can’t go over it, and you can’t go around it, then go more

  • Blunders Of Self-Indulgent Gain-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 23, 2011

    1 of 2. James warned of the danger in self-indulgent gain. Accumulation of wealth is spiritually questionable. But How so? The blunders of self-indulgent gain are in their Accumulated...

    Blunders of Self-indulgent Gain-I—James 5:1-8 Attention: My kindergarten-aged daughter suddenly announced just before school that she needed to take a clean tee shirt to class. She told us the teacher was going to iron an anti-drug message on it. My wife frantically swept through my more

  • God Has A Plan

    Contributed by Chelsae Knight on Apr 24, 2019

    God uses us in miraculous ways to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    My mother died on April 3, 1999, at the Southwest Regional Medical Center in McComb, Mississippi. My older brother and I watched her die. I was holding her right hand, and he was holding her left when she breathed her last breath. She was 82 years old and had lived a good life. She had told me more

  • Why Did Jesus Die - To Create A People Bold In Word And Deed Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    What can we learn about boldness from Acts?

    ‘Passion for a purpose- Why did Jesus die? To create a people bold in word and deed By Adrian Warnock Audio version The missional community was succeeding…… Acts 4 A Church in transition A growing church now more

  • Making An Impact For God Sermon V: Dare To Be A Daniel In Word And In Deed Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 20, 2020

    In times like these, when pressures are brought to bear on the committed by the uncommitted, mature Christians dare to be Daniels by trusting God supremely and by facing trials serenely as did Daniel in the lion's den.

    DARE TO BE A DANIEL In 1876 Philip P. Bliss wrote a chorus to teach children about Daniel: "Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! And dare to make it known!" more

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