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Sermons on Matthew 14:29:

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  • Focus On The Black ?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 18, 2002
    based on 119 ratings

    It is much easier to criticize than to encourage. Be an encourager!

    FOCUS ON THE SPOT? Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I ponder this day, a very sad pondering: Gal. 5:7 YE DID RUN WELL; WHO DID HINDER YOU THAT YE SHOULD NOT OBEY THE TRUTH? Wish I had the answers! ? ! ? Maybe losing the focus and seeing the all the bad, negative, fault more

  • The Power Of Perfect Love

    Contributed by James May on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Perfect love casts out fear. Peter’s love for the Lord helped him to overcome his fear of the wind and waves.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Pita Bread, Fish, And Boat Potatoes Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 26, 2002
    based on 23 ratings

    The miracles of multiplying the loaves and walking on water are connected in Mark 6:52; what was Jesus trying to prove to His disciples?

    Pita Bread, Fish, and Boat Potatoes (Matt. 14:13-33, Mark 6:31-52, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-21) Intro 1. It is hard to define a miracle. 2. In one sense, miracles are happening all around us…(read excerpt for Swenson’ Book, "More than meets the eye" or other creationist materials explaining the more

  • Jesus Help Us In Our Time Of Need

    Contributed by Donald Macon on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 401 ratings

    The miracle greater than walking on water is that Jesus lifts us up during our time of need.

    I’m sure some are asking “why did he select this passage for such a time as this?” and understandably so. If you think it’s true that Jesus walked on water, you’re right. If you think the miracle stops there, you’re wrong. Most people refer to this passage as where Jesus Walked on Water. And it more

  • In The Eye Of The Storm Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jun 10, 2002
    based on 142 ratings

    If you’re not in a storm now, you will be soon. While they were in the storm, Jesus did 4 things for them to enable them to make it safely to the other side.

    June 9, 2002 Matt. 14:22-36 "In the eye of the storm" INTRODUCTION Storms come...  immediately after mountain-top experiences – the disciples had just been with Jesus as He fed 5000+ people  while you are right in the middle of God’s will (vs. 22) – Jesus made the more

  • Lessons From The Water

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon compares Peter’s experience of walking on the water to our Christian Walk.

    I. Introduction a. The Story of Peter walking on water. b. There are many lessons that can be learned from this passage. i. We need time alone with God. ii. Jesus is all powerful iii. We can Trust in Jesus c. I want to look at this experience as an illustration of our Christian more

  • Walking On The Sea Series

    Contributed by Greg Hess on Jun 29, 2002
    based on 14 ratings


    DEVELOPING YOUR FAITH Matt 14:25-32 walking on the sea 1. 4 watches 3 hrs each began at 6pm 4th watch began at 3am 2. Fear gripped their heart – duh someone walking on the water 3. Jesus’ voice will calm any fear 4. Peter still not convinced said “if” it’s you bid me to come. 5. Careful more

  • What's Your Focus

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jun 30, 2002
    based on 174 ratings

    The storms of life distract us from focusing on God – learn what Jesus focused on in times of trouble.

    Most of the time in our lives we focus on what to do if things go wrong. We come up with contingency plans in case we are late for a flight. We sometimes even have redundant systems in place in case of failure. In fact, on the space shuttle, most of its systems are backed up by quadruple more

  • Where Is God?

    Contributed by Brent Williams on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 134 ratings

    There is no need to wonder where God is. God is on the mountain, in the fire, and in the water. God is here for you and I. How can we find Him?

    Where’s God? Two young lads had terrorized their neighborhood with their pranks and thefts. The parents didn’t know what to do and finally with the assistance of their minister, it was decided that the clergy would intervene and attempt to straighten out the boys. The more

  • Walking On Water Series

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    The first of a four part series based on Matthew 14:22-32.

    WALKING ON WATER Matthew 14:22-33 INTRODUCTION: R. Kent Hughes, in his book, James—Faith That Works, shares this story. "It is said that Napoleon, while looking at some papers, let slip the bridle of his horse, which reared so that the Emperor was in danger. A corporal of the grenadiers leaped more

  • Boat Potatoes Series

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 110 ratings

    This is the third in a four part series based on Matthew 14:22-32

    BOAT POTATOES Matthew 14:22-32 INTRODUCTION: Charles Swindoll, in his book "Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back," tells the story of a farmer who wanted to impress his hunting buddies. So, he bought the smartest, most expensive hunting dog he could find and he trained this dog to do things no more

  • What Do I Do When I Doubt? Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jun 25, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    Doubt is one of those things that if not dealt with, will rob the joy of the Lord from our lives.

    “What do I do when I doubt?” 6-23-01 New Community Church OPENING ILLUSTRATION: As a kid I always looked forward to celebrating my birthday. I mean for that one day you were like a Hollywood superstar and you wanted everyone to know about it. I remember one birthday though in high school that more

  • When You Need Him The Most

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Jesus knows your needs and is always there when you need Him the most.

    When You Need Him The Most Life is filled with many challenges and hardships. Let’s think about some of the more common things that fit into this category A. Illness B. Financial C. Family Pressures D. Relational Issues Ok, someone tell me, when these trials come, what are the natural more

  • Hope Floats, But Faith Walks

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    In the midst of life’s storms, it takes faith to walk upon the crests of the waves.

    Hope Floats, but Faith Walks Background Text: Matthew 14:22-33 A. Location affects perception - When in the midst of a crisis, we are not only influenced by our own emotion, but by the emotion and perception of others. (“Boy I’d hate to be in your shoes” “What are you more

  • How To Reach Your Potential Series

    Contributed by Jeff Seaman on Apr 20, 2001
    based on 71 ratings

    Home Cell Groups

    HOME EXPLOSION “How To Reach Your Potential” Part –2 Matt. 14:22-33 Pastor Jeff Seaman Matt. 14:22-33 “Immediately after this, Jesus made his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while he sent the people home. Afterward he went up into the hills by himself more