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  • Building The Walls And Hanging The Gates

    Contributed by Rev. Richard Norman on Apr 12, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Prayer is the first step to achieving desired results.

    Building the Walls and Hanging the Gates October 29, 2006 Penn Yan NY Neh 1:1-5 In the month of Kislev in the twentieth year, while I was in the citadel of Susa, 2 Hanani, one of my brothers, came from Judah with some other men, and I questioned them about the Jewish remnant that survived the more

  • Role Models

    Contributed by Don Jones on Jun 19, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Steps to being or picking a godly role model.

    5-14-06 2 Timothy 2:14-26 Role Models West Glendale Baptist Church Pastor Don Jones Cue slide: Title with Scripture We are in crisis in our country. It seems that there is a short supply of role models. Charles Barkley, years ago, when asked about his influence over younger kids simply more

  • God's Word Provides Hope Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Jun 15, 2007
    based on 29 ratings

    Steps to finding hope in God’s Word.

    God’s Word Produces Hope – Romans 15:4 Part 3 of 4 in the series, “A Time for Hope” We’re in the series on hope and so far we’ve established two things that bring hope. First, we found out that persistent prayer produces hope. Jesus told us “don’t quit praying!” Then last week we were more

  • Being In Christ

    Contributed by Ken Mowery on Dec 18, 2006

    Steps to maturity in Christ begin with being in Christ.

    Matthew 28:18-20 18And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I more

  • Changing Your Bitter Life Into A Better Life Series

    Contributed by Glenn Arellano on Aug 22, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    This is sermon is about biblical steps on overcoming bitterness.

    Series: Where Is God When It really Hurts Topic: Changing Your Bitter Life into A Better Life Offenses and pain are bound to happen especially in our relationship with people. These things will be faced by us even if we try to avoid them because we are living with people who are imperfect like us. more

  • How To Handle Dead Ends

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Aug 31, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    Four steps to aid in handling dead ends

    How to Handle Dead Ends Romans 4:16-21 Oftentimes things do not always go as planned! At times, life is filled with dead ends. There are occupational dead-ends, financial dead-ends, relationship dead-ends, legal dead-ends – many and various dead-ends. How more

  • True Repentance

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Dec 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    There are some steps to be followed where there is true repentance.

    TRUE REPENTANCE Text: James 4:7-10 (NLT) So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, you hypocrites. Let there be tears for the wrong things you have done. more

  • Accurate Mindset For Evangelism

    Contributed by David Ibeleme on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Some simple steps Needed to reach the lost

    Accurate Mindset for Evangelism Jn. 15:16; Lk. 19:13 Bishop David Ibeleme God’s heartbeat is Evangelism/soul-winning – Lk. 19:1-10; Mt. 9:35ff. Jesus was a soul winner – 1 Tim.1:15; Lk.19:10. Soul Winning is the greatest call. Every other call can only be second to this call – Eph.4; 2 Cor. more

  • The Path Of Discipleship | Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Oct 5, 2010

    These are the third and fourth steps along the PATH of discipleship.

    The PATH of Discipleship Part II Isaac Butterworth October 3, 2010 Mark 12:28-34 (NIV) 28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" 29 "The most more

  • Becoming The Tither You Secretly Desire

    Contributed by Bryan Fink on Feb 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Encouraging people to take the next step to tithing.

    Theme: Tithing Task: To help God’s people make this the year of their tithe. Title: Help for Becoming the Tither You Secretly Desire Time: November 12, 2006 I am so very excited to be able to preach today. I get to proclaim one of the most exciting activities in the Christian life. I more

  • Have You Chased A Lion Today

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on May 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Life should be us stepping up to challenges

    1 Samuel 17:34-35 And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: 35 And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote more

  • Setting Goals For Success Series

    Contributed by Sesan Banjo on Jan 10, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Goal setting - a vital step to success in life.

    SUCCESS DIGEST WITH PASTOR SESAN BANJO Phone:+234-8035546154; +254-701519052; +254-774276133 SETTING GOALS FOR SUCCESS What is Success? Success could mean the progressive realization or actualization of a predetermined worthwhile goal. Success in life, family, more

  • What Time Is It

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jan 12, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A Message calling the church to step up for Christ.

    What Time Is It? Haggai 1:1-11 / Romans 13:11-14 * (READ Haggai) In 1969 a rock album entitled “The Chicago Transit Authority” was released with huge success. One of the songs on that album was entitled “Does anybody really know what time it is.” Candidly, that song is considered a rock classic more

  • How To Make A Memorial

    Contributed by Robert Tallent on May 25, 2019

    The steps that must be taken in order to make a memorial

    How to Make a Memorial Joshua 3:7-13 This is the first memorial made by the Israelite's about what God had done 1.You’ve got to Please God vs 8 He has to be obeyed A preacher named Bill had more

  • Learning To Walk Naturally In The Supernatural Anointing Of God - Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 5, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Steps to Walking Naturally in the Anointing – Part 1

    A. Abide in Him "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. more

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