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Sermons on Jeremiah 22:1:

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  • Burying The Bible Burner

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Aug 27, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    As we approach this character study, I am reminded of the Christmas Season Character of Scrooge. Yet, as the story of Scrooge goes, even he has some redeeming qualities evident by the end of his tail. Not so with Jehoiakim. This king goes from bad to w

    BURYING THE BIBLE BURNER Jehoiakim Jeremiah 22, 23, 26, 33 INTRODUCTION: As we approach this character study, I am reminded of the Christmas Season Character of Scrooge. Yet, as the story of Scrooge goes, even he has some redeeming qualities evident by the end of his tail. Not so with Jehoiakim. more

  • Why Are You Running

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Jul 29, 2011

    Why do we try to run from God?

    As a child did you ever think of running away from home? There were a couple times that I was so tried of discipline that I just wanted to leave but I knew that when I got back home the discipline would probably be worse, so I stayed. Plus, where would I go? I remember movies of kids getting a more

  • Godly Leadership Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jun 18, 2012

    Just what do we look for in a godly leader?

    “A Nation Under God: Godly Leadership” Jer. 22:1-5, 11-17 If the character of our government is to be good, we must put good characters in office. Abigail Adams, wife of the second president of the United States, wrote her husband a letter in which she made the following observation: more