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  • "Be Prepared - Not Scared!"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Oct 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Evidence for no pre-trib rapture. Scriptural Evidence for Second Coming after the tribulation.

    “Be Prepared – not Scared!” October 9, 2011 Genesis 6:11-22 “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, “I am going more

  • Faith Expressed Through Obedience Series

    Contributed by James Parker on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    I would like to begina series on some of the people of the Old Testament. there are so many that we can learn from. And one of my favorites from the old Teastament has to be Noah. So today we are going to begin looking at men & Women of the Old Testamen

    I would like to begina series on some of the people of the Old Testament. there are so many that we can learn from. And one of my favorites from the old Teastament has to be Noah. So today we are going to begin looking at men & Women of the Old Testament as we begin with a look at the man named more

  • Global Warping

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 28, 2011

    Global Warping 1) Are you part of the problem? 2) Will you survive God's solution?

    Many scientists continue to be concerned about global warming. The National Geographic website proclaims: “…the face of the Earth as we know it—coasts, forests, farms, and snowcapped mountains—hangs in the balance.” That sounds serious, and I suppose I should be moved more

  • Who Told You?

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Dec 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Who in the world are you letting lead you?

    WHO TOLD YOU? Gen.3: 6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband more

  • Real Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 9, 2011

    The vast majority of the people on this planet are unrighteous in the eyes of God.

    Intro: 1. John Raymond, the executive pastor of the World Harvest Church in Slidell, Louisiana. He became the first clergyman on reality television when he appeared on Survivor Ta-hi-ti. Pastor Raymond wanted to use the experience to spread the gospel. Raymond brought things along that more

  • Lessons Of Noah

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Mar 1, 2010

    The flood was awful, but God will not ignore sin. Just as the season of grace expired in Noah’s day, it will one day end for us and on that day Jesus will return.

    Lessons of Noah Saved by Grace, Faith, and Obedience 10/05/08 AM Text: Genesis 6:1-22 INTRODUCTION: The world knows little about the Bible, but nearly everyone is familiar with Noah’s ark. There are those who never read a Bible but have heard of Noah’s Ark. There are jokes, cartoons, and movies more

  • God's Removal Strategy Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 29, 2012

    Genesis records God’s strategy for Removing the Legacy of Wickedness. God strategizes the removal of the Legacy of Wickedness. But What is that strategy? God’s strategy for removal(the legacy of wickedness) engages...

    Series: SUPPLANTING The LEGACY Of WICKEDNESS—Genesis 6:9—10:32 A—REMOVAL STRATEGY—Genesis 6:9-22 Toward Removing the Legacy of Wickedness B—REMOVAL—Genesis 7:1-24 C—SALVATION—Genesis 8:1-19 D—RESPONSE—Genesis 8:20-22 E—POTENTIAL For more

  • The Days Of Noah

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Oct 10, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Noah lived in a very difficult time and yet in so many ways by the descriptions given in the Bible of Noah days we are living in a similar environment. What can we learn from Noah that we might find grace in the eyes of the God?

    The Days of Noah Genesis 6:1-13 Mention: Genesis 6:5-6, 11 The state of the world in Noah’s days Questions: • I wonder how many people were upon the earth at this time. Genesis 6:1 Today we know that there is an estimated 6.5 Billion • I wonder how bad it was at this time. We more

  • Noah And The Flood Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Why did the flood came and why did Good save Noah?

    For entertainment, many of us like to go to a theater and watch a movie. Many of you know that in a few weeks a movie titled Noah, starring Russell Crowe - picture, will be shown in many theaters. As our relatives and friends will likely ask us about it, How should we handle this upcoming Noah more

  • We Need An Ark

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jan 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    WE need an ark when life brings us down. What we really need is a spiritual ark. We need our hearts on upward things, we need to be wholehearted, and we need to move towards God like Noah.

    Genesis 6:11-22 Build an Ark 1. We need an Ark when the earth or our world is corrupt Like God said. 11Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. 12God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their more

  • Life Boat Lessons

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Feb 20, 2017

    The importance of opportunity.

    "Life Boat Lessons" Genesis 6:1-22, 7:1-17 Genesis 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD more

  • Noah: A Portrait Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Oct 17, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Noah portrays for us how we are to walk by faith.

    We're going to look at Old Testament characters and talk about the character traits portrayed by each that God wants to develop in us as His children. The theme of this series is simple: God seeks to stretch us to go beyond our comfort zone so He can grow our character. In life, there are two more

  • God's Removal Strategy-1(2017) Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 14, 2017

    1 of? Genesis records God’s strategy for Removing the Legacy of Wickedness. But what does His strategy address? God’s strategy for removal(the legacy of wickedness) addresses/engages...

    Series: SUPPLANTING The LEGACY Of WICKEDNESS—Genesis 6:9—10:32 A—GOD's REMOVAL STRATEGY-I—Genesis 6:9-22 Toward Removing the Legacy of Wickedness B—REMOVAL—Genesis 7:1-24 C—SALVATION—Genesis 8:1-19 D—RESPONSE—Genesis 8:20-22 E—POTENTIAL For RESTORATION—Genesis 9:1-19 F—SAME Ol’ SAME Ol’—Genesis more

  • Fruit That Is Always In Season: Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jun 4, 2017

    Faithful people stick with others. Find out how God is particularly sticky.

    Who can identify this fruit? (Show picture.) It looks a bit like a coconut, but it isn’t. It’s about the size of an orange and it grows in the Amazon. This fruit is called bacuri. The part that you eat is the sticky white pulp in the middle, which they say tastes sweet and sour at the same time. more

  • It Takes Faith (Part Four) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jul 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Last week we looked at Hebrews 11:5-6 and the account of Enoch. The next verse in Hebrews talks about Enoch's great-grandson, Noah. As we continue our series on what it takes faith to do we'll see how it takes faith to commit to the seemingly impossible.

    IT TAKES FAITH (part four) Hebrews 11:7 INTRODUCTION: Last week we looked at Hebrews 11:5-6 and the account of Enoch. The next verse in Hebrews talks about Enoch's great-grandson, Noah. As we continue our series on what it takes faith to do we'll see it takes faith to commit to the seemingly more

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