
Say It

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 18, 2024
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This sermon encourages believers to boldly share their stories of redemption, promoting God's goodness and becoming living testaments of His love and grace.


Welcome, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! The warmth of your fellowship is like a balm to the soul, a testament to the enduring love that binds us as a community in the Lord. Today, we gather under the watchful gaze of our Heavenly Father, united in faith and fellowship, to reflect on the wondrous love and redemption that He has bestowed upon us.

Our guiding verses for today's message come from the book of Psalms, chapter 107, verses 2-3: "Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those He redeemed from the hand of the foe, those He gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south."

These verses are a clarion call to every believer, a summons to proclaim the story of our redemption. They are a reminder of the transformative power of testimony and an invitation to promote the goodness of God.

As we prepare to delve into this message, I am reminded of the words of the great Christian preacher, Charles Spurgeon, who once said, "To be a Christian is to be a wonder; but to be a believer in Christ Jesus, and yet to be silent about it, is a contradiction in terms." Indeed, we, the redeemed, are called not to silence but to bold and joyful proclamation of His goodness.

So, let us not be contradictions, but rather living testaments of God's love and grace. Let us proclaim our redemption, share the power of our testimonies and promote God's goodness in all that we do.

Proclaiming Our Redemption

The story of our redemption is a tale that needs to be told. It's a narrative that speaks of God's unfathomable love, His boundless mercy, and His unending grace. It's a story that tells of a God who saw us in our brokenness, in our sinfulness, and yet chose to redeem us. This redemption is not just a historical event, but a personal experience that each one of us, as believers, has encountered.

When we speak of our redemption, we speak of a God who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins. We speak of a Savior who bore our sins, our guilt, and our shame, so that we could be made right with God.

But what does it mean to proclaim our redemption? It means to declare it, to announce it, to make it known. It's not just about acknowledging it in our hearts, but expressing it with our words and demonstrating it with our actions. It's about letting the world know of the great things that God has done in our lives.

The psalmist in our key scripture passage encourages us to let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. This is an invitation for us to share our personal experiences of God's redemption. It's an opportunity for us to testify of His goodness, His faithfulness, and His transforming power.

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Each one of us has a unique story to tell. Some of us were lost in sin, living a life of rebellion and disobedience. Some of us were broken, burdened by guilt, shame, and condemnation. Some of us were hopeless, feeling empty, unfulfilled, and unsatisfied. But in the midst of our mess, God reached out to us. He redeemed us, He restored us, He renewed us.

Our stories are not just for us to keep. They are meant to be shared. They are meant to inspire others, to encourage others, to lead others to Christ. Our stories have the power to touch hearts, to change lives, to make a difference. But proclaiming our redemption is also about living out our redemption. It's about allowing our lives to reflect the change that God has brought about in us.

Living out our redemption means living a life that is different, a life that is set apart. It means turning away from sin, pursuing righteousness, and striving to be more like Christ. Living out our redemption also means enduring trials, overcoming challenges, and persevering in faith. It means trusting in God, relying on His strength, and holding on to His promises.

Proclaiming our redemption is a lifelong commitment. It's a commitment to continually acknowledge God's work in our lives, to consistently live out our faith, and to constantly share our testimonies.

Power of Testimony

The power of testimony is a force that cannot be underestimated ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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