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  • Thanksgiving Day Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings


    BIG IDEA: KEEP YOUR HEART TENDER FOR PRAISING THE LORD JOYFULLY AND WORSHIPPING THE LORD HUMBLY (some major points and commentary from John Cobb) I. (:1-5) PRAISE THE LORD JOYFULLY A. (:1-2) Call to Praise the Lord Joyfully 1. "Let us" -- Corporate emphasis; not enough to praise the Lord on more

  • Thanksgiving Days

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Jan 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Let our Thanksgiving Days be public, purposeful, passionate, and perpetual in remembering the One from whom all blessings flow.

    Thanksgiving Days 11/26/06 AM Reading: Psalms 100 Introduction What do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving Day? For some Thanksgiving Day is all about the food. Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, yams, mmm good! For others, Thanksgiving Day means FOOTBALL!!! They stay glued to more

  • Thanksgiving Day

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Nov 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Apostle Paul did not write 365 thank-you notes. But he did write about one-half of the letters that make-up the New Testament. And Paul’s letters overflow with thanksgiving.

    Gratitude is an intentional way of thinking about receiving a benefit and giving credit to others beside oneself for that benefit. Practicing gratitude magnifies positive feelings more than it reduces negative feelings. To illustrate: John Kralik found his life at a terrible, frightening low more

  • What Is Thanksgiving Day? Series

    Contributed by Eugene Pansler Jr on Nov 23, 2020

    what is Thanksgiving Day

    What is Thanksgiving Day, is it a time for family, is it a time for watching football, or is Thanksgiving a time of Black Friday. What is Thanksgiving Day, (first, second, third), Thanksgiving Day is a time to: 1. Remember God's Grace. What is Thanksgiving Day, it is a time more

  • Un-Thanksgiving Day

    Contributed by David Campbell on Nov 23, 2001
    based on 96 ratings

    How NOT to celebrate Thanksgiving!

    "UNTHANKSGIVING DAY" Luke 12:16-21 Pastor Dave Campbell "And He told them this parable: "The ground of a certain man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, ’what shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ’this is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build more

  • Everyday Is Thanksgiving Day

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 24, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Whether we chose or not to participate in the abundant life God has given us and realize His generosity, Doesn't negate the fact that we have the opportunity to....and we should be thankful For the opportunity!

    Everyday is "Thanksgiving Day" With all the talk lately, about the decisions of corporate America, to open on thanksgiving, Instead of the normal Black Friday push of the early am hours, only the diehard bargain hunters flock to. There's a lot of hoopla, everything from that's disrespecting the more

  • B. Thanksgiving Day. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 27, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    November 28th, 2024.

    Joel 2:21-27, Psalm 126:1-6, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Matthew 6:25-33 A). RESTORATION. Joel 2:21-27. The locusts, and their like, had eaten away many years of Israel’s history (cf. Joel 1:4), with devastating results. Not only was the land wasted for the farmers and winemakers, but also the more

  • Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 4, 2018

    For the fact that Mother Josephine proclaimed that I was good for nothing, thank you. For the sarcasm of the Mother Superior: her harsh voice, her injustices, her irony and for the bread of humiliation, thank you.

    Thanksgiving What did one turkey say to the other when they saw the Pilgrims? They look nice. Maybe they’ll have us over for dinner. Our company gives out Thanksgiving turkeys to retired employees. All they have to do is stop by the plant to pick them up. A few days before the holiday, a retiree more

  • The Truth About Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Nov 15, 2005
    based on 117 ratings

    Thanksgiving Day Sermon

    THE TRUTH ABOUT THANKSGIVING A young woman teacher with obvious liberal tendencies explains to her class of small children that she is an atheist. She asks her class if they are atheists too. Not really knowing what atheism is but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air more

  • A Thanksgiving To Remember

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Nov 27, 2013

    Thanksgiving Day for Christians (Christ-ones) is a prelude to an everlasting Day of Thanks.

    A Thanksgiving to Remember: Revelation 7:9-12 Thanksgiving Day in our country has deviated so from what it was intended to be. In 1789, George Washington had said: “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his more

  • Happy Thanksgiving?

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Oct 19, 2014

    Will your Thanksgiving Day be more about sports and food than about thanking God?

    One of the basic values of Judaism is hakarat hatov – the gratitude to others for favors and help extended to one. This concept is even embodied in the relationship of a Jew with one’s Creator. Ingratitude towards the Creator Who has granted us life and all of its attendant benefits is more

  • Thanksgiving 2017 Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Jul 2, 2020

    A thanksgiving day sermon. Three attitudes of people when it comes to thanksgiving.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: A thanksgiving day sermon. Three attitudes of people when it comes to more

  • Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    For this Thanksgiving Day message we focused on thanking God for people and on thanking people who have served God by serving us.

    Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13, 2002 All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten. All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate-school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School. more

  • Thanksgiving Life

    Contributed by Jason Noble on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    We should celebrate a Thanksgiving Life rather than a Thanksgiving Day only.

    Thanksgiving Life Php 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Thankful For: 1. The Son He Gave John 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in more

  • Thanksgiving...all The Way!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Nov 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A message on the subject of "Thanksgiving" with the annual Thanksgiving day on the anvil!!!

    Thanksgiving…all the way!!! Of atheists it is said…a bad moment for an atheist is when he feels grateful, and has no one to thank. Here is a tragi-comic “atheistic” story echoing the same sentiments even more

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