
Summary: Teachings Inspired by the Holy Spirit on the nature of man and relationship with the father


Who elsewhere has the most Wealth

Who elsewhere has the most Swag

Who elsewhere has the most Connections

Who elsewhere has the most friends

Truly, None but The ALL-MIGHTY

Who anywhere gives the most freely

Who anywhere pays to give you freedom

Who anywhere gives the truest Confidence

Who anywhere sets one at perfect Peace

Truly None but Adonai


Are you looking for that real escape without burning your fingers? An everlasting way to quit that which has always defeated you? A shield from all kinds of pressures- societal, work, parental/family, etc? or perhaps a cool map that finally makes sense of all you have been through which no one knows but you? Internal conflicts that motivationals have not been able to fix? Then we have been handed an authentic side of the other coin. What ever category of need you have represents a halving and here is the other fulfilling closing to that sore. Every line and each sentence of every chapter hands you the answers you have scoured and it eliminates in authoritative terms storms of doubt and breaks every chain currently holding you.

Do you feel lost with no idea where to turn? – Here is the way! You will be led to cool streams of water, abundant food for your tummy, and plenty of shade to abide in peace. Are you exhausted physically and emotionally; facing the morning with dread and praying for the night to come in haste? – Here is your rest! It is given with peace and wealth to rest your weary bones and erase the gloom and depression on your face. Are you afraid of the raging storms of life, cowering under its seemingly inescapable charge? With feelings any moment could be your last? – Here is ease and quiet. It is coupled with a gentle tug to lead you safely to your destination. Are you going through a disaster/ a sudden drought in all you have hoped for? – Here are your seeds of reversal to put back that smile and radiance on you countenance.

Keep your yearning keen and don’t forget what the past has been. In the most simple of terms your path will be clear and wounds healed. What do you do when you get there? Show others the way! Many have found this out- now is your turn.

Take a deep breath…lets wipe the worry out- turn to the next page


Only those whose time has truly come will understand for effort is meaningless to get this gift. A harvest of your tears and sighs has made you ripe. To make it certain you are human and limited you tossed about yearning for answers. The time it took meant nothing as the time it will take your recovery will mean nothing. The results you will get are not dependent on time but on your understanding and willingness to obey. It requires emptiness and expulsion of self for none will ever satisfy you as me. If your pride remains then already the door is shut and you will have to wait longer until you are ready if you become humble. No partners to me. No comparison will ever exist; for I turn stories around and lead gently to fine grass forever.

None who follow napoleon hill and his teachings will ever get fulfillment. His personal life story speaks for itself. The same facial expression will exist on whoever adopts his teachings excluding me or tagging me along. Reference and humility are all I need. Understand me before you understand my gifts and leadership.

Day and night there are. Black and Bright I made. Blessings and Disasters I planted. Each distinct and sovereign. They are set and they are used as when required for they are good and I made them good. Since your ways are different from mine, you would prefer day or white or blessings but that is not meant to be. Disaster and Blessings I apply without consultation and are entirely my prerogative to enforce. They are routes and paths sanctified to achieve good. They transform distortions by gently being agents of teachings. For you can only fully learn within the pillars of the physical. They are hallmarks of my Lordship and both ultimately lead back to me. On the route of either Blessing or Disaster are marked signpost called ‘Trust in Me’ for the length of the route and nature of both paths are unpredictable and can end abstrusely. The signpost is what guarantees your expected end and usually surpasses it. This is the most complex principle you can ever contend with. No one deserves any path and no one can merit any path except I place you. And none ever will. Blessings or Disasters guarantees no fulfillment only the signpost can. The entire essence of your been on either the path of my Blessing or Disaster is to know me. I am everything. I place you on one of the path or route at one time in your life and hope the signpost of ‘Trust in me’ will teach you of me. For without me there is nothing. You will learn more of me as I direct and lead.

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View Sermon Bold And Courageous
Bold And Courageous


By: Jeff Hughes

You viewed this on Friday, March 28
