
Summary: Many things happen in life, often without warning.

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Page Joseph Falkinburg, better known by his ring name: Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) a retired American professional wrestler, fitness instructor, motivational speaker, and actor once remarked: “In our personal and professional lives, we are constantly hit with one adversity after the other, most of which we have no control over. But the four things we have total control over is how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we take action.” Deuteronomy 28:1-6 states: "And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out."

Many things happen in life, often without warning. They may involve the death of a loved one, being made redundant, winning the lottery or even the news of an expected birth in the future. We have no way of foretelling what is in store. Changes are necessary for progression. These important decisions or actions could be called "The Wind of Change." The Wind of Change can be described as an important replacement that transpires due to circumstances beyond our control. It may occur in our personal lives, or some other significant situation. Life is full of constant changes which are often separated by so-called dividing lines which transpose the past to the present. It may be necessary to fulfil our true potential or God-given purpose in this world. In addition, worry forms another significant factor in people’s lives. Some fear a major change as it gives them a sense of insecurity as they do not know what is in store for them. Certain people fear the advancement of age, even though it is a natural progression in life, so much so that it becomes obsessive to them. Others consistently worry about things that may or may not happen. Matthew 6:27 reminds us: “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” Sometimes, however, if things don't change then life becomes static and nothing moves forward in any way. So why worry about the future? Why worry about today? Why worry about anything? What will be, will be. We may become embittered about events in our life, especially if they are of a tragic nature. However, there is often a possible release from the predicament. We may never know what impact others will make in our life. It could be someone we know such as a friend or neighbour, perhaps a relative or possibly a complete stranger. When we need assurance or guidance, others may be assigned to help us. It can happen in the most uncommon of situations, often when we least expect it. But somehow we will get a distinct notion that they are salient to the problem and meant to be part of our life. Galatians 6:2 reminds us: "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfil the law of Christ."

There was once a man named Colin who was in his mid-forties. Sadly, he lost his adored partner of some twenty years, through a sudden illness. The shock of it all devastated him and generated a mental breakdown. He subsequently suffered from severe bouts of depression, stress and anxiety. He had seriously contemplated suicide as he felt that he did not have anything left in life to live for.

He had adopted a capricious nature. His Doctor was very concerned for him and recommended psychiatric help. She contacted a local mental health unit and he underwent a series of appointments with a Consultant Psychiatrist. During the sessions, it was suggested by his consultant that a specific course aimed at coping with stress and anxiety might help him and the necessary arrangements were made. It was also recommended that he should retire from his employment on medical grounds as it was considered that his present job was now too stressful and would not help him if he returned to work.

On the first day of the course the leader, who was a female Psychiatric Nurse, suggested that it would be a good start if each introduced themselves to the person sitting next to them on their right, and give some general information about themselves and what they hoped to attain from the course. This was designed to break the ice and give everyone attending someone new to relate to. Colin turned to his right and there he saw a fragile little lady in her late-seventies who smiled at him and introduced herself as Agatha. The two began to chat at length and it wasn't long before each had gleaned considerable knowledge about the other. They immediately discovered that they had much in common and became friendly. The most perceptible thing about her was that she was an extremely succinct, but forthright person. Every lunchtime they would visit a local restaurant to enjoy a meal together. One day when they were chatting, she asked him if he would explain the problems he was encountering in life and to inform her why he felt the way he did? Colin decided to confide everything, including the disturbing feeling that he had in his heart concerning suicide. She responded: "I know what you are saying and I can relate to it, but there is little point in feeling as you do. You are still young enough to achieve great things, to experience new situations. To meet new people. Don't let the past tie you down in chains so that you remain static. If you only feed on negativity, you can only produce negativity. Life is what you make of it. You have taken the necessary initial steps in overcoming your prevalent issues by attending this course. Listen to what is said by the nurses, they have the experience to guide you. After the course, I hope that you will feel much better about yourself. You will certainly meet someone else in time, trust me, I know what I am saying."

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