
Summary: Series

Title: Living as Disciples in a Fallen World Script: Mt. 5:13-20

Type: Expos. Where: GNBC 2-9-25

Intro: Indianapolis pastor Davey Blackburn knows what means to live as a disciple in a fallen world. "I cannot thank you enough for the unbelievable outpouring of love that you have shared with my family over the past few days. As many of you know, my wife Amanda Grace and our unborn baby have been tragically killed," said Blackburn in a message on his church's Facebook page Friday." We are going to have church this Sunday, just like we always do. In addition to meeting together at our normal service times, we are going to focus on celebrating Amanda's life later Sunday afternoon. Please join me at Traders Point Christian Church at 5 p.m. We are going to worship, share the Gospel through sharing Amanda's story, laugh together and cry together," he continued. Blackburn also asked his followers to invite as many people as possible to church who do not know the Lord and warned them not to speak with the media if they are approached. "Her heart would be that you invite as many people as possible to this celebration service that do not know the Lord. Amanda's story has attracted national news. I know that Jesus is going to make good come from this.” Blackburn has experienced unspeakable tragedy and yet is attempting to live out his faith in Christ in the midst of that tragedy.

Prop: Exam. Mt. 5:13-20 we’ll see 4 Charac. Jesus Calls His Disciples to demonstrate.

BG: 1. Today talking about being disciples – simply means pupil or learner. –section examining is Jesus’ Sermon on the Mt.

2. Every Christians is to be a disciple. How successful and close is up to you.

Prop: In Mt. 5:13-20 we’ll notice 4 char. represented in Disciples.

I. Christ’s Disciples are Called to Be Salt in the World. v. 13

“You are the salt of the earth.”

A. What Does Jesus Mean when He called His Disciples the “salt of the earth”?

1.Saying that disciples are “the salt of the earth”, is hermeneutically speaking, figurative language. Jesus is not saying that everyone who is a disciple of His is sodium chloride. Rather, he is making a figure of comparison by which He is comparing you and I to something. That something is salt. Notice not saying: “You may be” or “Pray that you would be …” Rather, simply saying: “You are…” Therefore, we need to know what we are! - Illust - In ancient times salt was seen as a necessity of life. Because of its seasoning and preservative qualities was one of the most highly prized minerals. In many societies it was so highly valued that it was used for money. The English word salary is derived from the Latin word Salarium which refers to the payments made to a Roman soldier with salt.

2. As citizens of the KOG we have serious responsibilities. Jesus is telling us that we are the “salt of the earth”. Now, expository preaching doesn’t require seeing how creative I can come up in finding all the uses of salt in the Bible. Rather, being a good student of the Bible requires trying to come the closest to what application Jesus was making in the text. Essentially two applications I see:

a. salt enhances flavors – Salt was and still is one of the most basic spices in cooking. Think of corn on the cob, popcorn. Now add butter and a little salt!!! Life without Christ is boring, bland, insipid, tasteless. Yet, life in or with Christ is abundant life! (John 10:10) (World tells you to enjoy life need addictions, wealth, men or women, career, adulation of individuals. I can tell you there is nothing that compares to being sober, set-free, clear conscience, loving people, and growing in a relationship with your Creator!

b. salt preserves – Xstians/Christianity are preservative of or within human society. At the time of Christ there was no refrigeration, and the fish that were caught in the Sea of Galilee (The fish in the Dead Sea didn’t need to be salted! 😊) were heavily salted before being shipped down to Jerusalem. This preserved the integrity of the meat. Look anywhere in the world. Where there is a strong and vibrant Evangelical Church in a nation it is an improving society. Where there is not, the society is not. Christianity preserves.

B. How are Christians supposed to be “salt” in today’s society?

1. How do Christians make a tangible difference today?

a. The Christian who makes an impact on the world in our day is no different from the ones who did in the early church. 1st. Strong warriors for Christ are not created instantaneously, rather, they grow. No man has stood in a great place who did not stand previously in a lesser place. If a person cannot be faithful in the smaller task he/she will not be in the greater.

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