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Sermons on Luke 21:1-2:

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  • I Dare You

    Contributed by John Beehler on Mar 21, 2001
    based on 108 ratings

    You can’t outgive God

    I Dare You 1. Prayer mtg. Preacher invited people to give testimony to their faith. Man tells story. Man lost job. Wife divorced. Living on street. Desperate, went into church, prayed. Put last $ into offering. 2. Man finished, congregation deeply moved, sat in silence. Woman in back row stood up more

  • Widow Series

    Contributed by Michael Treston on May 8, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    A new look at what it means to give up everything to follow God

    Economics What makes you uncomfortable to talk about? Money is essential our society does not function with out it. When we set up our priorities, When we look at our timetables we do so with an under lying belief, a hidden voice at the heart of us speaks which shapes and influences how we more

  • How To Please God With Your Giving

    Contributed by Gregory Griffin on Jun 1, 2002
    based on 223 ratings

    Sermon on Giving. Basic principles on pleasing God with your giving.

    How to give and please God Luke 21:1-4 DBC 6/02/02 Gregg Griffin <(((((>< Congregational Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 9: 6-8 Now that you have all the moans and groans out of your system, having heard the sermon title. Lets take and honest look at what it takes to give and please God. My more

  • Examine Sus Actitudes

    Contributed by Adrián Olivas on Apr 22, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Puesto que la venida del Señor está a las puertas (Santiago 5:8), necesitamos estar seguros que tengamos las actitudes correctas mientras le esperamos.

    Examine sus actitudes En Lucas 21, Cristo enseñó acerca de su segunda venida y mencionó algunas actitudes que se deben mantener por aquellos que anticipan su pronto regreso. Cristo presenta las actitudes negativas y positivas. 1. Las actitudes negativas A. No sean engañados por impostores (ver. more

  • Giving To God

    Contributed by Charles Jenkins on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    How we give is just as important as what we give.

    GIVING TO GOD I. What we give. A. Our hearts B. Our time C. Our talents D. Tithes and offerings 1. Malachi 3:10 2. Luke 6:38 II. How we give A. Luke 21:1-4 1. Size of the gift not most important to God. 2. The more

  • Little Is Much When God Is In It

    Contributed by Billy Kryger on Aug 14, 2002
    based on 95 ratings

    God can take what little you have to offer Him, if you’ll give it freely, and use it for His honor and glory. He used A REDUCED REGIMINE, A SHEPHERD’S SLING AND A LAD’S LUNCH.

    * God isn’t interested in the quantity of our finances, friends or family * This church’s size, sanctuary or staff doesn’t impress him. * He wants to use the little things that we have. He used: 1. A REDUCED REGIMINE—JUDGES 7 A. Midianites had 120,000 men B. Gideon started with 32,000---“Scared more

  • Giving On Purpose

    Contributed by David Derry on Dec 16, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Giving our time, talents and treasure on purpose. We give them to something, because we never have any left over, but do we really give on purpose?

    Giving on Purpose – December 15 We’ve spend the past couple of weeks talking about the purpose that God has for our lives. The next couple of weeks we will continue looking at some specific areas in our lives in relation to God’s purpose. Today we are talking about “giving on purpose.” When you more

  • The Widow's Mite Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on May 27, 2003
    based on 100 ratings

    Jesus contrasts the phony goodness of the religious leaders with the true devotion of the poor widow. With this great story He gives three great principles about giving; (1) God cares about our giving, (2) God cares about how we give and (3) God cares how

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 58 The Widow’s Mite! Luke 21:1-4 Dr. John Broadus, on one memorable Sunday as the ushers were about the offering, left the platform and walked down to where the ushers were beginning to take more

  • The Legend Of The Little Drummer Boy

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Nov 7, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    This fictional narrative imagines what that first Christmas might actually have looked like through the eyes of the Little Drummer Boy.

    The following is a work of fiction. Please feel free to use it in a spoken inspirational context (i.e., as a Reading or Meditation presented orally at Christmastime.) Please do not reproduce or republish by email or on the web without the author’s permission. (c) 2003 J. K. Twitchell The more

  • Sacrifice

    Contributed by Andrew Huson on Nov 12, 2004
    based on 94 ratings

    To challenge people to a place of sacrifice in their Christian walk.

    Sacrifice Luke 21:1-4 Turn to Luke 21:1-4 "Once upon a time, a pig and a chicken were walking down a village street. They came upon a church sign which was advertising a bazaar and breakfast which was going to be held in a few days. At the bottom of the sign the menu was given, it read ’Ham and more

  • The Olivet Discourse

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Feb 3, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    When will these things be? What will the sign be? Did this happen already or is it furturistic. We are living in the middle of the Olivet Discourse.

    “The Olivet Discourse” “Living in the middle of Jesus’ speech” Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13 Today we will be coming from Luke. One of the reasons there is so much confusion concerning the “Olivet Discourse” is that many people try to find complete fulfillment at a certain time, mainly 70 more

  • Fighting The Fear Of Fear Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 4, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Much of our lives are spent worrying about the future and what might happen. Many times we worry more about possibilities than probabilities. Jesus encourages us to pay attention to His work in the world around us and gives us tools to fight fear.

    For more studies including an audio version of this study go to: A recent Time Magazine cover reads "Why We Worry About the Wrong Things." In the article it says: "We pride ourselves on being the only species that understands the concept of risk, yet we have a more

  • Giving That Catches Jesus Eye

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Sep 4, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    In this sermon you will learn the kind of giving that catches Jesus eye.

    We are in the midst of a capital funds campaign. You heard a testimony a few moments ago. You saw posters and banners in the foyer. We have a major banquet coming up in several weeks. Financial giving is on our minds. I want to put this into perspective by introducing you to a woman who gave in more

  • When You Leave Narnia Series

    Contributed by Tanner Smith on Nov 18, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 4 of a 4 part series on CS Lewis’ book "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe."

    Session #4- When You Leave Narnia Romans 12:1; Luke 21:1-4 TLTWATW: Ch. 15- mice chew rope for Aslan This sermon attempts to address the following questions: Do you believe God has called you to serve other people? Why or why not? Do people give you opportunities to serve? Do you take more

  • Giving That Prompts Greatness

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Oct 22, 2001
    based on 355 ratings

    The outline is origional the il;ustrations and statistics were compiled mainly from sermon central contributers.

    Giving That Prompts Greatness Eric A. Snyder, Minister Farwell Church of Christ October 21, 2001 A wealthy older gentleman had just recently married a lovely young lady, and was beginning to wonder whether she might have married him for his money. So he asked her, "Tell me the truth: if I lost more