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Sermons on Luke 6:26-28:

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  • Part - Time Love

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Apr 27, 2001
    based on 78 ratings


    PART - TIME LOVE I CORINTHIANS 13:4 - 8 INTRODUCTION To understand the applicable text and it’s significance we must first clarify the correct nature of love and its definition. What is love? Love Is defined as: (A) An intense affectionate concern for more

  • Dealing With Difficult People Part 1

    Contributed by Larry Sarver on May 17, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    An Expository Message On Jesus Instructions For Dealing With Difficult People. Those Who Are Our Enemies, Who Hate Us And Mistreat Us.

    Dealing With Difficult People Pastor Larry Sarver New Life in Christ 1633 SW 34th St. Palm City, FL 34990 561-283-9426 Illustration: About 15 years ago, Amy and I were on our second or third date. She was driving and I was the passenger on U.S. 1 more

  • Dealing With Difficult People Part 2

    Contributed by Larry Sarver on May 24, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    An Expository Sermon On Dealing With Difficult People. Part 2 0f 2

    "Dealing With Difficult People" Part 2 Pastor Larry Sarver New Life in Christ 1633 SW 34th St. Palm City, FL 34990 561-283-9426 Read Luke 6:27-38 Illustration: There is a story about Leonardo Da Vinci when he was working on his famous painting of more

  • Are You On God's A-List Or Blacklist?

    Contributed by Larry Sarver on Jun 14, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    An Expository Sermon On Luke 6:20-26 on The Kind Of People Who Receive God’s Blessings And The Kind Of People Who Receive His Disfavor.

    Are You on God’s A-List or Blacklist? (Part 2) Luke Sermon Series #20 April 29th, 2001 Text: Luke 6:20-26 Introduction: You have probably heard of Galileo and how about 400 hundred years ago he argued that Aristotle was wrong about gravity. If you took two objects with one heavier than the more

  • How The Holy Spirit Helps Us Love Our Enemies

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 105 ratings

    1. The Holy Spirit helps us love our enemies by giving us a supernatural compassion for them despite their opposition to us.

    1. The Holy Spirit helps us love our enemies by giving us a supernatural compassion for them despite their opposition to us. Jesus said, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." (Luke 6:27,28) Ask the Lord to fill you up with an more

  • How The Holy Spirit Can Help Us Build Mutual Respect For Each Other

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 87 ratings

    1. The Holy Spirit can help us build mutual respect for each other when we trust Him to help us focus on one another’s strengths rather than weaknesses.

    1. The Holy Spirit can help us build mutual respect for each other when we trust Him to help us focus on one another’s strengths rather than weaknesses. God has given each person special strengths, abilities, and gifts which are unique to that individual. Rather than focusing your attention on what more

  • Blessings And Woes

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Feb 3, 2001
    based on 255 ratings

    Year C Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany February 11th, 2001

    Year C Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany February 11th, 2001 Lord of the Lake Lutheran Church Web page By The Rev. Jerry Morrissey, Esq., Pastor E-mail Heavenly Father thank you for blessing us when we, more

  • Best To Be Blessed

    Contributed by Jim Pye on Feb 7, 2001
    based on 146 ratings

    Jesus words are to sustain, encourage, and inspire believers and warn those who trust wealth and popularity to repent, and turn to God in humble dependence upon him.

    Luke 6:17-26 : Best to be Blessed. Year C : The Third Sunday before Lent 17 He went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coast of Tyre and Sidon, 18 who had come to hear him more

  • Imitating God.

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Feb 11, 2001
    based on 264 ratings

    Year C Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany February 18th, 2001

    Year C Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany February 18th, 2001 Lord of the Lake Lutheran Church Web page By The Rev. Jerry Morrissey, Esq., Pastor E-mail Heavenly Father thank you for your kindness and more

  • Inside Out And Upside Down

    Contributed by Adrian Pratt on Feb 21, 2001
    based on 189 ratings

    The radical inversion of things that Jesus suggests!

    " INSIDE OUT, UPSIDE DOWN” Reading: Luke 6: 17-26: Preached at Fayetteville Presbyterian Church on February 11th 2001 Inside out and upside down. What on earth was Jesus talking about in todays lesson. Blessed are the poor? Happy are the hungry? Fortunate are the tearful? I have yet to meet more

  • A Blessing On The One Who Trusts In The Lord

    Contributed by William Baeta on Feb 22, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    A relationship with the Lord brings blessings

    Theme: A blessing on the one who trusts in the Lord Text: Jer. 17:5-8; Gal. 3:6-9; Luke 6:17-26 Read Jeremiah 17:7-8 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. And whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will more

  • Our Right Vs The Right

    Contributed by Jeeva Sam on Mar 20, 2001
    based on 157 ratings

    Is our right to withold forgiveness more important than doing the right thing?

    Late one summer evening in Broken Bow, Nebraska, a weary truck driver pulled his rig into an all-night truck stop. The waitress had just served him when three tough looking, leather jacketed motorcyclists - of the Hell’s Angels type - decided to give him a hard time. Not only did they verbally more

  • Tough Love

    Contributed by John Beehler on Mar 20, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    We must love everyone, even our enemies.

    Tough Love 1. Valentine’s Day. Candy, flowers, Hallmark cards. Day for people “in love”. What is love? Emotion? Feeling? Physical desire? What is love? 2. Young adults discussing how to say “I Love You”. Group, suit, knelt, ask to marry. Mom, tough more

  • Blessings & Woes

    Contributed by Eric Amundson on Mar 29, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    How to measure blessings in your life

    I’d like to ask you a very simple question. What kind of life would you like to have? When you ask for God’s blessing on your life, what kind of blessing are you thinking about? What is the picture of your life in your mind that you want? The assumption here is that all of us want to be more

  • Evil Brings Out The Best In Christians

    Contributed by Eric Amundson on Mar 29, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    Loving our enemies

    We are infected by the world. We live in and are bombarded, moment by moment, with the message that our injuries own us. They must be avenged. W.H. Auden wrote: I and the public know, What school children learn, Those to whom evil is done, Do evil in return. That is the way of this world. more