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Sermons on Mark 9:25-32:

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  • Growing On Purpose

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Apr 24, 2001
    based on 158 ratings

    Anytime we get close to Jesus the devil will throw a fit

    April 22, 2001 Sand Flat Baptist Church David Yarbrough Growing On Purpose Mark 9:2-29 Illustration: We often fail to consider the gradual, cumulative effect of sin in our lives. In Saint Louis in 1984, an unemployed cleaning woman noticed a few bees buzzing around the attic of her home. Since more

  • Finding Deliverance

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jun 10, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    1. Christ’s work of deliverance can only be done out of an abiding relationship with him. 2. Whenever Christ comes to do his work, he is never in a hurry. 3. Whenever Christ comes to us, he expects to find faith.

    The story we have read in the ninth chapter of Mark is a fascinating account of a young man being delivered from the forces of evil. He has suffered from this since childhood. When his father brought him to the disciples, they prayed over him, expecting that he would be delivered. After all, more

  • Broken Wings Of Faith

    Contributed by Steven Cook on Nov 23, 2000
    based on 154 ratings

    This message teaches of God's grace in helping us overcome setbacks in our faith.

    “Broken Wings of Faith” Mark 9:14-29 By Dr. Steven G. Cook I. Introduction A. Read Text - Mark 9:14-29 B. Jesus, with Peter, James, and John, had been on the Mount of Transfiguration where Jesus had allowed them the privilege of seeing a glimpse of His glory. C. Peter had wanted to build three more

  • Eternal Conspirators Series

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Nov 28, 2000
    based on 126 ratings

    If God is not involving you in changing someone's eternal destiny, could it be because you're not asking him to?

    When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. "What are you arguing with them about?" he asked. A man in the crowd answered, more

  • We Worship The Son Of God

    Contributed by William Baeta on Dec 1, 2000
    based on 60 ratings

    Jesus deserves our worship

    Theme: We worship the Son of God Text: Jer. 11:18-20; James 3:16-4:3; Mk. 9:32-37 A few weeks ago the press carried a news item that another European parliament had approved a bill giving homosexual marriages the same legal status as heterosexual marriages. They have even gone further by more

  • Survivor: Conflict In Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Feb 19, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    Sermon 3 of 3 on the Survivor series. This Sermon is about doubt and faith.

    Conflict In Your Heart There is a battle going on for your heart We begin this morning with the story of a boy who is possessed by a demon. That sounds a bit dramatic doesn’t it. Demons are certainly a dramatic concept. Right? A bit antiquated, old fashioned, and out of step with scientific more

  • Faith And The Power Of God Series

    Contributed by Jerry Hopkins on Jun 30, 2002
    based on 219 ratings

    A sermon on Mark 9:14-29 regarding the confrontation of the demonic-satanic in our lives and the power of Jesus to free and cleanse our lives.

    “Faith and the Power of God” Mark 9:14-29 Most of us want to live on the excitement of the highs in our lives. We don’t want to come back down to the valley and walk amidst the unbelief and ridicule. Our faith is not the kind that thrives on the assaults of unbelieving and unkind people. It more

  • Mark 9

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Mar 8, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    mark 9

    Mark 9:14-27 A reason to believe Eric A. Snyder, Farwell Church of Christ September 9. 2001 Everyone walks by faith The rationalist puts his faith in science and reason Humanist puts his faith in humanity Atheist puts his faith in himself Agnostic puts his faith on hold Evolutionist puts his faith more

  • "Only Believe" Series

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    This is an evangelistic message, dealing with the way of salvation.

    ONLY BELIEVE Text: Mark 9:14-29 "And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them. And straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to him more

  • Facing Up To Our Faltering Faith

    Contributed by Paul Tuck on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 291 ratings

    The statement made by this desperate man reveals to us a great truth. The best way to get faith, is to admit that we don’t have it! This is the account of a man who was willing to admit that though he believed, he needed to believe even more!

    FACING UP TO OUR FALTERING FAITH Mark 9: 14-29 They say that “time is an excellent teacher”. What is one good lesson you have learned in 2001? {Elicit some response} The biggest lesson I have learned last year is this. I STILL HAVE A LOT OF GROWING TO DO IN MY FAITH! At this more

  • The Power Of An Able Savior

    Contributed by Olen Bruner on Feb 16, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    The power and posture of Christ when confronted by our weaknesses.

    Introduction: Today our lesson opens with a father caught in the grips of an understandable fear, loss in his worry over the illness of his child. This father confronted by his child in crisis was compelled to seek out anyone who just might be able to help. Is it not strange that sometimes the more

  • Discernment And Humility

    Contributed by Robert Tomas on Apr 23, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    Do we know the way?

    SEPTEMBER 22, 2000 WORSHIP SERVICE SCRIPTURES ·First Reading Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 ·Psalm 54:3-4, 5, 6-7 ·Second Reading James 3:16-4:3 ·Gospel Mark 9:30-37 REFLECTION As we continue our theme on Christian Discernment, we shall now focus on its definition and function in relation to the Cross more

  • Fasting For Spiritual Breakthroughs

    Contributed by Kelly Hudnall on Dec 12, 2001
    based on 254 ratings

    Encouragement to get involved in the spiritual discipline of fasting.

    TEXT: Mark 9:17-29 INTRO: Jesus’ disciples were able to do many miraculous things by the authority they had in His Name but when they came to this demon-possessed man they couldn’t set him free. Jesus told them the reason they couldn’t set him free was because some spiritual breakthroughs only more

  • A Father's Dilemma

    Contributed by Troy Mason on Dec 22, 2001
    based on 27 ratings

    How one man came to know Jesus Christ.

    A Father’s Dilemma Mark 9:14-29 Introduction: This story is about a father who came to know Christ. He did not do it alone, nor did he do without reservation. His story is a model for many of us. NLT “…Help me not to doubt.” WE “…Help me to believe more.” I. Desperation – This father was sunk more

  • Mountain Top Glory And The Descent Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 15 ratings

    Mountain top experiences are great things, but the test of them is when we come back to the real world, to a broken and hurting world where the glory of God is sometimes hidden. Then the test for us is whether we remember and trust what we’ve discovered o

    What is it about mountain tops that we find so attractive? I don’t mean just the mountain climber who climbs a mountain just because it’s there, but the rest of us. Most people I think have a special feeling for mountains. We talk about the "Mountain Top Experience" don’t we? But what is it that more