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Sermons on John 14:7-14:

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  • There's No Place Like Home Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 3, 2001
    based on 87 ratings

    Jesus calms our troubled hearts when he tells us the end of the story. He is coming again to take us home.

    Comforting a Troubled Heart. John 14:1-4 When I was a little boy I remember having nightmares. There were two things that used to scare me to death. One was witches and the other was skeletons. Ooo! I hated those things! It all started when I saw the Wizard of Oz. It was Sunday evening and more

  • They Saw God! Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 3, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    No one has seen God, or have they? Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." Think of it! Where can you and I see God today?

    Do you like family pictures? When Jennifer was born we took thousands of pictures of her. She would smile and we’d snap another picture. I remember getting a roll of film developed one time and seeing about 36 pictures, (actually 72 with double prints), of almost exactly the same expression and more

  • A Piece Of God's Presence Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 3, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    God left some of himself in the very words of John’s gospel. Looking closely we see Him there, loving us, calling us, filling us, and blessing us.

    Have you ever been on a spiral staircase? When we lived in Lancaster we would often visit Prospect Mountain where there was a stone tower about 45-50 feet high. You could go in a door at the bottom of the tower and climb up a spiral stair to the top and look out on a panoramic view of the more

  • Fighting Spiritual Battles

    Contributed by Mike Molenaar on May 4, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Not only do we need to be prepared defensively against spiritual attacks but we must also counter attack with a great offense.

    John 14:1-14 After Jesus showed his love by washing the disciples feet he said, "I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. We are blessed if we know the more

  • Spirit Of Support

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on May 29, 2001
    based on 150 ratings

    Year C "The Day of Pentecost" June 3rd, 2001 John 14:8-17, 25-27

    Heavenly Father thank you for your Holy Spirit that empowers us with courage and inspiration to be witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen. Title: “Spirit of Support” Chapter fourteen begins Jesus’ long “farewell” discourse found only in John, spanning chapters 14-17. Jesus begins by assuring more

  • True Happiness

    Contributed by Daryl Grimes on Jun 1, 2001
    based on 370 ratings

    There are 3 elements of happiness that the experts say we need to have. Believe it or not they correlate with Scripture!

    True Happiness John 14:1-21 Psychologists say that people need three things to make them happy. First of all they need something to do. Secondly they need something to love. Finally they need something to look forward to. I think Scripture agrees with this. However, to be truly happy and more

  • Doubting Thomas?

    Contributed by Elliot Ross on Jun 5, 2001
    based on 304 ratings

    Thomas doubted but Thomas was more than just a doubter but also one who was very faithful to his Lord.

    Doubting Thomas? When we think of the Lord’s disciples. We have certain words that almost always go with them. We think of Judas Iscariot or Judas the Betrayer, we think of Peter denying Christ three times but also Peter the Rock that the church was build on, we think of the John, the one more

  • Doing Greater Things

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 30 ratings

    Jesus told disciples that they and we would do greater miracles than He did. How can we do this today?

    Introductory Considerations 1. It was a difficult time for the disciples. After ministering with J for about 3 years, they knew that He would soon leave them. 2. Jesus had just finished washing their feet, they had just had their last supper together and Jesus stressed that he would soon be more

  • How Jesus Gave His Disciples A Goal Greater Than Their Own Pleasures

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 144 ratings

    How Jesus Gave His Disciples a Goal Greater than Their Own Pleasures - John 14:12-16

    How Jesus Gave His Disciples a Goal Greater than Their Own Pleasures - John 14:12-16 Many people lack motivation because they do not have a higher goal than merely pleasing themselves. Jesus gave His disciples a purpose that would transcend their earthly worries and pleasures. Jesus said, "If you more

  • Home

    Contributed by Tom Lawson on Dec 16, 2000
    based on 136 ratings

    A Narrative Sermon on Heaven as Home

    It was a warm day in the summer in Grayson. Our windows were open, so it was easy to hear him, even though he was still half a block away: "Ma! Ma!" TJ, our oldest son, had been our playing with his friends. And, as usual, he was barefoot. And, you already know what happened. He discovered one more

  • The Exclusive Savior

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Dec 26, 2000
    based on 59 ratings

    Jesus is the exclusive and universal Savior.

    Cary Grant, the movie star, once told how he was walking along a street and started to pass by a man who began staring at him with a look of excited recognition. The man said, “Wait a minute, you’re... you’re — I know who you are; don’t tell me... uh, Rock Hud... No, you’re....” The famous more

  • The Ark - A Portrait Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 117 ratings

    The historical flood points to the spiritual truth of Jesus’ redemption on the cross. This sermon looks at the message we are taught in the flood.

    The Ark - a Portrait of the Cross One thing that is vital to understanding scripture is to keep the end in mind as you study. If you lose sight of the big picture, you will miss the spiritual applications or be in danger of taking scripture out of context. God is working out His plan and He sees more

  • Funeral - Meaning Of Death

    Contributed by Barry Hidey on Jan 12, 2001
    based on 1,087 ratings

    Wat does death mean to a Christian?"

    THE MEANING OF DEATH Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restored our life. Christ will come again in glory. Here and now, dear friends, we are God’s children. What we shall be has not been revealed, But we know when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he more

  • Our Messiah Must Be Made Known Series

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Jan 15, 2001
    based on 150 ratings

    If the lost of this community are ever going to see Jesus for themselves, they must first see Him in us.

    Our Messiah Must Be Made Known “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to more

  • The Resume` Of The Holy Spirit Part Ii

    Contributed by Joel Carwile on Jan 18, 2001
    based on 70 ratings

    A continuation of who the Holy Spirit is. He is our Comforter and our Teacher.

    The Resume` of the Holy Spirit Pt. 2 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified more