
Summary: This is a revelation of God to me.

Sometime ago I stood from a pulpit in Northern Missouri and spoke a prophetic word saying, “God is start to remove the generals of yesteryear’s Army to make way to tomorrow’s Army.” Since this word came forth, Generals such as EV Hill, Bill Bright, Kenneth Hagin, and Derek Prince have passed into the ultimate glory. God is removing the men and women of yesterday’s revivals. We can no longer live on what God did at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles in 1906 or even what God did on Father’s Day 1995 at Brownsville Assembly of God. God sent fresh manna every morning. They never saved yesterday’s manna but only eat that day’s manna. Many revival ministries across this nation are preaching what God did in the Azusa Revival, Cane Ridge, and Great Awakenings or they are preaching God is going to send revival before the Rapture but it is not yet. Both of these viewpoints are very dangerous theological doctrine to have. What God did with William Seymour and Steve Hill was for that hour of history. What God is going to do for the final hour of church history is for the generation of that day. So what about the heaven sent revival for this hour? Joel 2:12 tells us: “Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “Return to Me with all your heart, And with fasting, weeping, and mourning…” The order of the day is revival through massive outcry for repentance. The key leaders of the revival in the 40’s and 50’s are being removed from the ministry through natural death. The word of the Lord is for the Forerunner Generation to “ Arise and push back the gates of Hell!” The Spirit of Elijah is alive and well on the earth today. Fire from Heaven is coming down and God is releasing the Forerunners in this society to yell from the mountaintop “Let my people go!”

About a month ago, I saw golden rain pouring all over America. I believe this is a picture of the Glory of God manifesting in every prophetic church in every city. This is bigger than Baltimore, Kansas City, Dallas, and Pensacola. Sometime ago, I saw flames of fire in Toronto, Pensacola, Kansas City, and Los Angeles. Then, little flames start appearing all over America until the entire nation was engulfed into the flame. America was completely on fire with the Spirit of Revival. I believe fire is a picture of prophetic evangelism. The rain is a picture of God’s Glory. The days ahead will be a time of prophetic evangelism and manifest Glory. Before my recent trip to Corpus Christi, TX; I saw the entire Southern Texas under water as I saw the town across from my childhood hometown, Elwood, KS during the “Great Flood of ’93.” I do not believe this “flood” is a natural prediction but rather God is saying to the Body of Christ in South Texas that He is “going to flood the region with Glory and ingathering.” The days ahead will see a major shift in the style of ministry in this region. It will no longer be “ministry as usual.” There will be a fervent cry for revival and for regional transformation. There will be a great ingathering of the outcast of society in South Texas. There will be many people who denounce the religious ways they are bound up on and find freedom in the Blood of Jesus Christ. The word of the Lord for South Texas is “Revival Now.”

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