
Summary: Jesus expected the fig tree to bear fruit even when it was not the season for figs. God is more concerned with His seasons, and expects us to live according to His seasons and not based on worldly seasons

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And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if perhaps He would find something on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. Mark 11:13

The fig tree was in tune with the world's seasons but not with God’s seasons. As per the world’s seasons, it was not the season for figs. But as per God’s seasons, it was a time to bear figs, because Jesus was hungry. Jesus expected the fig tree to bear fruit even when it was not the season for figs. God is more concerned with His seasons, and expects us to live according to His seasons and not based on worldly seasons. Jesus approached the fig tree and asked indirectly, "Where are the fruits in God's season?" If Jesus asks us the same question, what will our response be?

Let us live our lives according to His seasons – fully in tune with His seasons . When we live our lives in tune with God's seasons, our lives become more refreshing and provisional, and we automatically enjoy the blessings and provisions of that season.

In rainy season, we can expect lot of rains and prepare our land according to the season. We can expect rains by default as part of rain season. We cannot expect rain in the spring or autumn seasons. When we understand and know God's current season, we can prepare our lives and plan according to that season. God has many seasons, similar to the earth seasons like spring and fall. For each of God's seasons, there are some default blessings or provisions that we receive naturally and do not have to work or strive for. For example, from 1980 to 2000, India experienced God's season of evangelism, with many open-air crusades where God's spirit moved mightily, bestowing His gifts on His servants. Many of God's servants received a powerful infilling of the Holy Spirit, moved in Gifts and Healing, and significantly advanced God's work.

The great infilling of God's Spirit was available by default during that season. Whoever ministered during that time experienced this mighty infilling of God's Spirit without much strive or prayer (when compared to 1800’s). Since we do not know God's current season, our lives are not aligned to that season, so we do not receive the provisions or blessings by default available in that season. For example, if we are in a revival season, when our lives are tuned to that season, we will be part of that move of God. The fig tree missed its time of visitation of Jesus because it failed to recognise God's seasons. We also miss our time of God's visitation by failing to recognise God's seasons.

If the fig tree would have aligned itself to God’s seasons, it would not have missed God’s visitation. We must also align to God’s seasons so that we don’t miss God’s visitation. We cannot align on our own, but we need the help of Holy Spirit to align with God's season.

The fig tree did not recognise the season of the Lord Jesus coming to it. It was aligned with the earth’s season of producing figs, but it was not aligned to God’s seasons. When the Lord Jesus himself came, He found nothing. How many of us are like the fig tree? We are in sync and tune with the earth's seasons and are well-settled according to earth. However, we are not aligned with God's seasons and do not even recognise the season of the Lord's coming to us. We do not bear figs or fruits according to God's seasons.

We are found lacking and nothing (no fruit) is found in us. When the Lord himself came, he found no fruits in our life, despite the fact that it was not the earthly season to bear fruits. We bear fruit according to worldly seasons, not according to God’s seasons. We are not able to satisfy God's hunger. The fig tree missed its time of God’s visitation and meeting God’s need. By failing to recognise and align with God's season, we are also missing the time of God’s visitation in our lives and meeting his needs.

God expected the fig tree to bear fruit in God’s season, but found nothing. Since we are not aligned to God’s season, we don’t know how to meet God’s expectations and needs in that season. So instead of aligning to God’s season, we become dry and withered. When we don't align with God's seasons, there are chances that we won't produce fruits as per God’s need and may become spiritually dry and withered. Many people in this land are spiritually dry and withered because they failed to recognise God's seasons and don’t align their lives according to God’s seasons. These people do not bear fruit that satisfies God’s need and hunger.

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