Self Series
Contributed by Robert Butler on Nov 7, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Being Christ-like means surrendering all my life while learning to trust the process of God’s sanctification
We continue our series of “Escape” by looking at another area that keeps us from experiencing the freedom Jesus’ coming and rising offer us. The last few weeks we have spoken about escaping bad decisions, the shame/guilt that accompanies them, trading religion for relationships and even the trap of spirituality.
Not that long ago, a man came to me asking my advice on whether or not he should ask the woman he was living with if he should marry her. He went on to tell me all the reasons why they hadn’t married earlier. I then asked a question I quickly regretted. I asked what he was looking for in a wife. The more he described the wife he was looking for, the more convinced I became that he didn’t need a wife. He needed a goldfish because even a dog requires some commitment and connection. A goldfish would just sit there, look good and not expect any kind of communication. The last thing this man needed was a wife because his whole understanding of life was that everyone in it was there to serve him. It was a tragic conversation had it not been for a good friend who just a day earlier said to me, “You might not be much, but you're all you think about.” I laughed at the time. However, the essence of his comment hit the root of all our issues - selfishness and self centeredness.
Thankfully, we have the scriptures to look through to find solutions. This morning we have heard an incredible series of scriptures read by one of our shepherds, MJ, that is often separated for easy digestion but today, we heard them in context to help us see the pervasive nature of man.
The story of the rich young ruler teaches us that every person who believes they have made it on their own, followed all the rules and succeeded is in danger. Danger of believing a relationship with God is the icing on the cake. The rich young ruler was sad walking away, not just because of what he had (reputation, health and wealth). He walked away knowing his response to God’s love was not what God desires.
The rich young ruler had a wrong focus in this life. He came to Jesus looking for praise and believing his position in life was evidence of God’s blessing. Jesus' response is deafening even today. Life is not about conquering the world but surrendering one’s whole life to God’s direction. Many in the world today will claim to be christian as long as they don’t have to experience what Jesus did.
There are a couple key verses we gloss over when reading this group of scriptures that breathe additional life into the message from God. First, verse comes in verse 35.
Jesus took the Twelve aside and told them, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled. 32 He will be delivered over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, insult him and spit on him; 33 they will flog him and kill him. On the third day he will rise again.”
And verse 35
As Jesus approached Jericho,
This is Jesus' third prophecy of what is going to happen and by referencing where it is as they get closer, he is sharing, it is about to get really hard. At that moment, they were maybe a day's walk away, about 15 miles by road, or 9 by geography. In perspective, from the top of the roof in itasca, you can see the skyline of chicago that is 20 miles but 27 by expressway. Jesus was that close to his final destination and time on earth. Now, if you knew you had a big day coming would you rest up? Maybe take a day off? If anyone deserved a day of rest, it would have been Jesus. However, Jesus wanted to make sure we had no doubt so he continued to offer the perfect example for what is expected of all those who want to imitate Him in the future. (little Christs or Christians).
He not only heals a blind man on the way but he blesses the infidel of Zacchaeus, the hated taxman, who repents of his past dealings, surrenders to the lordship of Jesus and invites others to come meet the man who changed his life. Now don’t miss this, Jesus, on the way to his own death, heals physically, mentally and spiritually. The response of both is the same. They get their praise on and Jesus tells one more story to crystalize the point.
The story, or parable, is shared with all those standing around looking on and to His entourage. It’s a story reinforcing the right focus in this life. The story is of three people given varying amounts of resources to invest and seek return for the king. The first and the second double what they have been given, the third just returns the original investment which greatly displeases the King. The points are simple: