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  • Disciples Who Make A Difference Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Nov 2, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    Do you live an isolated, separate life because you think it is what God wants you to do?

    Disciples who Make A Difference How do we who are Believers relate to the world of which we are a part? We are fond of saying that ‘we are in the world, but not of the world.’ There are several warnings in the New Testament about becoming so comfortable in our culture that we are no longer a more

  • 12 Disciples - Philip & Bartholomew Series

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Aug 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Study of the lives of teh 12 Disciples

    12 Disciples – Philip & Bartholomew Monday 23rd October 06 Philip is the 5th disciple mentioned in Matthew 10:3 John 1:43 - 51 The name ‘Philip’ means “fond of horses” 1. Occupation & Call Jesus called Philip personally and Philip trusted Him and followed Him. Philip proved his faith by more

  • Being A Disciple, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 17, 2008

    Series beginning on becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ

    Being a disciple, Part 1 Matthew 11:28-30; 1 John 1 - Wednesday night we discussed the calling of the original 12 disciples - We looked at the importance of going because you are called - We also discussed Jesus already providing the way, so we are to simply follow - Today begins a series on being more

  • A Dynamic Church Makes Disciples Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Aug 19, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    God empowers the command to make disciples of Jesus with his Word and Spirit.

    Scripture Introduction “Aim first, then shoot,” would seem an obvious method for hitting a target. But when you try to teach sports, you find such simple advice must be often repeated. “Keep your eye on the ball.” “Look where you want to hit.” “Watch the football into your hands.” “Look at more

  • Being A Disciple, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Message about doing what is good, and living as a disciple of Christ.

    Being a Disciple, Part 2 -- (Doing what is good) Titus 3:1-7 Introduction - As we continue our series of being a disciple, this morning we will look at our speech - It is important as a disciple to continue working; and remembering where we came from - Titus was a friend of Paul, and a disciple more

  • Being A Disciple, Part 3 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 30, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon looking at being a model and mentor, demonstrating the life of Christ to others. Based off a daily devotion from "The Purpose Driven Life".

    Being a Disciple, Part 3 (Being a Model and Mentor) Philippians 3:17 Introduction Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. Philippians 3:17 (NIV) Pray - For us to mature, we need models and mentors. - Many people more

  • Being A Disciple, Part 4 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 6, 2008

    Final message in series about being a disciple; examine the cost of taking up your cross and following Christ.

    Being a Disciple, Part 4 Luke 9:23-26 Introduction - Read Luke 9:23-26 - We have been discussing being a disciple for the past few weeks, and today we bring the entire series to a close and wrap up the whole concept at once. - As believers, we have a price to pay that calls us first to more

  • Mary, Jesus First Disciple

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Dec 8, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    We often minimize the importance and impact of Mary, the mother of Jesus, because of fear that honoring and learning from her will lead to idolization, yet we can learn much from this pivotal Biblical figure.

    Mary – Jesus’ First Disciple TCF Sermon December 7, 2008 Mark Lowry, the Christian singer and comedian who wrote the song we just heard, observed that the silence of Jesus’ mother Mary at the cross always amazed him. If he were being crucified in the middle of town, Lowry says, his mother would more

  • Making Disciples - Shaping Life

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on May 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In the Great Commission, Jesus instructs us to go, to do, and be.

    MAKING DISCIPLES -- SHAPING LIFE Matthew 28:16-20 (NIV) 16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been more

  • Make Disciples Of All Nations Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    To fulfill our supreme mission, there must be: 1) AVAILABILITY, 2)WORSHIP, 3)SUBMISSION, 4) OBEDIENCE, & 5)POWER:

    One of the most important moments in a military officer’s life is their commission. It is the moment when they swear to defend their country against all enemies, foreign or domestic while upholding the rules governing their country. When officers finish their training they gather together in a more

  • Outbreak: Religion Vs. Disciple Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on May 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message looks at the difference between discipleship and religion

    The past few weeks we’ve looked at diseases that plague the church. Last week we looked at negativity, and I have to tell you, this week I was challenged more than ever... Isn’t it amazing how when God speaks to us, he often uses trials to teach us? Real life examples... So this morning I want to more

  • Jesus Teaches Disciples To Pray

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 15, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    Pentecost 10(C) - Jesus teaches disciples to pray when he encourages the believer to Ask, Seek, Knock.

    JESUS TEACHES DISCIPLES TO PRAY August 13, 2006 - PENTECOST 10 - Luke 11:1-13 * * * * * * * * * Fellow-Redeemed, Saints in the Lord: Today the Lord wants to teach us. Last week Jesus invited us to come and sit at his feet. This week, he invites us to more

  • By This Will They Know You Are My Disciples Series

    Contributed by Mark Edwards on Mar 29, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    by loving one another with authentic love, people will see we are following the teachings and example of Jesus

    We are continuing our journey towards Easter with our next statement that Jesus said that changed the world. Last week we heard how when Jesus said, come follow me, it started off a chain reaction which would eventually lead to their being 1 and a half billion followers of Jesus all around the more

  • The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

    Contributed by Toby Powers on Apr 12, 2006
    based on 46 ratings

    John is often called the beloved or is referred to in the Scripture as "that disciple whom Jesus loved." What was it that made him different from the rest? Can we be like him?

    The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved John 13:21-28 (Note verse 23 “Whom Jesus Loved”) Intro: The Bible calls John in four places not by his name, but it calls him the disciple whom Jesus loved. In this instance we find him at the last supper sitting next to Christ leaning upon his pillow as was customary, more

  • Philip-The Disciple Of Jesus

    Contributed by Bledar Valca on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Teaches of the Philip the disciple of Jesus

    PHILIP—THE DISCIPLE OF JESUS INTRODUCTION: I. Jesus chose 12 men to be His disciples, and later his apostles (the sent out ones). A study of them is a valuable study. We would be surprised sometimes at the list that Jesus comprised. II. Today we will study about Philip. 1. Who is Philip? 2. How more

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