
Summary: Laws, traditions and customs have no place in the New Covenant church which is governed and operated by Grace and Grace alone

May the peace of the Lord be with you.


Acts 15:4-5 King James Version (KJV)

4 And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them.

5 But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.

Beloved, as you are in church or part of a Christian group, know that there are always those who think or feel that obeying the laws of Moses should be key in the life of a Christian.

This group also likes to introduce their traditional or customary practices peculiar to them into the church and make them part of Christian practices, which ought not to be.

This group holds a strong view, that until a believer goes by the laws and traditions they think or feel are relevant to make one a true Christian, that believer is lost or backsliding if not already backslidden.

This group of people actually make it difficult for believers to worship God. Worshiping God becomes burdensome and believers now use their power and might to try to follow these laws and traditions set by this killer group and in no time the believers:

1. Become tired of these things and begin to slack in the worship of God;

2. Fall away from the faith because it becomes too difficult and cumbersome to worship God, and

3. Others begin to criticise the faith because the message(Grace message) they heard to decide to follow Jesus is different from what they are being required to follow after they got in.

Beloved this group is a very strong group in the church with great knowledge of the scriptures but without any understanding and they can quote so many scriptures if not recite the whole Bible for you.

This group is so religious and puts on a "holier than thou" attitude always, to look pious and saintly.

Beloved, Christians who are spiritual and purely Grace minded would have to come off stronger than this group, put the minds of the memebers of this killer groupbto work by challenging them to battle with their ways of thinking in their minds to make them see how their kind of Christianity is impossible to live.

Therefore their hypocrisy should be exposed. Since most of such people in this killer group are hypocrites. They hide their wrongdoings and behave like they don't sin or do any wrong.

Some of these people are just enemies sent into the church to break the church using subtle means to get the church to fight against itself and divide it to cause it to fall and also to make the worship so difficult believers just get tired of Jesus and leave.

Christians who are Grace minded should not lay back and leave the running of the church to this killer group but take control, preach and practice the message of Grace until that becomes the modus operandi in the church.

The success and beauty of the message of Grace as it is practised day in day out would push them to jump out of their lost ways into the ways of Grace.

Beloved *IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS* and no one else. Beloved Jesus is Grace in person and focussing on Him to follow Him is to live and walk by Grace not the law or any traditions and customs.

Prayer: Father, Please let the beauty and success of your Grace be seen by all and the failure of following the laws, traditions and customs also be seen by all so that Grace would have His position in the church and reign forever to put away the laws, traditions and customs forever in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.



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