Seek And Find
Contributed by Brian Harvison on Oct 5, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Ask, Seek, Knock, a sermon based on an outline from the great old study guide called Handfulls on Purpose by James Smith and Robert Lee.
Seek and Find Matthew 7:7-11
• When I was growing up I remember one particular thing I enjoyed about going to the doctor or dentist office
• As a child you are always nervous whether it is for a regular checkup
• Or maybe you are actually sick
• The worst was when I was going to have to get my shots or a cavity filled
• I would sit in that waiting room
• I could hear somewhere deep within the bowels of that maze of hallways
• Behind that door a random child crying or even screaming hysterically
• I could picture the size of that needle the doctor was going to stab me with
• Or I was sitting waiting for the dentist
• And I hear the most awful sound in the entire world
• The drill spinning and whirring and grinding
• My eyes would get really big, imagining that they must be using a drill just like Dad’s power drill he has at
• Sitting there in horror I would look around the waiting room and my eyes would land on the stack of
• And there it was, a copy of Highlights for Children
• Right there on the cover it said the words
• Fun with a purpose
• All of my fears would fade away for a moment
• Of course I loved the funny stories and comic strips
• The back cover had the What’s Wrong with this Picture
• But my favorite part was the Hidden Picture puzzle
• Finding all those hidden objects was so much fun
• Unless of course some idiot had ruined it by already circling all the objects
• And taking all the fun out of it for the rest of us
• For over 75 years Highlights has been entertaining children and helping them stay calm in those waiting
• But then, that door would open and the nurse would say, “Brian”
• And my nightmare had returned
• As kids most of us loved those seek and finds
• Then of course Where’s Waldo came along in 1987 and became wildly popular
• Our kids would check those giant hard back books out of the library and lay in bed at night searching for
Waldo and all of his friends
• I loved those too
• Seek and finds, popular with kids of all ages
• That is the title of this morning’s message
• Seek and Find
• Many people today, believers and non-believers alike, are seeking
• Seeking answers to hard questions
• Seeking guidance, seeking wisdom, seeking truth
• Or seeking after their own desires and passions
• What do some very familiar verses in Matthew have for us when we seek and find?
• We will see three main points in this passage
• Three Actions on our part
• Three Affirmations on God’s part, and
• Three Analogies for our lives
• Ask, seek and knock
• As we read these words you will notice, if you have a red letter edition Bible
• That these words, and all the surrounding words are in red
• These are words directly from the mouth of Jesus Christ
• This passage is part of the greatest sermon ever preached
• What is known as the Sermon on the Mount
• This ask and it shall be given portion is close to the end of Jesus’ sermon
• And is wedged between two of the most famous parts
• Previous to this Jesus speaks to us about judging others and uses the beam in your eye versus the speck in
another’s eye illustration
• What follows this passage is what is known as The Golden Rule
• Do to others what you would have them do unto you
• This sermon covers a multitude of topics
• Blessings, murder and adultery
• Giving of oaths, prayer and fasting
• And it finishes up with the wise man built his house upon the rock
• The Sermon on the Mount’s call to moral and ethical living is so high it seems unattainable to many
• Seems completely unrealistic
• But there is no doubt that Jesus gave this sermon as a standard for all Christians
• That we could only meet through the power of the Holy Spirit
• So we see in Matthew 7:7-11
• Ask, seek, knock
• We start out with Three Actions
• First is ask
• Jesus simply says ask
• Similar to what God said to Solomon in 1 Kings 3:5
• Ask what I shall give you
• What do you think of when you picture yourself asking God for something?
• Prayer, that is what these verses are really all about