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Sermons on Acts 6:8-15:

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  • Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Jeff Seaman on Apr 24, 2001
    based on 502 ratings


    SPIRITUAL WARFARE Ehp. 6:12 Jeff Seaman Intro. There was once a boxer who was being pummeled in the ring by his opponent. Blow after blow by his adversary left him with a bloody nose, swollen eyes, and an enormous amount of pain. The battered boxer’s trainer, trying to encourage his man between more

  • Lessons From Stephen's Faith

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    Stephen was full of faith. All areas of Stephen’s life were influenced by his belief in God and His promises. When a person is full of faith it indicates that they have allowed the mind of Christ to control the emotional, financial, moral, interpersonal a

    Stephen was full of faith. All areas of Stephen’s life were influenced by his belief in God and His promises. When a person is full of faith it indicates that they have allowed the mind of Christ to control the emotional, financial, moral, interpersonal and spiritual aspects of their lifestyle. more

  • How Faith Triumphs Over Prejudice

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 24 ratings

    Prejudice is at the heart of much of the resistance to Christ and His message. In the first century, the religious leaders thought of their knowledge of truth to be superior to that of Christ, the upstart carpenter’s son. Things have not really changed al

    1. Prejudice is at the heart of much of the resistance to Christ and His message. In the first century, the religious leaders thought of their knowledge of truth to be superior to that of Christ, the upstart carpenter’s son. Things have not really changed all that much in 2000 years. People more

  • How Faith Triumphs Over Priestism 

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 7 ratings

    1. A Spirit led faith has the capacity to help everyone overcome the tendency to grow too dependent on priestism.

    1. A Spirit led faith has the capacity to help everyone overcome the tendency to grow too dependent on priestism. Priestism is a faulty notion that only certain people are qualified to act as mediators between God and man. Some ministers become so proud of their positions that they use them as more

  • Standing Firm In An Unsettled Day

    Contributed by Larry Jones on Feb 27, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    The world needs us to be stronger than ever.

    Acts 6:7-10, 7:46-60 Standing Firm In An Unsettled Day Here we see a man of God set up in His work serving God. He stood and preached, witnessed, was a defender of the faith, even to the point of death Some would say, "what a pastor", "he was a great evangelist", "If he lived today he would more

  • #4perspective:change Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    If you don’t like what you are getting,you must change what you are giving.

    #4 PERSPECTIVE: CHANGE By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Jer. 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Acts 6:14 ... they said, We heard Jesus was coming and bringing change. Isaiah 6:8, says: "Here am I." Ruth 2:2 says, " Let me now go, I shall find more

  • The Secret Of Success Series

    Contributed by David Lansdown on Jul 16, 2002
    based on 110 ratings

    The story of Stephen. In God’s eyes, Stephen was so successful, that verse 56 tell us that Jesus Himself stood to show Stephen that He was a witness on his behalf.

    THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Acts 6:8-15 & 7:54-60 INTRODUCTION Do you believe that we as a society put a lot of emphasis on success? (ALLOW RESPONSES) What are the indications of our obsession with success? (ALLOW RESPONSES) Would you like to know the secret of success? Hands up who would like to know more

  • The Right Stuff

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    one of a series in the book of Acts

    The right stuff - the wrong way We have the right stuff 10 years/Win Arn in Marquette MI about the Christian church movement. I went with some LSCC Elders and listened and learned. He said the Christian Church movement was ideally suited to reach American culture for Jesus and it should be able more

  • The Face Of An Angel Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon illustrates how we can have peace even in the midst of difficult circumstances when when we let go of everything else and simply seek God.

    The Face of an Angel Acts 6:8-15 April 14, 2002 Intro: A. [Change, 1000 Windows, Robert C. Shannon, Standard Publish Company, Cincinnati, OH, 1997, p. 20] Gaston Bachelard wrote, "If one were to give an account of all the doors one has closed and opened, of all the doors he would like to reopen, more

  • "Stephen: The 1st Christian Martyr"

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    This message examines the life and influence of Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

    STEPHEN: THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR Text: Acts 6:8-15 "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Lib- more

  • Growing Pains

    Contributed by Daryl Bahn on Apr 22, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    The danger of growth is great. The need for growth is even greater. The love of Jesus, the Good Sheperd for his people is the greatest of all!

    GROWING PAINS (Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a, 51-60) Intro: Wouldn’t it be great if our church suddenly grew by the thousands? The book of Acts demonstrates that this is possible. It also reminds us to be careful what we wish for, because growth isn’t always easy or painless. It often means we have to deal more

  • The Deacon Who Was Devoted To Jesus

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 208 ratings

    Written anonymously on the walls of a medieval castle were the following words: You call me Master and Obey me not.

    Written anonymously on the walls of a medieval castle were the following words: You call me Master and Obey me not. You call me Light and See me not. You call me the Way and Walk me not. You call me Life and Desire me not. You call me Wise and Follow me not. You call me Fair and Love me me not. more

  • "Leaderhsip That Makes A Difference"

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 10, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Many people who serve in positions of leadership only hold a position and never make a difference. Things and people remain the same during their tenure and time is lost that can never again be retrieved. God help us all to be leaders that make a differ

    "LEADERSHIP THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE" Dr. Dennis Deese, Fan The Flame Ministries, Inc. ACTS 6:1-8 Many people who serve in positions of leadership only hold a position and never make a difference. Things and people remain the same during their tenure and time is lost that can never again be more

  • Stephen: Boldly Going...

    Contributed by Sean Smuts on Jan 15, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Another from a series on the book of Acts.

    Stephen: Boldly Going... Acts 6:7-15 Over the last month, we have looked at a variety of people from the book of Acts. We looked Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who blasphemed the Holy Spirit and were killed, we have looked at Peter and John, who were arrested and taken before the Sanhedrin, and more

  • Take A Stand For Jesus

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    Share your faith

    Average Christian is about as likely to join the Mafia as seriously live like Jesus. Paraphrase Acts 6:1-7 - read vs.. 5 & 8 Stephen a spiritual redwood Read vs.. 8-15 Opposition from former slaves, not slaves to Temple rituals Charged with speaking blasphemy against Moses and God and the Holy more