
Summary: Responding to the call of God.

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Isaiah 55:1-9.

The Bible is full of wonderful gracious invitations. ISAIAH 55:1 begins with a call to the thirsty to come to the waters. This is in order to quench, not a physical thirst, but a spiritual thirst. Those who seek to be made righteous through the Lord Jesus Christ are granted the thirst-quenching experience of eternal life in Him (cf. Matthew 5:6).

As water was symbolically poured out at the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus stood in the Temple and called out, ‘If anyone thirsts, let Him come to me and drink’ (cf. John 7:37). If faith awakens a sense of need in our souls, it is to Jesus that we must go to satisfy that need. Then we will receive the Holy Spirit, and not only quench our own thirst and find our rest in Him, but we will become channels of His blessing to other needy souls (cf. John 4:13-14).

What do we need to purchase this water of salvation? Nothing at all! It is a free gift of the true and living God. All the spiritual refreshment we need, symbolised by water, wine, and milk, is ours without money and without price. We just need to ask God for the forgiveness of our sins through the Lord Jesus Christ.

It costs us nothing, because Jesus paid the full price of the penalty for our sins when He gave His life in our place on the Cross at Calvary. There He knew pain and suffering, and even cried out in His own anguish, ‘I thirst’ (cf. John 19:28).

ISAIAH 55:2. It is in the nature of man to make heavy work of his religion. We seek to establish our own righteousness, by trying to abstain from the evil that so naturally arises in our hearts. We seek to cancel out our own sins by doing good deeds. All this is to spend money for what is not bread, and our wages for what does not satisfy (cf. Isaiah 57:12; Isaiah 64:6).

We are encouraged to eat of the true spiritual food, which is to partake of the benefits of the salvation found only in Jesus. Then we shall have an abundance of all that is good for eternal, never-dying souls.

ISAIAH 55:3. What are we to do? We are to listen, and to hear what the Lord is saying to us. With our physical ears we listen to the Gospel in the reading and preaching of God’s Holy Bible. Blessed is the man who listens to wisdom, and who hears the quiet words of the wise. Blessed are those privileged to hear the words of Jesus, and His call to their heart.

We are to come to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins, and accepting the free gift of His love. He makes a covenant with those who come to Him, granting spiritual and eternal life.

ISAIAH 55:4-5. The prophets taught that the only sure way of salvation was through a certain descendant of Israel’s King David. That descendant is our Lord Jesus Christ who came to call Israel to repentance, and to provide for the salvation of all nations upon the earth. People from every land flock to Him as the only Saviour of sinners, and thus does He glorify God the Father.

ISAIAH 55:6. We are exhorted to “seek the LORD while He may be found.” If we seek Him with all our heart, and all our soul, we will find Him. Then He will rain righteousness upon us, making us righteous through the Lord Jesus Christ. He will bring life to the barren land of our hearts. He will protect us in the day of His anger against a world that has refused Him.

If we seek the LORD, we will certainly be satisfied. He is not far from any one of us. When should we seek Him? We should seek Him while He may be found. We should seek the Creator in the days of our youth before we become so set in our ways that it becomes difficult to hear Him (Ecclesiastes 12:1). We should seek Him in the ripeness of our years, while there is still breath in our mouths to call out for His mercy upon our souls.

We should call upon Him while he is near, while the call of the Gospel is still ringing in our ears. Now is the set time for the LORD to favour His people: so do not leave until tomorrow what you must do today.

We should pray to Him in an acceptable time (cf. 2 Corinthians 6:2). We should seek His salvation right at this present moment, while He is near to help. As we hear His voice today, we must not harden our hearts nor provoke Him, but respond positively to the call of the Gospel (cf. Psalm 95:7-8).

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