Seeking Christ
Contributed by Michael Fredette on Mar 20, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Its a great time to be ALIVE
Jeremiah 29:13‘You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
If you are looking for something extra today is your lucky day
There is definitely some extra in here, there’s a command
There’s a promise, there’s a guarantee and then it comes with direction.
So lets start with the command You will seek me
Discovering your walk with Christ begins here searching Him out
But not for the casual fan, but with all your heart.
If you are planning on seeking out God its gonna take love, not just a little any but all your heart
This is where Jesus says to the love for Him needs to be so strong that any other affection for your Father Mother wife and children would seem like hate in comparison
And the measurement for that kind of love is measure by your commitment and dedication
The exact amount of Love someone has for Christ can be measured by the exact amount of commitment they demonstrate
Its not just a religious thing, this measurement can be found in every aspect of your life .
Because You have begun to do everything with the intention of impressing Christ
This type of committed and determination translates into success
Its like when you go on a first date with someone you vacuum the car , you wash it , make sure your clothes are cleaned and pressed . You work hard to make sure you have enough money to cover expenses, you hit the gym, you look and act your best
Just that one date and the anticipation it brings has you performing your very best in all the other areas . In your appearance , your behavior .
That’s what seeking Jesus Christ does, it brings a heightened focus and elevates all the other areas of your life
When you add in dedication its like putting on a supercharger
When you seek Christ with love your commitment your dedication is amplified , it becomes unmistakable.
This transforms your whole identity in all areas of your life you never expected , because now you are driven by Spirit
People might not recognize your love, they will miss your commitment and dedication
But what becomes undeniable is your Spirit , its evidence of a superpower on your life
The two things we are taught that God is God is love and God is Spirit
Seeking Jesus and finding Him involves these two Spirit and Love
By accident this leaves less and less room for the works of the flesh
You end up spending less time on the negative and become positively charged
If you are looking for a wide open pre-occupation heres one where theres next to zero competition
Have you noticed that ? when you balance Godly competition seeking God with worldly competition seeking worldly stuff
The worldy out paces the Godly 100 to 1
But the line in front of the body of Christ is short,
Its so short that the Bible tells us that only a few will even find it
Matthew 7:14 “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it
Aint that the truth Nobody’s lining up to seek Christ never mind impress Him
There’s a direct line from those who are self absorbed and destruction
That fact that few are seeking Him is why there is so much despair , so much hardship is why there is so much chaos in this world
You know what you never hear people fighting over and seeking Christ
The opposite is true , you’ll never find bitter, hypocritical , people who love Jesus with all their heart mind and soul
Anger, malaous Jealousy are virtually undetectable in the body of Christ but spreading like wild fire
Jeus said we would have wars , we have them, that we would have fanmine check that box too , the pandemic , runaway inflation , fetenal and throw in a banking crisis .
What a time to be alive ,
it really is, because you’re only truly alive when you give your life Seeking Christ ,
Your alive when He becomes your priority , your alive when he is your purpose .
Nobody has told you to serve Him, no one has put any conditions on you this morning
The only thing I have asked you to do this morning is Seek Him
Because the moment you do your whole world begins to change, and that was just verse 13 look down your page of what happens next
Jeremiah 29: 14I will let Myself be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’