"Second Sign" Healing Of The Nobleman's Son Series
Contributed by Dr. Rich Denning on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message is part of a series in the Gospel of John.
INTRODUCTION: The book of John is structured topically. Chapters 1- 12 primarily focus on the “Seven Signs” and Chapters 13 – 20 focus on the glory of God. Interwoven is the gospel message. Jesus is God in the flesh and the hope for fallen humanity. This he declares through Seven “I AM” statements which we shall consider separately.
This Second Sign confirms the healing power of God at work through Jesus. Jesus is met by a nobleman/royal official (most likely an officer under Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee) who pleads with Jesus to travel from Cana to Capernaum (about 22 miles) to heal his dying son. Let’s consider this sign and how it points to Jesus…
I. The Places (4:43-46).
Jesus has just came through Samaria and met with the woman at the well. Many believed in Jesus because of the of the woman who testified. This shows the importance of our testimony. Jesus being a Jew broke tradition and cultural barriers by going through Samaria. in fact He stayed in Samaria two days and many others believed because He spoke His words. Jesus left Samaria after two days and went to Galilee. Galilee was where the common folks lived and worked. They were known as the “peoples of the land” and were not the elite. However, they had seen and heard of what Jesus had done while in Jerusalem. He was a rebel or revolutionary! He overturned the money changers tables at the Temple! Jesus was not pious or a religionist. He was welcomed in Galilee among the common folks.
II. The Plea (4:47).
The nobleman most likely broke a barrier as well. He was probably an official under Herod. Because of his son being deathly sick this nobleman left his post and went to Jesus. When a parent’s child is sick there is no barrier strong enough to keep the parent from pleading for help. This man believed Jesus could heal he son.
III. The Problem (4:48).
The man’s son was dying and there was no hope apart from Jesus. Jesus was not there so the man had to go to Him. When we have problems the place to go first is to the Lord.
IV. The Persistence (4:49).
Nobody could keep this man away from Jesus. He was going to meet with Him and he would not be sent away. The man humbled himself most likely crying and begging.
V. The Promise (4:50-54).
Jesus sent the man away and told him that his son lives! The man had enough faith to leave Jesus and go back to his son. Met along the journey (22 miles) by his servants was told his son was healed! He asked at what time? It was the same time that Jesus spoke to the man and told him that his son lives! Overjoyed he most likely ran the rest of the way to his son praising the Lord all the way. We need to be people who will run and shout praises for the Lord has done great things for us!
CONCLUSION: Regardless of his royal position, this father was desperate for his son to be healed. When he heard about Jesus he responded by seeking a miracle. After Jesus heard the plea he responded by telling the need for the signs and wonders. Jesus told the man to go away that his son lives. What we are told in v. 50 is vital to the power of faith in the Word of Jesus. The man believed the Word and left. The joy of healing was experienced which must have strengthened the nobleman’s faith. And it can strengthen our faith. Jesus is not limited by space. All we have to do is place our trust in His Word. Paul confirms, “For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us” (2 Corinthians 1:20).
Disclaimer: Sermons shared on this site have come from the author's personal sermon notes. Entries into the notebook have been from the author's personal study and various sources may have been considered. Where sources have been used the author tries to credit those sources. If any sources are not mentioned it is non-intentional. The author publishes on this site without compensation with the hope that sermons might be used as desired by others.