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Sermons on Job 29:1-6:

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  • What Does God Want From Elders? (Job 29:1-25; Joshua 20:1-9; Acts 6:1-7) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 28, 2022

    Job was the ideal role model, for a good "elder" in ancient Israel. Authority is used for the vulnerable, to create authentic unity. Part 3 of cities of refuge.

    I'd like to begin this morning by simply reading Joshua 20:1-9, from start to finish: (1) And Yahweh spoke to Joshua, saying, (2) "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, "Make for yourselves cities of refuge, which I had spoken to you by the hand of Moses, (3) to flee there, a more

  • Before The Children Went Away

    Contributed by Terry Tuley on Nov 21, 2000
    based on 81 ratings

    A sermon on the importance of families living for Christ

    “Before The Children Went Away” ( Job 29:1-5) There is no one in the Bible that can so touch the heart of compassion than God’s servant Job. In one fell stroke of providence, Job was robbed of everything he had in life. Let me take you on a journey down to the Uz mortuary. There is a receiving more

  • Sermon On Enlightenment

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 25, 2022

    Amongst the many possible definitions, enlightenment is considered a concept of understanding, insight, awareness, and a learning process that may clarify uncertainties in life.

    Jagadish "Jaggi" Vasudev, better known as Sadhguru, an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality once remarked: “If all your energies are focused in one direction, enlightenment is not far away. After all, what you are seeking is already within you.” John 16:13 confirms: “When the more

  • God's Friendship Above All

    Contributed by Perry Greene on May 3, 2022

    We want and need a close relationship with God above all else.

    1. A Prayer Tent In 2021 David Jeremiah told about a creative mother in Chicago who noticed her son was anxious during the pandemic. She came up with a biblical solution. Together they made a homemade pup tent called a "prayer tent." The two of them set it up in the corner of the more

  • Job's Prospect Of Prosperity - Job Chapter Twenty Nine Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    This is a study on Job chapter twenty nine.

    Job chapter 29 could be outlined: Job Remembers Former Comforts. (Job 29:1-6) Job Was Honored Among People. (Job 29:7-17) Job’s Prospect Of Prosperity. (Job 29:18-25) Job continues to speak in this chapter. 1 Job further continued his discourse, and said: 2 Oh, that I were as in months past, more

  • Glory Days Series

    Contributed by Sam Peters on Feb 27, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon was part of a study of Job in a contemporary service. It deals with longing for the past and living in the moment.

    Glory Days Tonight we will continue to look at the life of Job. What we have are some rambling thoughts of a guy living outside the box. Tonight I will do more philosophizing than preaching. You won’t get three points and a poem. Let me start off with a little ditty from Bruce Springsteen. I more

  • A Father’s Pride Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jun 12, 2012
    based on 115 ratings

    A father’s pride can be seen in several areas of his life. 1- He has pride in his children 2- He has pride in his work 3- He has pride in his faith

    INTRO.- I Peter 5:5 “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Pride is not good. Most of the time it is not good because it deals with self and not others. ILL.- I love the old story about a lady who went to preacher to make a confession. She said to him, “I must confess a great more

  • Intiimacy With God Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Aug 18, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    How Job’s desire for intimacy with God remained even in times of suffering.

    INTIMACY WITH GOD I read recently in a book the following: ‘Look at any Sunday morning congregation and what do you see? Tired women and bored men.’ There is, I believe, some truth in both of those descriptions. It is all too easy to become exhausted in the Christian life. The comment ‘my more

  • Flip That House Series

    Contributed by Ken Hubbard on Feb 11, 2010

    This is the fourth of a series of sermons on godly home life, marriage and family. This message focuses on godly parenting.

    "KIDS DO THE DARNDEST THINGS IN 10 YEARS TIME" Bill Shapino According to the American Society for Lesser-Known Childhood Statistics, by the time your child is 10, she will have: * Soiled 8,952 diapers * Watched 9,486 hours of television * Demanded 345 readings of Goodnight Moon. * Wedged 13 more

  • God's Reign In Turbulent Times Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God hasn’t given up on you; so will you allow Him to be the great healer you need? Will you stop trying to do things yourself and submit to His grace as all you ever need in this life?

    God's Reign in Turbulent Times Grace Sermon Series, Part 10 Psalm 29 Introduction - Today we wrap up this series on Grace with one final word of encouragement - Today, let’s turn to Psalm 29 Recap #1: - The word translated "grace" in the New Testament comes from the Greek: -- It is the more

  • Lord, Where Are You? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 23, 2016

    A study of the book of Job 29: 1 – 25

    Job 29: 1 – 25 Lord, Where Are You? 1 Job further continued his discourse, and said: 2 “Oh, that I were as in months past, as in the days when God watched over me; 3 When His lamp shone upon my head, and when by His light I walked through darkness; 4 Just as I was in the days of my more

  • Week 4: Rethinking A Quid Pro Quo Kind Of Faith (Sermon Adapted From Pete Metzger) Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on May 23, 2021

    Do we think that goes owes us for what we do for him?

    Quid pro quo. Do you know what that Latin phrase means? It translates literally as “this for that.” Conversationally, we might say, “I scratch your back, you scratch mine.” For example, if I head out on vacation and ask my neighbor to take my garbage to the curb while I’m away, it’s perfectly more