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Sermons on Acts 9:3-4:

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  • What More Does The Lord Have To Do?

    Contributed by Cedric Portis on Aug 28, 2002
    based on 166 ratings

    For the Apostle Paul, he had to be blinded in order for him to see the Lord. What more does the Lord have to do in your life in order for you to see Him?

    What More Does the Lord Have To Do Minister Cedric A. Portis Acts 9:1 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, Acts 9:2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of more

  • The Calling Of Saul

    Contributed by John Foster on Sep 8, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Explores 3 aspects of Saul’s conversion. Flash of light, God choses the most unlikely people to do His work (he choses YOU), With Jesus adversity becomes opportunity and even Victory.

    I have a question for you. Has anyone here ever had something go wrong but that going wrong was the very thing that made things work out in the end? What do I mean? Have you ever missed the bus and you go back home to find that you’d forgotten to lock the house or something? If you hadn’t more

  • Power Of Suffering

    Contributed by Robert Simmons on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Examine Saul of Tarsus as a model for how Christ calls us to suffer for Him

    I. Unlikely Election A. God Chooses Whom He Wills, Not Whom You Suspect B. "They Would Make a Fine Christian" Is a Statement I Have Heard a Pastor Make of an Unsaved Lawyer. The Truth Is Anyone Touched by God’s Grace Would Make a Fine Christian. Whether They Are Now in the Gutters of Sin or the more

  • On The Road To Damascus

    Contributed by Peter Davis on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 68 ratings

    A monlogue sermon on Saul’s encounter with the risen Christ on the Damascus Road.

    On the Road to Damascus Acts 9:1-19, 1 Timothy 1:13-15 Published in Preaching Online, February 1998. You could say I know Saul as well as anyone. Saul and I first met as students, studying the Torah together under Gamaliel. They were exciting times. Young, enthusiastic, each day was an more

  • How To Thrive Spiritually

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Everyone needs a mentor and friend to accomplish all that God calls them to do.

    “Friendships – the way to Thrive Spiritually” Acts 9:10-19 What is it that helps you survive and thrive spiritually in a world that is not friendly to Christians? Most of us would have to answer: Family and friends. Our family and friends have been our primary encouragers to survive more

  • True Change

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    What is the secret to change? The only true change I know of is that which the Holy Spirit imparts and we must work in cooperation with Him.

    True Change  God never changes but I believe he is continually calling for change in our own lives  He is constantly molding us into the image of Christ  I have been asked many times, “What is the secret to change?”  The only true change I know of is that which the more

  • Are You Paying Attention?

    Contributed by Russ Sharrock on Jan 3, 2002
    based on 167 ratings

    Many times we wonder if God ever speaks in today’s world, but the real question might be, are we really paying attention?

    In a book called "Directions", James Hamilton writes: Before refrigerators, people used ice houses to preserve their food. Ice houses had thick walls, no windows, and a tightly fitting door. In winter, when streams and lakes were frozen, large blocks of ice were cut, hauled to the ice houses, and more

  • Getting Out Of The Rut

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on May 8, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    Sometimes, we just need to get out of our spiritual ruts so that we can get on with God’s work.

    INTRODUCTION Have you ever felt as if you were in a rut? About two years ago, my brother,daughter and I went hiking on the Appalachian Trail on the North Carolina, Tennessee border. It is an area called the Bald Mountains because you actually walk over the tops of the mountains. It is grasslands more

  • A New Beginning

    Contributed by Michael Hand on May 17, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Purpose a "new beginning" for the Lord as we look at two areas in the Bible to help us improve our Christian walk using Saul and Jonah as examples.

    A New Beginning Let’s talk about “new beginnings” this morning! The kind of “new beginnings” that really mean something. Starting fresh again...with a new awakening in your Christian walk. And why not! ...we’re still in the very first few weeks of an entire new year. To help show you ...and more

  • The Damascus Road Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 21, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Part 4 of 4 of the series, Roads of Passion. Saul’s journey to Damascus was met with confrontation, change, and challenge. It is a journey we too need to face as Christians...

    The Damascus Road Acts 9:1-22 Read at beginning of service: Acts 9:1-22 (NIV) 1 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to more

  • From Persecuting To Preaching Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on May 24, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    This sermon illustrates the necessity of personal evangelism and our atttitudes towards it.

    From Persecuting to Preaching Acts 9:1-22 May 26, 2002 Intro: A. [Transformed by an Elevator, Citation: Owen Bourgaize, Castel, Guernsey, United Kingdom] A family from a remote area was making their first visit to a big city. They checked in to a grand hotel and stood in amazement at the more

  • An Unlikely Conversion

    Contributed by Gary Washburn on May 31, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Some people have read portions of the book of Romans and had a life changing experience. The Reformation and the great Awakening was sparked by men reading Romans.

    Series: Riches in Romans Romans 1:1 This book is about introducing good news to bad sinners. An Unlikely Conversion Intro: I have never preached through Romans because I felt it was more than I could handle, and I was right. I know I am in over my head. Romans is a book that probably more

  • In The Grip Of God's Grace

    Contributed by Daisy Barnum on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 133 ratings

    Saul was from Tarsus of Cilicia and was born into a well to do home.

    Saul was from Tarsus of Cilicia and was born into a well to do home. Saul as a rabbi, was required to learn a trade and so labored in the low-paying, menial task of tentmaking. But two facts demonstrate the social status of Saul's family, which are Saul's Roman citizenship and his opportunity to more

  • Components Of Conversion

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 39 ratings

    In Acts 9:5 Saul said, "Who are you Lord and what do you want me to do?" Those who are truly converted to Christ have a genuine desire to know the Lord and a willingness to obey Him. Many people think they are children of God, but they only pretend to kno

    In Acts 9:5 Saul said, "Who are you Lord and what do you want me to do?" Those who are truly converted to Christ have a genuine desire to know the Lord and a willingness to obey Him. Many people think they are children of God, but they only pretend to know the Lord and obey His will. Saul’s more

  • Paul As A Model Of Transformation

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 36 ratings

    Many people fail to enjoy the blessings of God because they misunderstand the nature of spiritual transformation. Before his conversion, Paul’s prejudice blinded him to what is true, eternal and liberating. Some people stagnate in their transformational g

    1. Many people fail to enjoy the blessings of God because they misunderstand the nature of spiritual transformation. Before his conversion, Paul’s prejudice blinded him to what is true, eternal and liberating. Some people stagnate in their transformational growth because they are fixated on more