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Sermons on Leviticus 15:13-24:

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  • Offering And Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Gregory Neill on Jan 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Lesson 3 on holiness as seen in Leviticus, examining the Hebrew sacrifices.

    Offerings and Sacrifice I. Introduction A. One of the most neglected books in the Bible is Leviticus. 1. Many do not study the book because they feel it was written only to the Levitical priesthood. a) As Christians, we are the priesthood of God – 1 Peter 2:9 b) Therefore Leviticus can help us more

  • Running Water

    Contributed by Paul Pattison on May 11, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Is your walk with Christ charaterized by a steady flow of life and fruitfulness, or by an occassional refilling that soon grows stagnant? Where there’s movement, there’s life.

    Running Water Leviticus 15:1-13 (KJV) The essence of Leviticus is God teaching His people how to live again. They had lived in bondage for most of the 430 years they were in Egypt and, as you can appreciate, they had lost all sense of perspective as to who they more

  • (Lesson 8) The Woman With The Issue Of Blood Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 100 ratings

    A woman thought a slight touch of the hem of Jesus’ coat would heal her, but she was encountered by Jesus to learn that it was her faith that made her whole.

    A. WHY A TOUCH? 1. He should not touch her. She thought Jesus might become unclean if He healed her with a touch. "Whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean" (Lev. 15:19). 2. She should not touch Him. She didn’t want to touch Jesus, just His clothes. "When she toucheth . . . it shall be unclean" more

  • What Movie Is Playing In Your Mind?

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Aug 15, 2017

    What we see in our minds is critical to our ability to walk in this life as Jesus did when He was on earth. But far too many of us allow "movies" to play that should be deleted.

    An article in a recent USA Today reported that in an online survey of 1000 adults, “three-quarters of Americans believe the country was better off in the ‘80s than now.” What is noteworthy about the poll is that some who answered in the affirmative weren’t even alive during the 1980s. Isn’t that more

  • Give Us Clean Hands (Covid-19) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Mar 30, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Due to this viral pandemic, people are obsessed with washing their hands! But, did you know the Bible also tells people to wash our hands? In Scripture people washed their hands for three reasons: sanitation, seperation, and sanctification.

    Clean Hands Scott R. Bayles Scripture: Various Blooming Grove Christian Church: 3/29/2020 Good morning everyone and thank you for joining us online. In the midst of this viral outbreak, the number one piece of advice I’ve heard more than anything else is: wash your hands. I’m sure you’ve heard more

  • What Are You Willing To Do To Touch Jesus?

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Jan 15, 2019

    Living a life of faith oftentimes means getting out of our comfort zones. This message is about two individuals who did just that - Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood,

    If you have a marker, put it in Mark 5. We’re also going to Leviticus 15 and Proverbs 3. How many of you have worked with or known people who have done things and they had no concerns about what people thought? And these are people we sometimes look at and frown upon because they’re doing things more

  • The Human Body And Evolution Series

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 25, 2023

    The Bible says that God reveals Himself in His creation, and that is so true when we really look carefully at Bible Science. Here we take a look at the human body and evolution.

    Bible Science As we look at the second of our short series titled Bible science, I want to again remind you that although I will be talking science stuff, the main point is to look at how God created something so complicated, but at times so simple, how all the moving parts fit and function more