Sent For Him: Discovering Your Purpose In Life
Contributed by John Ong on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God has a purpose for you,no matter how things may be going in your life right now.
At some point, we’ve all questioned why we are alive. We ask ourselves what our purpose in life is and seek answers to our never-ending questions. We are like brands in a marketplace, but not knowing what our use is on this temporary world. Some of us are in continuous cycles, going nowhere.
Whether you are lost or finding your out on something, here are five significant purposes for which God created us.
We are planned for God’s Pleasure. More than anything else, God wants you to know Him and to love Him. Everything under it is secondary. We express our utmost love for God through WORSHIP, which is both conveying love to God and living a life that’s pleasant to Him.
Revelation 4:11 tells us, “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.”
Worship is more than just singing praises to Him. Above else, it is something we do which glorifies His name. Your whole life must be a life of worship.
We are wonderfully designed for God’s Family.
In Ephesians 2:19, we are reminded, “So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family.”
FELLOWSHIP is all about loving, caring, praying, exhorting, and encouraging one another. Some people say that Christianity is just focused on believing. But God says, “Believe and belong.” Remember, you belong in the family of God.
We are created to be Christ-like. You were part of the bigger picture for God’s pleasure (worship), and you were wonderfully designed for God’s family (fellowship). The third reason why were created is to become like Christ; it’s called DISCIPLESHIP.
Ephesians 4:15 tells us, “Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.”
We ask ourselves, “What is God’s plan on my career and life?” God wants your “character” over your “career”. Your job is something temporary, because you were made to excel for His higher purpose. God created you to transform you into a likeness of His son, Jesus Christ.
We are continuously being shaped for service.
In Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s masterpieces. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
You were made to serve God; and it’s called MINISTRY. Every Christian is shaped, made, planned, saved and gifted for ministry. Sometimes, you may feel like you’re useless, but that’s the deception on your higher purpose.
Not everyone is created to be a pastor, but every Christian is a minister. You were wired in a certain way for an amazing purpose. You have skills and talents not for your benefit, but for others to be blessed.
We are made for a mission.
Matthew 28:19 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Fulfilling your mission in the world is EVANGELISM. Being good is not enough, you have to tell other people the Good News about God’s Grace. Don’t settle on remaining free from sins, spread the news, and spread how you’ve experienced God.