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  • Christian Know The Time Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on May 25, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    Christian, do you know the time? We are admonished to be aware of the time and that things are drawing near. Let’s examine God’s word to us today...

    Christian, know the Time Time to awaken out of sleep and to cast off the works of darkness Time to walk straight Time to put on the Lord Jesus Christ If you had a bank that credited your account each morning with $86,000 that carried over no balance from day to day...Allowed you to keep no cash more

  • The Gospel According To Grace

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Our study through Romans will be a blast! Submerged in Grace!

    1. THE CONSTITUTION of the United States: Important. • The Bill of Rights: Important. • The Emancipation Proclamation: Important. • We can think of document after document, and book after book, and even letter after letter that are very important. • We think ‘what would life be without them!’? BUT more

  • Come Away From Complacency

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 24, 2014

    A sermon from Song of Solomon 5:2-6:1 on marriage and also our relationship with Jesus Christ (Outline and much material adapted from Alan Carr at:

    HoHum: H.W. Jurgen, a West German sociologist, claims that married couples chat with one another 70 minutes a day in the first year of their marriage. This drops to 30 minutes a day in the second year and then only to 15 minutes a day in the 4th. His research shows that by the eighth year, a more

  • Snatched From The Fire

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Feb 20, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Do you know where you will spend eternity? Are you so completely morally pure that you do not fear judgement? How can anyone know that they can be saved? Only by trusting in Christ and His merits.

    Jude verses 20-25 Snatched from the fire One day a young boy sat in a pew at church, listening attentively to the sermon on the consequences of the fall into sin. His eyes grew wide as the pastor’s voice rose while he quoted from Genesis 3:19; “You are dust and to dust you more

  • Tongues 8 Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Mar 26, 2013

    Today, Pentecostalism is a fast growing, mainstream movement with its modern epicenter found in 19th century with the Holiness movement.

    Tongues 8 Oct. 3, 2012 Dr. Mike Fogerson A A few weeks ago I taught how there was an unbroken line on gifts through out the history of the church (first century, medieval, modern era.) 1 Today, Pentecostalism is a fast growing, mainstream movement with its modern epicenter found in 19th century more

  • Diagnoses And Cure Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Sin is our condition, the Cross is the cure.

    Introduction The best carpenter in the county was asked, "Which is your best tool?" Instead of pointing to a costly power saw or drill, he picked up a simple square and said, "This is the best tool; it makes all the others work." Let us not overlook our best tool; the simple gospel (Rom. 1:16). In more

  • The Methods Of The Master. Series

    Contributed by Jack Harris on Aug 14, 2010

    Jesus' methods in selecting His followers.

    THE METHODS OF THE MASTER John 1:35-51 Int. When our Lord Jesus began His efforts to establish the Kingdom of God among men, He chose to do so by using methods that were completely different from the strategies that others have used down through history. Everything that He taught as well as more

  • One Way To Know God Better Series

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Jan 11, 2011

    Fasting is one way we can grow to know God better. Fasting involves agreement, alignment, and then God’s assignment. The three A’s are from Stovall Weems

    Pursing Jesus: TO KNOW GOD BETTER January 9, 2011 Jay Davis Robison Joel 2:12-32 So let me ask you, Have you broken it yet? New Year’s resolution To go on a diet, or be on time, save $$ or improve a relationship Talked to a guy to resolved to quit smoking asked how’s it going? Great more

  • If The Foundations Fail Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Mar 3, 2011

    We can overcome past problems and acknowledge the patterns of promise.

    Introduction: A IL. B David lived in a time when the moral decline seemed like it was beyond the point of no return. Psalm 11.3 TLB 1 It’s impossible to isolate ourselves from the evils of this world. 2 Ps. 11.1-3 TLB; Our Amish/Mennonite brother’s, even with their extreme views of separation more

  • How Do We Anticipate The Kingdom?

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We all talk and sing about the Lord's return and the establishment of the Kingdom. But how do we live this hope out?

    How do We Anticipate the Kingdom? Romans 15:1-13 We live a life of expectation. In the Evangelical churches, we are busily occupied in the task of examining the prophecy of Scripture to determine if this is the season that the Lord will return. We don’t all agree on the particular order of events, more

  • A Living Revelation Of Jesus Christ – Part 1: Our High Priest And Brother Series

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Nov 13, 2018

    Right now you need a revelation that Jesus is just as alive today as He was during His ministry in Judea.

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit Right now you need a revelation that Jesus is just as alive today as He was during His ministry in Judea. Often, we tend to separate the two stages of Jesus's life more

  • One Thing

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Aug 11, 2015

    The Sermon on the Plain---a level teaching place that Jesus used to conquer the flesh of man in the truth of heart to live the best life possible in the midst of evil and sins.

    ONE THING by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (August 9 "And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, to be healed of their more

  • The Gospel: Opposes Legalism Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 4, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    There is a monumental issue at stake. The Gospel of Grace is being weighed in the balance. Donft turn Christianity into a list of rules. It takes extra work to be Spirit led.

    How would you like to walk up to the man who preached the Pentecost sermon, get up close to his face, (this man who walked on water), look him straight in the eye in front of a crowd of people and say, Peter my buddy, Cephas old pal, you are not preaching the true gospel. You better straiten up and more

  • Putting Out The Wild Fire Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jun 25, 2012

    The sins of the toungue are like a wild fire in process. God can control our words and put out the devastation of the fire of our lips.

    1. Speech, the Importance of: Pianist Arthur Rubenstein, who could speak in eight languages, once told this story on himself: Some years ago he had a stubborn case of hoarseness. The newspapers were full of reports about smoking and cancer; so he decided to consult a throat specialist. "I searched more

  • Why Does Revival Terry #1

    Contributed by Dale Carter Sr. on Jul 1, 2021

    There are many reasons that holding back revival.

    Why Does Revival Terry? (Series #1) Dale Carter Sr. Harvest Fellowship Community Church June 27, 2021 1 Sam 1:8-17 8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons? 9 So Hannah rose up more

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