
Summary: Today we are talking about seeking something and find it. How often do you search for something? If you seek something, you must know what you are looking for. I remember one time I was just a child and used to do scouts and the master said, bring a

Seek and Find

By Odon Bulamba

Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”.

Today is the 21st April 2013 and this day reminds me of the day my father past away, at 10am. Yesterday I started to think, if someone like my father could die, what about me? My father was tall, not short like me and very strong and intelligent. He was among the people that the world at that time used to consult about banking business; he was proud of himself and capable of doing/trying to do anything at anytime and never had fear, he could confront any situation and no matter what; he could face it.

What was my dad seeking in all of this? When he said he was a consultant, what was he after? Was it a way of sharing his knowledge or was it pride or was he showing off when he told people that they could go to him for knowledge?

Today we are talking about seeking something and find it. How often do you search for something? If you seek something, you must know what you are looking for. I remember one time I was just a child and used to do scouts and the master said, bring a bayonet and the words he used in French could also mean something else. I went and brought something else and his answer was to smack me for bringing the wrong thing saying, “If your ears don’t work, use your brain. How can I use this to cut meat?”

My father one time told me to get cotton but it sounded like august in French and I took the august month from the calendar. He asked me, “who gave birth to you?” Sometimes you bring things expecting people to be happy but they look at you like you are stupid.

In the theatre at the hospital, it is up to Ange (the nurse) to know what materials the surgeon will need. He will call out the name, and Ange will know which one to bring and when she brings the wrong instrument, she feels embarrassed while the Dr is trying to help someone. You feel shame to tell Dr you don’t know what he wants.

Jesus came down to seek the lost, nothing else, he didn’t come down to look around, He had a target, a mission; to seek for something. Your purpose for being alive must have also have a mission, a call, ask yourself, why do I exist, why am I alive, why did God send me in this world, do I also need to seek something? Rev 2:25says to hold onto what you have until Christ comes back.

When a child is born, he/she is given a new name. When Zoe was born, her parents decided to call her Zoe. Could Zoe say no to that name when she was born? She accepted that name, no matter what, that is your name, your identification. When your mum calls you and you say no, she gets angry and if she insists and you don’t come, she will come after you.

When you were born again in Christ, Jesus gave you a new name and that new name will identify you as a child of His and it is written in the book of life. Once God has found you, He says, this is my child, my descendent and when He needs you and calls you back and you say no, how will He feel? He will feel like the mum when her child refuses to respond. Very often when God calls us, we don’t respond not even in a negative way, we just keep silent.

One time there was fireworks in Hamilton and we had a dog called Tammy who was so afraid of the noise, she ran inside and hid under bed. We couldn’t get her out from under the bed, she sought her refuge there and wasn’t going to move. When things go wrong, where do you hide yourself? Jesus decided to come down, to come close to us, to deal with the situation on the earth, although He was inspiring the prophets to talk, people wouldn’t listen so He decided to come down Himself.

Where do you seek your solution? Many people find counselors, their family members and ask for a solution and your uncle who is not God and can’t resolve your issue, will ask more and you tell all your stories while God is looking at you and knows your stories and understands you from a-z; “why don’t you just come to Me for a solution?” After leaving, your uncle immediately tells someone and its gets passed on and then it is spread everywhere and may as well have been written in the newspaper. You put your effort in searching after a solution in uncle who was unable to help you.

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