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  • Through Our Works Of Service - Abilities & Personality? Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on May 7, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    A short series on how people can serve God

    Through Our Works of Service - Abilities & Personality? Gladstone Baptist Church - 12/6/05 In 1658 a young Italian boy lived in the town of Cremona. Legend has it, that like his townsfolk, Antonio loved music. Cremona was a town where musical ability was highly valued. But poor Antonio was more

  • We Know That Jesus Has Thoughtful Care For Us.

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Nov 28, 2009

    Jesus cares about all of our life

    We know that Jesus has thoughtful care for us. John 2:2-12 The Bible is very good at dates for we read here that three days after Nathaniel was brought to Jesus they went to a wedding. We are not told why Jesus was invited to this wedding. This I know He will go where He is needed and that is good more

  • Feast Or Famine Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 47 ratings

    Ever experienced a famine in your life, a spiritual lack, a time of trial? What do you do? This sermons looks at how to turn your famine into a feast.

    From Famine to Feast Ruth 1:1-14 In the first of this series we began to look at Abrahams life and to look at his example of the footsteps of faith he took. In Genesis 12 he left Canaan for Egypt because of famine. This sermon is a stand alone but answers the question how to turn your famine into more

  • The Trinity 8 - Revelation Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Apr 21, 2015

    The Trinity 8 - Revelation

    THE TRINITY 8 REVELATION 11/25/12 Today we are continuing our study in the blessed and holy doctrine of the Trinity, that is the triune nature of God. That teaching that tells us that “Within the one being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons, namely more

  • The Trinity 9 - Shadows In The Ot Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Apr 21, 2015

    The Trinity 9 - Shadows in the OT

    THE TRINITY 9 Shadows in the OT 1/06/13 I found the following comic a few weeks ago. It has Moses with the ten commandments looking up saying “These are plenty complicated enough for now, why don’t we save the Trinity stuff for later.” I thought that was kind of cute of more

  • The Trinity 10 - The Trinity In The Nt Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Apr 26, 2015

    The Trinity 10 - The Trinity in the NT

    The Trinity 10 - The Trinity in the NT 1/13/13 In the introduction to his book “A Call to Spiritual Reformation” D.A. Carson writes that following; “The one thing we most urgently need in Western Christendom is a deeper knowledge of God. We need to know God better. When it more

  • The Trinity 11 - The Trinity In The Nt 2 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Apr 26, 2015

    The Trinity 11 - The Trinity in the NT 2

    The Trinity 11 - The Trinity in the NT 2 1/20/13 I thought I would do a little show and tell today. I brought in this little fellow. (Picture on screen). This little guy is an ancient idol. This was made in Egypt around 664-525 BC. It is little statue of the Egyptian god Bes. He is more

  • Almost Revival Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 6, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Don't take God's grace for granted. Trust in God personally. Be convinced that His Word is true and His ways are right.

    Joash had a remarkable start to life. As an infant, he was miraculously rescued by his aunt Jehosheba and hidden in the temple of the Lord for 6 years. • His grandmother Athaliah had seized power and killed all the royal princes in his family. Joash was literally plucked from the fire. • He was more

  • Search Your Motives

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Jul 9, 2016


    SEARCH YOUR MOTIVES MAIN TEXT: PROVERBS 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts. PROVERBS 16:2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the spirits. Our motive always must reflect a desire to please God, and not to impress more

  • Conviction Versus Culture

    Contributed by J Richison on Aug 10, 2017

    It is more important that our young people pray through to an experience for their self then to borrow from our experience.

    Conviction vs. Culture I Samuel 3:1-4 The peril of any church, nation, or corporation is when the vision is carried out by those who never had it. Conviction – The state of being convinced with a strong persuasion about a particular idea or belief. To be overpowered by an idea. Culture – more

  • Jacob The Spiritual Giver Lesson 1 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 5, 2016

    Jacob told them his testimony: what you were like before salvation, what you did to receive Christ and how you were changed.

    A. INTRODUCTION: GENESIS 48:1-22 1. What can a “poor” grandfather give to a son who has everything? 2. What can an absentee grandfather give to children he seldom sees? 3. What can a physically weak grandfather give to his grandchildren? 4. What can a grandfather give, who has nothing left to more

  • Getting Off Dead Center Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Mar 28, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    A reminder that anyone can successfully share some element of the good news with someone who needs to hear it.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer my simple survey over the past 3 weeks! I was thinking I might end up with some really creative tools and ideas for all of us when it comes to sharing our faith. I expected that, at the end of this series on getting evangelism in hand, I might share more

  • Called To Be Holy

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on May 1, 2016

    As Christians we've all been called to be Holy, but what does that calling entail?

    For those of you who have kids, do you remember when your children were little, and you envisioned all they could be? You never pictured them as being average, normal yes, average no. You had high expectations for what your child could be and would be. If they played hockey they’d be the more

  • Is This Your Final Answer?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 29, 2022

    The television game show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” offers very large cash The The television game show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” offers very large cash prizes for correctly answering successive multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty.

    Regis Philbin is the host of the show, and after asking each question, he will say, “IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER?” Each day we are asked many questions, and some of these questions make life difficult for us. Illus: You decide to stop by a fast-food restaurant to get a hamburger. Now that should more

  • Paul's Paradoxical Personality Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 19, 2021

    Paul took seriously the obviously impossible goal of being all things to all men. The result is, he had the potential for pleasing everybody, but also for aggravating everybody ,and Paul was quite good at both.

    A lion, a fox, an a hyena were moving through the jungle collecting their dinner. When they were done they had gotten a large pile of animals. The lion said to the hyena, "Why don't you go over and divide the pile into three equal parts." The hungry hyena said, "Sure." He more

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