Secret Sin
Contributed by James Dina on Jul 19, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Your sin is not a secret; the eye of God has seen it; you have sinned before his face. God's eye pierces through the darkness; the brick walls which surrounded you were as transparent as glass to the eye of the Almighty God.
One of Satan's biggest lies is that there are some sins that God does not either care about or know about (David Scudder). Not only does God know about our secret sins, but sooner or later, one way or the other, those sins will cease to be secret - they will be disclosed. Numbers 32:2- 3 declares, “...be sure your sin will find you out.” Jesus said, in Luke 8:17, “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”
In a Christian life, one little hidden sin can weaken the foundation of a person's character and be the cause of his downfall. It is very possible to sin against God and not know that it is a sin. God has given us a written revelation that tells us what we need to know about sin. Ignorance is never an excuse to a Christian. Our sins may be hidden from others also. Solomon warned us that sexual sins are usually done in secret. (Proverbs 7:8--9)
There is vast mass of real sins that are secret, and come not beneath our eye. If we had eyes like those of God, we should think very differently of ourselves. We have a very few sins which we can observe and detect, compared with those which are hidden to ourselves and unseen by our fellow creatures. If you sin secretly, and yet make a profession; you break God's covenants in the dark and wear a mask of goodness in the light.
You revile the drunkard when he staggers through the street; but you indulge in the same habit in private. Every Pretender is a fool, his folly makes him to harbor a secret sin. That secret sin shall be revealed one day; perhaps very soon. Your sin is not a secret; the eye of God has seen it; you have sinned before his face. God's eye pierces through the darkness; the brick walls which surrounded you were as transparent as glass to the eye of the Almighty God.
Charles Spurgeon said, " A sin is a sin, whether done in private or before the wide world" . It is singular how men will measure guilt. For example, A railway servant puts up a wrong signal, there is an accident; the man is tried, and severely reprimanded. He put up the wrong signal a day before the accident; no one accused him for his neglect. But it was just the same, accident or no accident, the accident did not make the guilt, it was the deed which made the guilt, not the consequence of it. It was his business to have taken care; and he was as guilty the first time as he was the second, for he negligently exposed the lives of men. Do not measure sin by what other people say of it; but measure sin by what God says of it, and what your own conscience says of it.
God looks down and sees all. Our eyes are weak; we cannot look through the darkness; but his eye, like an orb of fire, penetrates the blackness; and reads the thoughts of man, and sees his acts when he thinks himself most concealed. No eye of detection on earth has discovered you, but God's eyes are now looking through the clouds upon you. You live a filthy life, and yet you are more respected by men; your vices are all known, written in God's book. He keeps a diary of all your acts; and what will you think on the judgment day when a crowd shall be assembled, and God shall read out the story of your secret life, and men and angels shall hear it.
The man who makes a profession of religion, and yet lives in iniquity, is the most miserable. A downright wicked man, who takes a glass in his hand, and says, "I am a drunkard, I am not ashamed of it," he shall be unutterably miserable in worlds to come, though briefly has his pleasures. A man who curses and swears, and says, "That is my habit, I am a profane man," and makes a profession of it, he has, at least, some peace in his soul; but the man who walks with God's minister, who is united with God's Church, who comes out before God's people, and unites with them, and then lives in sin, what a miserable existence he must have of it. It would be better for a person to say they want to follow Satan, do what pleases him, than to say they want to follow God and then do what pleases Satan. It must be particularly repulsive to God when someone claims to love God publicly, but then disrespects Him to His face in private. "They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed" (Titus 1:16).Hypocrisy stirs up the anger of God.