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Sermons on Nehemiah 12:24:

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  • Dedications Are A Big Deal!

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on Aug 25, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    The dedication of the Wall was a big deal mainly because the people "made" it a big deal. You and I need to seek out reasons to make things a "big deal."

    Happy "Be Dedicated" Saturday, Everyone! Dedication is a well known concept in our world. We can dedicate things such as buildings, boats and airplanes or we can dedicate ourselves as to a sport or deed or observance, etc., even to each other. This weeks Sunday School lesson is titled Dedication more

  • Overflowing Joy Series

    Contributed by Daniel Devilder on Dec 3, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The concluding sermon of Nehemiah that considers the result of a life built with God at the center: When We Build with God at the Center, We will Overflow with Joy in all Things.

    (This is especially from 12:43ff) Today we come to the end of our study in Nehemiah—not that we have mined all the truths therein—we have only TOUCHED on chapter 13, which ends the book on a bit of a downer—seeing what happens when people don’t stay dedicated to God But that is NOT our focus more

  • Towards A Celebration Lifestyle Series

    Contributed by Matt Day on Aug 22, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    Study on Nehemiah 12, identifying the significance, process and fruits of celebrating God’s work in our lives.

    Celebrate! – Nehemiah 12 Kids celebration message : What has been the best thing happened in your week? What has been the worst thing? It’s easy to be thankful when nice things happen, harder to be thankful to God when not so nice things happen. It says in bible – give thanks in all circumstances more

  • Man Of God ( Short Homily )

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Feb 10, 2010
    based on 159 ratings

    Timothy is called a "Man of God". What are the attributes of a "Man of God"? Updated January 2020.

    Paul gave counsel to Timothy: ...... Keep a close watch on yourself". (1Timothy 4:16) While caring for the needs of his people, ....Timothy needed to care for himself.... as well. The false teachers ....were men of the world, ....but Timothy ... was a....... "man of God." This more