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Sermons on 1 Corinthians 14:3-4:

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  • Tongues: A Controversial Gift

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Jan 28, 2001
    based on 405 ratings

    I know there is sometimes mistrust between Christians who speak in tongues and those who do not. My desire is that this sermon might help us get over some of that so that we can grow in love for each other.

    Chisholm 1st Baptist Church Email: 218-254-3307 Go to Outline Pastor Dan Erickson’s Weekly Message 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 "TONGUES: A CONTROVERSIAL GIFT" January 7, 2001 Click links to: Guestbook About Pastor Dan We Believe More Messages Links "Wise more

  • Prophecy: Words To Us From God?

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Jan 28, 2001
    based on 148 ratings

    Are there some ways other than the Bible through which God lets us know what He desires and what He expects from us?

    RYAN: Pastor Dan, there is something I need to tell you right away. DAN: Are you sure it can’t wait until after the worship service is over? RYAN: No. No, this is important. DAN: OK, what is it? RYAN: Well, God told me that we need to change the color of the church carpet. DAN: Oh, more

  • Desire Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Jul 31, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    In general the church has made little progress as pertains to spiritual gifts, This problem could be cured if we would once again allow the Holy Spirit to birth divine desire in our hearts.

    1Co 14:1 “DESIRE SPIRITUAL GIFTS” Every thing Jesus did from a supernatural standpoint was an operation and manifestation of at least one, or a combination of the gifts of the spirit in his life. Why teach on the gifts of the spirit? (1) If there is to be any manifestation more

  • Questions And Answers About Speaking In Tongues

    Contributed by Bill Burnett on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 90 ratings

    Paul answers the Corinthians questions about speaking in Tongues

    1 Cor 14.doc GOOD ADVICE TO A GROWING CHURCH _____________________________________________ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT SPEAKING IN TONGUES - 1 Corinthians 14:1-40 "I would that ye all spoke with tongues" ? I Corinthians 14:5 In chapter 12 Paul gave a lengthy discussion on the use of gifts more

  • Speaking In Tongues: Frequently Asked Questions Series

    Contributed by James H Boyd on Feb 24, 2003
    based on 215 ratings

    From James & Dave’s Bible Page: A detailed, question and answer study of a vitally imporatant topic to the Christian life today.

    As we begin our study, I encourage you to ask yourself this question: How intimate with Jesus do you want to be? Consider for a moment the wonderful possibility that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father in a way that is totally unlimited by our finite minds. A way that we can receive from more

  • The Gift Of Tongues Series

    Contributed by Donna Kazenske on Nov 17, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    The gift of tongues is the God-given ability to speak in different and varied languages. It is supernatural utterance by the Holy Spirit in languages never learned by the speaker, not understood by the mind of the speaker nor necessarily always understood

    By: Donna J. Kazenske 1 Cor. 12:7-10 - "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom, through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another the gift of faith by the same Spirit, to another more

  • Talking In Church

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Nov 21, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    Did you know that God has rules about talking in Church? There is an entire chapter in the Bible that addresses this. It is 1 Cor. 14.

    Rules for Talking in Church 1 Cor. 14:1-39 When I was little, one thing I remember about going to church was that I was supposed to be quiet. My mom and dad made it clear that there were dire consequences for disobeying this rule. Even passing notes was considered breaking the rule. As far as more

  • Speak Clearly Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Dec 3, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    This sermon deals with two of the spiritual gifts and contrasts their usefulness within the context of the worship service

    November 24, 2002 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 “Speak clearly” INTRODUCTION Getting the right message to the right person is necessary in order for the right communication to happen. There was a man who lived in upstate New York and he was getting tired of the cold weather, so he decided to go more

  • The Purpose Of Power Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Sep 2, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Sermon on 1 Corinthians 14 the primacy of prophesy vs. the self edification which the gift of tongues was being used for.

    We are in the Business of Creating a Temporary Settlement of the Eternal Community of God’s Family – Welcome Home! We’ve been studying our way through 1 Corinthians What we have seen is a variety of teachings on the way it was in the church in Corinth and the way it should be and what we have more

  • Gifts And Worship Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 79 ratings

    Worship requires order. If the Spirit is to be enabled to work, then decency and order are needed to allow that work to happen.

    Corinth must really have been a "happening" place. we sometimes have people complaining that St Theodore’s is too noisy on a Sunday morning at 10 before the service begins or after it’s over for them to be able to pray. Some people complain about the noise the kids make during the service. But by more

  • Tongues - Theory And Experience: Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Raisbeck on Jul 15, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    In the second of this two part series on " Tongues - Theory and Experience" we will touch also on the interpretation of tongues.

    The main purpose the Holy Spirit came down at Pentecost was to find, equip and adorn the bride of Christ – the Church and to escort her safely through this world and present her to Jesus – a pure and spotless bride (1). In Genesis chapter 24 there is a beautiful illustration of how Abraham went more

  • Holy Spirit Decision Analysis - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Michael Raisbeck on Jul 29, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    Following a painful experience ( job loss ), God lead me into a difficult choice; this decision is reviewed in the light of scripture.

    The last message which I prepared for the PRAYER AND FASTING NETWORK was on "Is A Broken Relationship Hurting You? " ( see July, 2003 Issue ). This article was initiated by some words spoken by a man which I considered to be prophetic. A short time following at a different venue another man came more

  • The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    The gifts of the Spirit have split churches and keep Christians apart – and they bewilder non-Christians – so that the church becomes a circus than a place to get saved. But there are good reasons for the gifts if used properly.

    For an audio copy of this message go to: With all the controversy over spiritual gifts – why have them at all? The gifts of the Spirit have split churches and keep Christians apart – and they bewilder non-Christians – so that the church becomes a circus than a place to get more

  • Sunday School: Why We Do It

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Sep 6, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    relevance of Sunday school teaching.

    Sunday School: Christian Education in the Church. 1 Cor.14:1-18 Here are some samples of kids’ prayers: Dear God, Maybe if Cain and able had their own rooms, they wouldn’t kill each other so much. It worked for me and my brother! Dear God, thank You so much for my new baby brother but what I more

  • There's No "I" In Team Series

    Contributed by Rick Thiessen on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    The Cointhians were selfishly focusing on their own expressions of certain gifts for their own benefit and ignoring God’s call to edify the "other guy"

    ‘BE092902 PLAYING ON GOD’S TEAM 4 There’s No “I” In Team. (Opening SLIDE) When was the first time you saw the gift of tongues or prophecy in operation? Some of you without much church background don’t have a clue what I’m talking about! You’ll know more in 30 minutes. - Others of you have more