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  • “stepping Up To The Plate!” Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Jun 15, 2011

    Sermon Series I preach when our Church went through Rick Warren's C.L.A.S.S. Christian Life And Service Seminars Thanks to Rick Warren for the Foundation of this Sermon Series

    Ephesians 4:14-15 “Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing more

  • Steps In Order To See God At Work

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God works in mysterious and miraculous ways when we take the proper steps to allow Him to do His work.

    STEPS IN ORDER TO SEE GOD AT WORK Luke 1:5-25 Proposition: Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to look to where God is at work in our lives, our church and our community. INTRODUCTION: Illus: A missionary went to a remote Indian village in Peru. If you were to visit the main more

  • Steps For Exercising The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes we are reluctant to know our gifts. Moses was pulling back from using the gifts God had given him not realizing that God had already given him all he needed. Are we obedient to God so that He can use us as a perfect vessel for His glory?

    Opening illustration: Have you ever felt torn in two or more directions when considering how to serve in your church or what job to take? Since you probably can’t do everything you’re asked to do, how do you decide which opportunities for service are best suited for you? Many will be able to relate more

  • Seven Steps To Receiving God's Miracles Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jun 5, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    God wants to perform a miracle in your life.

    June 7, 2009 Morning Worship Text: Joshua 3:5-17 Subject: Miracles Title: Seven Steps to Receiving God’s Miracles Today I want to begin a series on receiving God’s miracles. Today and then for the next seven sermons we will touch on the seven steps to receive a miracle in your life. Do you more

  • The Steps To True Prosperity Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jul 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    • Last week we discussed some other steps to walk in true prosperity. o All of the laws that govern prosperity hang on the law of love. o We must always make decisions that line up with love to develop the character of love. o God is not going to put

    Introduction • Last week we discussed some other steps to walk in true prosperity. o All of the laws that govern prosperity hang on the law of love. o We must always make decisions that line up with love to develop the character of love. o God is not going to put financial wealth, more

  • 9 Steps To Reach Your Goal

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 254 ratings

    To get where you believe God wants you to go and be what you know God wants you to be, there are several steps you need to take that will get you focused

    9 STEPS TO REACH YOUR GOAL (I was blessed and inspired as I read the daily devotional from Rick Warren that’s why I uploaded it here after little editing. I’m sure that you will be blessed and inspired also as you read the wisdom from God given to Rick. All credit to the original writer and the more

  • Take 6 Steps And Praise God

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    As David was returning the ARK OF THE LORD, he learned a few lessons, DAVID LEARNED PRAISE AND WORSHIP... Are we like Martha or Mary?

    TAKE SIX STEPS! WHY PRAISE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I HAVE SOME GLASS MARBLES, SOME GRAPES, AND SOME GRAPE JUICE... TO ILLUSTRATE THIS LESSON... This lesson is kind of like the DIFFERENCE IN MARBLES and GRAPES... MARBLES are single units doing their own thing. When more

  • 9 Covenant Friendship Steps (#2)

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 4, 2014

    Ther are 9 steps to a friendship covenant agreement: Exchange of coats, excjange of belt or weapon, blood, right arm, name, listen, loaf of bread, scar, plant a tree...

    HERE IS A COVENANT AGREEMENT... 9 COVENANT STEPS... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. We give BIG MO of Alabama a special thanks for the fodder for this lesson. This is part two of a two part series... This could be taught alone... Message: Ephes. 2:11 But don't take any of this for more

  • Five Steps To Keeping A Postive Attitude

    Contributed by Rev. Timothy Porter on Dec 23, 2020

    Postive Attitude produces special ability

    5 Steps to a More Positive Attitude Did you know people with a positive attitude have a special ability? We’ve all heard of the “downward spiral,” that slippery slope many fall prey to when crisis comes and their ability to deal with whatever life throws their way goes out the window. It seems more

  • Simple Steps For An Extraordinary New Year

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 6, 2023

    Psalm 22 begins as a lament - a desperate plea to God from someone who knows how much he needs God. The terms are clear - without God there is no hope. With God there is always hope, and David gives us a map here, finding hope when challenges are all around us

    _____________ To receive sermon notes in your email inbox, subscribe here: To receive emails from John Dobbs on topics of faith, books, photography, and miscellany: To watch videos of sermons from Forsythe Church of Christ: more

  • Discipline - Growth Steps Lesson 8 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 18, 2023

    To know Him intimately and personally.

    A. INTRODUCTION: LADY WITH CATARACTS 1. Why was she motivated when told, “woman, it is your lack of faith?” 2. She asked, “How can I have more faith? The five fingers: a. First finger, “Blessed is he who hears” (Revelation 1:3). b. Second finger, “Read the Scriptures” (Revelation 1:3). c. Third more

  • 4 Steps To Guiding The Prodigal Child Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Oct 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    There are few challenges more difficult or more common than dealing with a wayward child. It’s frustrating, tests our limits emotionally, drives us to prayer, and can even leave us feeling like a failure. How can we handle this?

    The Challenge of Prodigal Children There are few challenges more difficult or more common than dealing with a wayward child. It’s frustrating, tests our limits emotionally, drives us to prayer, and can even leave us feeling like a failure. Many parents experience feelings of shame and regret when more

  • Our Next Big Step For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 27, 2018

    How can we take the next big step for Jesus? We must: 1. stay on target (vs. 20). 2. Travel (vs. 21). 3. Train other workers (vs. 22). 4. Trust each other (vs. 22). 5. Tarry until our work is done (vs. 22).

    Our Next Big Step for Jesus The Book of Acts - Part 69 Acts 19:20-22 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - January 11, 2015 BACKGROUND: *Remember that here in Acts 19, Paul was on his third missionary journey. His team was reaching many people in the city of Ephesus. They saw the Hand more

  • Stop Sleeping With Your Step Mum Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016

    The Corinthians were Paul's favourite church, but what a mess! Sexual sin was rife, including one young man sleeping with his step mum. So Paul has a fight on his hands...

    In the middle of what I think is Paul’s second most combative letter to one of his churches. The first is Galatians – where he is tackling the issue of Judaizers who want to take the believers away from grace and back to the law. The Corinthians were going the opposite way. They had more

  • Small Steps Toward Big Destruction Series

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Mar 1, 2016

    Part 3 of series on Samson

    Small Steps Toward Big Destruction Samson Week 3 We are in the middle of a 4-week series called Samson. In case you missed last week, let me give you a quick review. At this time in history, Israel had been conquered by and were being oppressed by the Philistines, and Samson was called by God to more

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