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Sermons on Judges 1:1:

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  • Introduction To Joshua (Part B) Series

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Aug 6, 2010

    Sermon 2 of the series. In our first sermon, we saw that Israel has a new leader. Now we find them ready to inherit a new land. This is a land very important to Israel. And it is a land that is very important to God. Was then, still is! Let's look at what

    THE BOOK OF JOSHUA (Introduction: Part B) Calvary Baptist Church July 20, 2003 I wish to thank Warren Wiersbe for much of the material in our study today. I highly recommend to you without reservation His Be Series, now being collected as the Bible Exposition Commentary, His Expository more

  • Leaders, Legends & Losers Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on May 20, 2014

    By the Israelite's failure to possess the land, we can learn valuable lessons in overcoming our enemies. This is the intro to the series.

    Leaders, Legends & Losers Series: Leaders, Legends & Losers May 18, 2014 So today, I’m starting a summer series of messages on the book of Judges. I’ve always liked the book of Judges because of the classic bible characters and stories that you find in it. People like Gideon, more

  • Judah Will Lead You

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Jun 4, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Praise will defeat our enemies.

    Thank you Rev. Giertz Judah Will Lead You Judges 1:1-2 Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them? 2 And the LORD said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the more

  • From Worrier To Warrior Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Sep 21, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God meets us where we are and empowers us to become who we are to be.

    Title: From Worrier to Warrior Text: Judges 6:11-12, 25-32 and 34 (Scripture Reading 6:1-16) Thesis: God meets us where we are and empowers us to become who we are to be. Series: The Bible in 90 Days Whole Church Challenge Background: Last week we wandered with the people of God on their more

  • Working To Accomplish The Will Of God Series

    Contributed by Peter Thompson on Mar 14, 2012

    This sermon is a look at an example in working to accomplish God’s will set by the nation of Israel right after the death of Joshua

    Judges 1:1-8 Working to Accomplish the Will of God INTRODUCTION: The book of Judges picks up right where Joshua left off. We have an account of Joshua’s death here that was mentioned also at the end of Joshua. When Joshua died it was up to the tribes of the children of Israel to take the land more

  • Disabled Nation

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 24, 2009
    based on 69 ratings

    America reminds me of these 70 kings in our text: Dethroned and Disabled, and reduced to settling for scraps which fall from above sparingly. And we used to sit feasting at the table of the KING of Kings. Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPt.

    Disabled Nation Judges 1:1-7 America and Israel are much alike. They remind me of each other. And both remind me of these 70 kings in our text: Dethroned and Disabled, and reduced to settling for scraps which fall from above sparingly. America more

  • Downward Spirals Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 1 verses 1 through 25

    Judges 1: 1 – 25 Downward Spirals 1 Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, “Who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them?” 2 And the LORD said, “Judah shall go up. Indeed I have more

  • Failure Of Judah Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 12, 2018

    After the death of Joshua, the nation of Israel was ruled by judges, or heroic military deliverers, for about 300 years until the united monarchy was established under King Saul. The era of the judges was a time of instability and moral depravity . . .

    Chapter 1 Failure of Judah [Judges 1:1-1.20] Scripture 1 Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them? 2 And the LORD said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have more

  • A Great Generation Dies Series

    Contributed by James Tilley on Jan 10, 2017

    An Exposition of Judges 1.1-21

    What if everyone did whatever they wanted? – Week 1: A Great Generation Dies Text: Judges 1.1-21. Introduction: 1. In 1998 Tom Brokaw wrote a book about the men and women who persevered through the days of the great depression and later fought and won WW2. He wrote this as part of his more

  • What Is Worship? Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Feb 8, 2016

    Improving in the way we worship God is part of our Christian growth because in heaven, we will be worshiping God for all eternity. In this message, we will learn three things why worship is important and how we can apply these to our lives.

    WHAT IS WORSHIP? SCRIPTURE READING: Judges 1:1-5 "After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord, “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites?” 2 The Lord answered, “Judah shall go up; I have given the land into their hands.” 4 When Judah more

  • Gettysburg Vacation 2019

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jul 25, 2019

    Lessons I learned on my vacation

    Gettysburg Vacation, 2019 July 21, 2019 Judges six It is good to be back home. I had one of the best vacations ever. I won’t say best because that one the whole family spent on the beach that one year still has first place – but this was great! Spending a week with my cousin, Dave and my more

  • The Gospel According To Judges Series

    Contributed by Michael Monica on Aug 22, 2019

    Finding salvation from Genesis to Revelation

    The Gospel According to Judges “After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the LORD, “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites? The LORD answered, “Judah shall go up; I have given the land into their hands.” I’m someone who enjoys being in control. It’s one of my more

  • Compromising Belief Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 15, 2019

    The Idsraelites were commanded to destroy take over the Promised Land without compromise!

    About 3 years ago, we studied the Book of Joshua; you can check those messages in; it is wonderful to note that we have had almost 77000 views of those messages from all over the world! Remember that Joshua took the Israelites to the Land God Promised the Israelites. We will now more

  • Big Toes And Thumbs

    Contributed by Mitchell Leonard on May 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A little different sermon on the JUDGMENT of King Adoni-Bezek and how we can relate it to our lives.

    Judges 1:1-7 I don’t tell you this story to be intentionally gory. I have a reason for it. But I have a good friend who is a retired Full Bird Colonel. He served many years in the U.S. army. He served all over the world but one of his assignments was to be in charge of a large group more

  • Lion Tamers - Pt. 1 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 5, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Lions are loud. They are scary. All we see are teeth. So how do you tame the lions in your life?

    Lion Tamers - Pt. 1 I. Introduction The king of the jungle. Fierce. Loud. Teeth bared. Claws sharpened. Ready to pounce. Ready to destroy. Infinitely powerful. Striking fear in everyone! Lions. One of the top attractions at zoos and circuses! We don’t mind watching them when they are caged up and more