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Sermons on 1 Corinthians 2:2:

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  • Letting Go Of Human Dependencies

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 27, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    The Holy Spirit reveals insights to those who consistently lay aside all of our their false dependencies.

    Letting Go Our Human Dependencies Quote: God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him. Andrew Murray. 1. The Holy Spirit convicts us of any form of dependency other than Jesus Christ. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "You hypocrites; as it is written: ‘These more

  • Life On The Cross

    Contributed by Chris Thron on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 6 ratings

    How can the modern professional cope with the overwhelming sense of emptiness and irrelevance?

    Faced with the challenge of Corinth, Paul rolled up his sleeves and got right down to basics. He determined to put aside all other practical and doctrinal issues and focused entirely on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. But why does Paul mention ’Him crucified’, and not ’Him resurrected’? Because more

  • The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Feb 9, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    Paul uses tremendous contrasts to show the need to distrust the world and to completely trust God and what He offers.

    The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly February 10, 2001 Contrasts can be a wonderful tool to use in order to make a point. We’re very familiar with contrasts that use extremes and represent opposite ends of a spectrum. Some of these include, black and white, big and small, tall and short, fat and thin, more

  • ¿qué Es Un Buen Sermón?

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Mar 12, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    Es importante no decir lo que el mundo quiere escuchar, sino predicar ley y evangelio.

    "Gracias por su mensaje esta mañana, pastor." "Fue un muy buen sermón, pastor." Al salir del culto, a veces se pueden escuchar estas frases, ¿verdad? "Fue un muy buen sermón, pastor." Pues, a veces la gente lo dicen nada más como un decir, sin pensar mucho en lo que están diciendo. Pero hay more

  • Where I'm Coming From

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Mar 11, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    In this message we see Paul’s philosophy of ministry and are challenged to adopt it as our own.

    “Where I’m Coming From” Today is the first Sunday of the year 2002. Happy New Year! My guess is that you have probably heard those 3 words a lot recently… And I am also sure that you heard those very same words back at the beginning of 2001. Just a few days ago, millions of people more

  • Resolved To Know Nothing Series

    Contributed by Damien Spikereit on Jan 10, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    The first in a series from Corinthians challenging the congregation to have the resolve to know Christ and his ways.

    - Have you ever been somewhere and you didn’t know anybody? Not one person. You were a total stranger, and everybody around you was totally strange to you. That’s happened to me a few times. Like my first day at Ozark Christian College. I had decided many months before that I was going to more

  • Water Or The Spirit, Which Birth?

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Feb 25, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    "You must be born again," is a life or death statement. But What does it mean? We explore this in John 3.

    Water or the Spirit, Which Birth? Text: John 3:1-17 When Johnny Foust and I were 16 years old, I spent the night at his house and we got out our Bibles and the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and looked up every verse that had the words saved, forgiven, redeemed, justified, sanctified, born more

  • Simplicity Of The Gospel

    Contributed by James May on Oct 15, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Paul desired to know nothing of the Corinthians but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The most important question we can ask is what will you do with the message of the gospel? Nothing else matters unless this question is answered correctly.

    SIMPLICITY OF THE GOSPEL By Pastor Jim May 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, "And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was with more

  • Resolutions For Life

    Contributed by Chris Oswald on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    A message dealing with biblical resolutions

    There are a lot of resolutions I would like to make...I need to lose some weight, stop drinking so much espresso, even keep my office cleaner. I am starting to realize that with issues of personal purity and devotion to the Lord, I need to see the forest from the trees. It seems to me that if I more

  • Concentrating On Christ

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 10, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Nothing should be more important in your life than to concentrate on Christ – Who He is and what your relationship to Him is. He is so important that He is the central theme of Scripture, the supreme message of the church, and the solitary song of the sou

    Concentrating on Christ I Corinthians 2:2 INTRODUCTION: Spurgeon said, “Christ is the great central fact in the world’s history; to Him everything looks forward or backward.” Paul declared “For I decided to concentrate only on Jesus Christ and his death on the cross.” Nothing is more important in more

  • The Gift That Last Forever Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 13, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "Church On The Rocks". This is also the 2nd sermon in this "Christmas Series". This sermon looks at the gift that last forever.

    Sunday Morning December 15, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: ¡§Church On The Rocks¡¨ (#4)[Christmas #2] THE GIFT THAT LAST FOREVER 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Introduction: 1. According to the commercial what is, ¡§The gift that last forever¡¨? Diamonds. For those of you that are like more

  • Resting On God's Power

    Contributed by Clyde Grimes on Dec 28, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    Revival comes by resting on God’s power alone

    Resting on God’s Power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5) I. How Paul Came A. Not… 1. Eloquence 2. Superior wisdom B. For I resolved… 1. To know nothing 2. Except Jesus Christ and Him crucified C. I came to you… 1. In weakness 2. In fear 3. With much trembling II. Paul’s Message and Preaching A. Not more

  • The Foolish Wisdom Of God

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 21, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

    At first blush, God’s wisdom seems so elementary, so foolish even. We as humans love to debate and create big complicated philosophies. Instead, the Apostle Paul shows us how to simplify our understanding to know the REAL wisdom of God.

    For an audio copy of this message, go to: If I asked you to name some great speakers – who comes to mind? Oddly, when I thought about it, the first person who came to my mind was Oliver North. Remember Ollie North? He was the guy who helped mastermind the sale Iran/contra more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Mar 1, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    There can be no preaching apart from the cross. The preaching of the cross is the power of God unto salvation. This sermon reminds the believer that ultimate knowledge is knowing Christ and Him cruicified.

    Introduction: The greatest event in human history is the death of our Saviour upon that old rugged cross. I didn’t say the cross of Christ because the cross was the sinner’s cross and Christ had none. In our text, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "I resolved to know nothing while I was more

  • Declaring The Testomony Of God

    Contributed by Mark Elkins on May 14, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Why do we not witness like we should? Let’s look at Paul and discover how he overcame his inadequacies in this area.

    What keeps us from sharing the good news? Nothing stops good conversation like the word Jesus. Why? There are several reasons. However, I believe one main reason is the fear of the unknown. What could/ would Jesus do? To those who are lost, there are several unknown characteristics about Jesus more