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  • Convictions

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 1, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We usually determine what is right or wrong according to our convictions.

    We usually determine what is right or wrong according to our convictions. Many people do not have their own convictions. They are based on what others think. What our parents taught us. Maybe even what the Pastor thinks. God wants us to have our own convictions. Matthew 16:13-16. I am a Baptist by more

  • Courage And Conviction

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 2, 2020

    Why do you think our society is falling apart around us? Why do you think we have reached the present state of moral corruption and violence in America? Why are the foundation of our homes falling apart?

    Why do you think our society is falling apart around us? Why do you think we have reached the present state of moral corruption and violence in America? Why are the foundation of our homes falling apart? Why are so many people struggling with their very existence, having no real purpose for living? more

  • Commitment

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 5, 2020

    I believe the greatest need we have in Christianity today is: Total Commitment of our Lives to the Lord

    According to Romans 12:1; Total commitment is something we can and must do. It is an act of our will. The problem is that very little is said about total commitment. It is seen in our everyday life. • If you don’t like your job…. quit • If you don’t feel like working…. call in sick • If your more

  • Unfit For The Battle

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 6, 2020

    The Christian life is a spiritual warfare. The success of any warfare depends on the soldiers as well as their Captain. Many soldiers in God's army are unfit for the battle.

    This chapter contains the Law of God for the Israelites on the subject of battle. In this chapter, as God gives this law, He lists four classes of people who are unfit the battle. I. Those Whose Dedication is Incomplete 1. I’m concerned when I see so many Christians dedicated to everything but more

  • Glorying In The Cross

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    According to Merriam Webster, glory in something means to show joy or pleasure because of (something). What do we glory in? Is it temporary or eternal? When you glory in the cross you can have joy and faith in the very thing that was used to bridge the gap between God and man.

    This is the conclusion to Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Not long after the gospel was preached here and people were saved, there came in a group of people who were called Judaizers. They taught that is was not enough for a person to just embrace Jesus Christ, but that they also had to embrace the more

  • Death, The Passing Of A Loved One Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When we experience death of someone close it can affect us not only physically, but spiritually. It is good to know that God's word is a comfort to us in those hard times.

    I. At Death, Our Feelings are Affected Like no Other Time. 1. A time when our feelings turn to our memories. a. Memories as husband/wife b. Memories as a father/mother c. Memories as a friend 2. A time when our feelings will find a void or an empty place. a. Take your feelings to Christ b. The more

  • How Will You Die? Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 30, 2020

    I don’t mean by what means will you die, like an accident, heart attack, or cancer. But by what spiritual state will your life be in when you die. In the bible, many have died in many different conditions.

    I don’t mean by what means will you die, like an accident, heart attack, or cancer. But by what spiritual state will your life be in when you die. In the bible, many have died in many different conditions. 1. Rich man died unprepared. Luke 16 2. Ananias died unclean. Acts 5 3. Stephen died more

  • What Is Death? Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 30, 2020

    There is much interest today when it comes to the subject of death. People want to know about themselves, about loved ones. They want guarantees.

    1. Death is something all men face a. Hebrews 9:27 b. Ecclesiastes 9:5 c. Ecclesiastes 8:8 2. Death is not to be feared. Revelation 1:17-18 a. Jesus conquered death. Hebrews 2:14-15 b. Jesus has changed death. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-15 c. Jesus controls death 3. In studying death, stay with the bible more

  • The Great Escape Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 31, 2020

    There are only two ways we will ever escape this life: death or the rapture. For many, the word death, is a cold, fearful word. According to the bible, death is our friend, only a means to transport us from one life to another.

    1. Death is not a secret thing that no one knows about. We know it is coming. We just don’t know when. a. Ecclesiastes 9:5; Hebrews 9:27 b. Job 38:17; Psalm 9:13 2. There is no way to stop death when it knocks. Ecclesiastes 8:8 3. Death is not to be a sad or unhappy experience. Psalm 116:15; Psalm more

  • How To Live With Your Mind Made Up

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 6, 2020

    At times, I wish more of the decisions of life were like the decision we made at salvation. A one-time thing. But it seems every day we are called on to make decisions, we just made the day before.

    1. Jesus was confronted with indecision His entire life. a. Not personally, but with and in His ministry b. He was continually giving people a choice c. John 6:60,61, 64-69 d. Matthew 10:32 2. Decisions were not strange to Paul a. Paul chose to serve Jesus b. He could have gloried in the flesh, but more

  • The Problem Of Depression

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Dr. Tim LaHaye says of over 200,000 people, that have been to his meetings, everyone has admitted at some time they have been depressed. I know in my life it is the most helpless feeling I have ever known.

    Let me share some known facts about depression with you. 1. For many years’ depression has been the nations #1 emotional illness. 2. Between 50,000 and 70,000 people commit suicide each year, and most are depressed. 3. The National Institute of Mental Health says, “125,000 Americans are more

  • Defense Against Discouragement

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 22, 2020

    The children of Israel have just had a great victory and deliverance from Egypt. They crossed the Red Sea. They are praising the Lord for what He has done.

    In the Baptist churches alone, there are over 1,000 preachers a year that leave the ministry, why? There is no way of numbering the Christians that forsake Christ and His church, just simply give up and quit. Why is this going on? I think the main reason is because of discouragement. I think this more

  • The Disciplined Christian

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 22, 2020

    Michael Jordan's mindset. It says genetics may determine the starting line, but hard work and discipline determines the finish line.

    A Bible look at the disciplined Christian. If there ever was a need in our land today for discipline it is definitely today. 1. In our nation 2. In our home 3. In our school 4. In our church The life of Paul is a perfect example. 1 Corinthians 9:19-27 Discipline in the dictionary has several more

  • How To Know You Are Saved

    Contributed by Grant Adams on May 3, 2020

    One of the birthrights that God gives to each one of his children is the assurance of their Salvation. I can't think of anything more important in the Christian life than knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have eternal life.

    One of the birthrights that God gives to each one of his children is the assurance of their Salvation. I can't think of anything more important in the Christian life than knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have eternal life. Someone once told me, “If Satan cannot get you to drink, he more

  • The Truth About The Security Of The Believer

    Contributed by Grant Adams on May 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    God does all things well. God’s work always bears with it a twofold mark. His work is always perfect and His work is always complete.

    1. God does all things well. God’s work always bears with it a twofold mark. a. God’s work is always perfect. 1) Verse 3, Peter says salvation is being begotten again, being born again. 2) John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23; There are no abnormal births in the family of God. 3) Salvation is a work of God. It more

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