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  • Say So Community

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Aug 2, 2013

    The text says,

    The Say So Community Psalm 107:1-9 1. The Say So Community in today’s text are called : A. The Redeemed (The delivered ones )2Let the redeemed of the LORD say this-- those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, B. The Troubled Ones (The more

  • Depression. Time For Men To Help And Do Something.

    Contributed by Louis Mare on Feb 20, 2023

    Depression is a health condition that sadly affects scores of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness, low mood, and a lack of interest in activities we once enjoyed.

    Depression is a health condition that sadly affects scores of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness, low mood, and a lack of interest in activities we once enjoyed. Nowadays, depression has become a widespread problem, with many people struggling to cope with the pressures of more

  • Dios Le DarÁ Descanso Por Todos Lados

    Contributed by James Dina on Aug 13, 2022

    Te mereces descanso por todos lados. Te mereces una vida pacífica. Reclama esta promesa del Dios que guarda el pacto (Deuteronomio 7:9).

    DIOS LE DARÁ DESCANSO POR TODOS LADOS Y el reino de Josafat estaba en paz, porque su Dios le había dado descanso por todas partes” (2 Crónicas 20:30). El descanso es una bendición prometida a todo hijo de Dios (1 Reyes 8:56), pero tendemos a perder este beneficio cuando los more

  • The Devil Is A Boring Preacher

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The message of the preacher blessed by God will disturb the casual, even as it glorifies the Master. Contrary to every expectation, the message presented by the servants of the devil is boring, generating no excitement and no reaction.

    “When they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. And Paul went in, as was his custom, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Christ to more

  • When God Makes A Plan...

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Discussion of how the plan of God for Jesus to lay down His life was always the plan and would come to fruition.

    When God Makes a Plan… Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16 June 21, 2009 Note: The ME/WE/GOD/YOU/WE format is from Andy Stanley’s book, "Communicating for a Change." Unfortunately, I’ve still got a way to go before I’ve fully implemented the book! Before I get into the message, I’d like to just take a moment more

  • A Love Song To The Law

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Mar 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    3d week in Lent Year B: Incorporate the Clear, Profound, and Life-Giving Word into your life

    I love songs that tell me clear and profound things about life. I hate music that is nothing but unintelligible and repetitious rants against everything the musician can see. If you are going to complain and try to influence me, I would hope that as a songwriter, you’d at least be clear and more

  • Distraction

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Mar 5, 2006
    based on 56 ratings

    You need to move from: 1. Pragmatism to passion. 2. Being fractured to being focused. 3. Wandering to living life on purpose.

    Men are notorious for being distracted. Most of us could qualify for having ADD — Attention Deficit Disorder. In fact, I heard about a guy who was so distracted over one thing and another that he had to have his wife tell him almost everything. One day his wife came into the room and said, more

  • Mother’s Day: When Mothering Gets Hard

    Contributed by Ken Pell on May 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon designed to encourage mothers

    WHEN MOTHERING GETS HARD Matthew 15:21-28 INTRO An article in Forbes asks, "Think you can put a price on motherhood?" A yearly survey by called the annual Mom Salary Survey attempts to put a salary on the work of American mothers. First, they broke down motherly duties into the ten more

  • Materialism Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Jun 16, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    When it comes to materialism, has any nation ever surpassed what we are seeing in the United States right now? We define our lives by how much stuff we have, social status by how much money we make, what we own and wear and where we live.

    Materialism James 4:1-10 When it comes to materialism, has any nation ever surpassed what we are seeing in the United States right now? We define our lives by how much stuff we have, social status by how much money we make, what we own and wear and where we live. Even most of the important dates on more

  • What Must I Do? Obey God Rather Than Men Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jul 8, 2013

    Lordship requires our allegiance be first and foremost to the authority and call of God.

    WHAT MUST I DO? OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN ACTS 5:17-32 “Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men!”(Acts 5:29) Big Idea: Lordship requires our allegiance be first and foremost to the authority and call of God. ACTS 5:17-32 17 Then the high priest and more

  • Community-Old Testament Covenant

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Jan 24, 2017

    As followers of Christ we are to be a covenant confident church.

    Title: Community-Covenant Church Place: BLCC Date: 2/5/17 Text: Genesis.12.2-3 CT: As followers of Christ we are to be a covenant confident church. [Screen 1] FAS: Have you ever taken out a mortgage? You meet with the loan officer and then you begin the long and arduous task of signing your name on more

  • He Is Lord

    Contributed by Jon Miller on Mar 1, 2011

    Part of a series on the Gospel of John. This message looks at the various reactions people had to Jesus and His Lordship.

    He is Lord John 18:1 There is a difference between actions and reactions our actions tell a lot about us, but our actions can also be deceptive. The actions of the pharisees was deceptive, they played the part of being righteous like the best Broadway actors. Our reactions tell the truth about more

  • At The Festival

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Oct 28, 2011

    If we believe in the value of our world that bigger is better, our actions and decisions will be controlled by people rather than by God.

    At The Festival Oct 23, 2011 John 7:1-24 Intro: Our journey the last little while through the Gospel of John has had, at its core, a desire to discover the Biblical Jesus. To see Jesus as He really comes to us in Scripture, not just as we imagine Him or like Him to be. I came across this on a more

  • Finding Our Native Tongue Series

    Contributed by Eldon Reich on Aug 24, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon deals with the lost language of the Christian. We have become a part of the world so much that we no longer have a distintive language.

    FINDING OUR NATIVE TONGUE John 8:42-44 Friends, did you know that there are 6000 languages in the world One is said to disappear every fortnight—2 weeks. 200 years ago the German explorer Alexander von Humboldt stumbled upon a village in what is now Venezuela. While there he heard a parrot more

  • Faith Meets Social Distance

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 14, 2020

    Healing, miracle

    FAITH MEETS SOCIAL DISTANCE (JOHN 4:45-54) Grammar Bible (English) Tatabahasa Alkitab (Indonesian) Biblia de Gramática (Spanish) Gramatika Bibliya more

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