
Summary: “Don’t get all worked up when people in charge abuse their power.” Good advice, but easier said than done. This passage teaches us how to do it—joyfully!

Ecclesiastes 5:8 If you see oppression of the poor and perversion of justice and righteousness in the province, don’t be astonished at the situation, because one official protects another official, and higher officials protect them. 9 The profit from the land is taken by all; the king is served by the field. 10 The one who loves money is never satisfied with money, and whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with income. This too is futile. 11 When good things increase, the ones who consume them multiply; what, then, is the profit to the owner, except to gaze at them with his eyes? 12 The sleep of the worker is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of the rich permits him no sleep. 13 There is a sickening tragedy I have seen under the sun: wealth kept by its owner to his harm. 14 That wealth was lost in a bad venture, so when he fathered a son, he was empty-handed. 15 As he came from his mother’s womb, so he will go again, naked as he came; he will take nothing for his efforts that he can carry in his hands. 16 This too is a sickening tragedy: exactly as he comes, so he will go. What does the one gain who struggles for the wind? 17 What is more, he eats in darkness all his days, with much sorrow, sickness, and anger. 18 Here is what I have seen to be good: it is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labor one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward. 19 God has also given riches and wealth to every man, and He has allowed him to enjoy them, take his reward, and rejoice in his labor. This is a gift of God, 20 for he does not often consider the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy of his heart.

6:1 Here is a tragedy I have observed under the sun, and it weighs heavily on humanity: 2 God gives a man riches, wealth, and honor so that he lacks nothing of all he desires for himself, but God does not allow him to enjoy them. Instead, a stranger will enjoy them. This is futile and a sickening tragedy. 3 A man may father a hundred children and live many years. No matter how long he lives, if he is not satisfied by good things and does not even have a proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. 4 For he comes in futility and he goes in darkness, and his name is shrouded in darkness. 5 Though a stillborn child does not see the sun and is not conscious, it has more rest than he. 6 And if he lives a thousand years twice, but does not experience happiness, do not both go to the same place? 7 All man's labor is for his stomach, yet the appetite is never satisfied. 8 What advantage then does the wise man have over the fool? What advantage is there for the poor person who knows how to conduct himself before others? 9 Better what the eyes see than wandering desire. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind.


We have a video of opening presents at Christmas when Nikki was just one or two years old. In the box there was a bunch of tissue paper, and then some kind of clothes – socks or something like that. Nikki was so eager to get it open that she was just throwing the tissue paper, alternating hands so she could get it all out of there, and in the process threw the actual gift along with the paper without knowing it and found herself staring at an empty box. One of the primary purposes of the book of Ecclesiastes is to teach us how to avoid doing that with God’s gifts. Very often we miss God’s gifts for a host of reasons. Sometimes it is because we are distracted with disappointments and hardships. Painful things happen and we don’t notice gifts from God because we are so focused on getting that hardship over with. Other times we miss His gifts because we want different gifts. We get so focused on the grass on the other side of the fence that we miss out on enjoying the pasture God gave us. In this section, Solomon is going to help us with both of those problems. First, the distraction of the disappointments in life. The example he uses is the problem of corrupt politicians.

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News Flash: Corruption in Politics

Ecclesiastes 5:8 If you see oppression of the poor and perversion of justice and righteousness in the province, don’t be astonished at the situation, because one official protects another official, and higher officials protect them. 9 The profit from the land is taken by all; the king is served by the field.

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