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  • The Coming Lord Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Oct 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Israel in Malachi’s day was wanting Him to come, but they weren’t ready. When He comes again, He will cleanse them, judge them, & cleanse them!

    Malachi Series The Coming Lord (7 of 12) July 21, 2013 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction A Malachi 2:17 (NASB) 17 You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, "How have we wearied Him?" In that you say, "Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of more

  • The Lord's Prayer Series

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 190 ratings

    This prayer was addressed to the Father, but intended to be overheard.

    This remarkable model prayer contains none of the things that take up so much room in our prayers. Boston newspaper reported on a prayer given by a noted clergyman: “one of the most eloquent prayers ever delivered to a Boston audience.” Lyndon Johnson’s press secretary, Bill Moyers, was more

  • The Ark Of The Lord

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 120 ratings

    The story of the Ark’s return to Jerusalem is a sharp reminder of what happens if God’s instructions are flouted and the blessing that obedience brings.

    THE ARK OF THE LORD I expect some of you will, like me, have wasted a couple of hours watching the film "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark". It’s a fantasy adventure story loosely based on the fact that the Ark of the Covenant was lost without trace nearly two and a half thousand more

  • Ministering To The Lord

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Jun 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    How do we minister to the Lord? What does that even mean? In this message, we are going to find out together what ministering to the Lord really is and how to do that in order to remain in the presence of our God.

    Our theme verse for this message is 1 John 4:19 LEB 19 We love, because he first loved us. Where Is The Lord? We live in a time where many are far from the Lord. And many say that God doesn’t answer. Where is the manifestation of the power of God? But Jesus prayed that we would be one in them more

  • Return To The Lord

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Jun 20, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We are right to emphasize that God loves us, but we too easily forget that because he loves us he wants us to be the best we can be and calls us to a deep repentance.

    Return to the Lord Isaiah 1:12-20 Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Rev. Stephen Aram We live in a time when the church really emphasizes the mercy and grace of God. How many times have you heard it said that God loves us just the way we are and that he will be there any time we call? And more

  • The Lord Provides

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Apr 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This is a good psalm that turns our minds and hearts to thank God for his provision and good works.

    Psalm 111:1-10 The Lord Provides 1/16/11 D. Marion Clark Introduction This is a good psalm that turns our minds and hearts to thank God for his provision and good works. Text Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the more

  • The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Neil Olcott on Nov 6, 2002
    based on 126 ratings

    A sermon to help teach the biblical basis for the Lord’s Supper with a lot of help from John MacArthur’s commentary on this text.

    Date: 11-3-02 Title: The Lord’s Supper Bible Text: Matthew 26:26-30 Intro: What is the Lord’s Supper really all about? Do we fully understand what this monthly ritual we participate in is supposed to mean? Or do we just do the Lord’s Supper because, well, because that is what a person does at more

  • Seek The Lord Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 23, 2011
    based on 38 ratings

    This revival was a result of King Asa's personal seeking of God and leading the nation to seek God. Then even against incredible odds they continued to trust God and rely on His intervention and by God’s grace defeated their enemy.

    2 Chronicles 14-16 SEEK THE LORD [1 Kings 15:9-24] God is not limited. Though usually God brings revival during times of apostasy and tragedy, He can also bring revival during times of reformation and prosperity. The revival in the fifteenth year of the Judean King Asa was during a more

  • The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by David Moore on May 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    To show the conditions before, the condemnation by and the comfort in the Day of the Lord.

    Zephaniah The Day of the Lord Text: Zephaniah 1:1-7 Introduction: I would dare say that not one person in a thousand has heard a message from the book of Zephaniah. This little prophecy just three chapters long is one of the most overlooked passages of Scripture in all God’s Word. Unquoted from more

  • Fear Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 20, 2018

    Message 12 in our exposition of Nehemiah continuing the exploration of the fear of the Lord.

    Chico Alliance Church FEAR OF THE LORD REVIEW Nehemiah has rallied the once discouraged and despondent people of Jerusalem to join together in a difficult project against tremendous opposition. Because of Nehemiah's prayerful leadership, the once crumbled walls of Jerusalem were restored and its more

  • Rejoice In The Lord Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 2, 2018

    Message 24 from Philippians. This is Part one of two Messages exploring the admonition to rejoice in the Lord.

    “Rejoice in the Lord” • Stand firm in the Lord 4:1 • Harmonize in the Lord 4:2-3 • Rejoice in the Lord 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 Whenever something appears multiple times in the Bible, it is worth giving more attention. This topic appears multiple more

  • Delighting In The Lord

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    Are you enjoying God? Are you enjoying all the trimmings? Sermon begins with a clip from movie "What about Bob?" and discusses how we enjoy our journey with God.

    Delighting in the Lord Ps 37:4[1] 5-29-05 Intro I want to introduce the message this morning with a clip from the movie, “What About Bob?” Ch 9: (0:49:36) to (0:51:22) Our subject this morning is: Delight yourself in the Lord. Bob’s attitude toward his meal gives us some idea of what it means more

  • The Day Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 18 ratings

    Paul wrote this section to clarify what would precede the Day of the Lord. Several events must occur before the Great Tribulation will arrive.

    2 THESSALONIANS 2: 1-5 THE DAY OF THE LORD [1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11] This section contains truths found nowhere else in the Bible. It is key to understanding future events and it is central to the letter. The church at Thessalonica found itself, much as we are at times, in a state of more

  • Bless The Lord

    Contributed by Lindsey Mann on Jun 2, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A study of Psalm 103

    Bless the LORD, O my soul: Bless means to make someone happy, make someone enviable, and to make someone prosperous. When we worship and honour the Lord we actually make Him happy, enviable and prosperous. Sounds absurd doesn’t it? There is Almighty God, totally self reliant and self more

  • Jesus Is Lord Of All, Or He Is Not Lord At All

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A challenge to professing Christians who claim allegiance to Christ as Master of life, though they do not reveal His reign over their lives.

    “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” All else being equal, we have as much power in our service before the Lord as we have obedience to His commands. We enjoy great music provided by some of the most talented musicians any church could hope to enjoy, wonderful more

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