
Summary: Discusses the belief that we can sin because God knows we really do love Him.

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Satan’s Great Lie Part 8: “God Knows My Heart”

Last year during bible study when we were discussing sin and our ability to live a perfect life, Bro. DeWayne recommended that I make this subject a part my series on Satan’s Great Lies. Now let me explain this first, the statement is not a lie, it is absolutely 100% true. God knows our hearts, the Scripture bears this out. However, the reason I am including this in the series is because we lie to ourselves “because” we know Gods know us. It is sort of like thinking I will not be punished and receive a ticket for speeding if I truly in my heart did not want to speed. I remember talking to someone after I forgot to do something and I asked the person to count it to my head and not my heart. What I was saying to the person was that what I did was not done intentionally, or from my heart, but as a result of my mind and how it works. If my mind forget some things, that is normal. However, if I choose not to do something from my heart, then the results and impact is different. Now here is the true danger, if we continue sinning because in our heart we believe that it is not what we really want to do, the God will “let the sin go”. Some people believe this even though Hebrews 10:26-27 says “For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries.” NAS. There is a consequence for sin and we must accept that when we choose to sin. We will look at this more closely later, but I want you to gain an understanding of the heart – as used in Scripture. The scriptural definition of heart is not the physical organ that beats and sends blood throughout our bodies, but the center of the human spirit, from which springs our emotions, thoughts, motivations, courage and action. In other words, it is what makes us who we are and different from everyone else. The heart is our core and is what we must choose to turn over to God. The Bible speaks of the heart being glad (merry), heavy, experiencing pleasure and the source of depression and grief. It is also the center of courage and faith.

The heart’s role as the center of our emotions is important, but its role as the center of will and purpose, intention and decision making is even more significant. Some belive that there are times when we cannot control our emotions, they just are. But everyone agrees that we can control our will (or should be able to) and our purposes. Will and purpose originates in the heart. When the scripture speaks of the “heart’s desire” it is often referring to determination. Idolatry starts in the heart. Luke says in Luke 12:34 that “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” In other words, the things you hold near and dear will also be the things your heart clings to. Likewise reluctance or indecision can be seen in the scriptural expressions “slow of heart to believe”. Persistence in a decided course of action even against sound advice is stated as stubbornness of heart.

Our intellectual activity, perception and knowledge originate in our hearts. In the New Testament heart and mind are closely related. Both designate the self as willing, intending, thinking, etc. The heart does not simply store up ideas and impressions; it can devise plans to put these ideas quickly into action. Creative thoughts have been ascribed to the heart – remember in Genesis when God spoke of the “intent of the thoughts of his heart” (Gen. 6:5). The heart is also the seat of understanding and knowledge – also know as wisdom. The heart is also the center of our religious life. In the OT it is the heart that most closely approximates what we call conscience. 1 John 3:20 speaks to our hearts being able to condemn us. By nature the human heart is not pure or faithful, it tends to be perverse. The heart can function ethically only by the help of God.

With that background of the heart, one thing hopefully should be clear, the heart of man is not the organ, but that which makes us who we are. If the heart is that part of us that makes us different from everyone else, then it is also very important that God knows our heart. When we use this statement, we are really saying that God know me. He sees me for who I am so there is nothing that is hidden from Him. I cannot hide from Him when I make a decision and because of this He knows why the decision was made. There are those that believe and confess that since God knows our heart, He takes that knowledge and understanding into consideration when He sees us sinning. And if in our hearts we really do not want to be doing what we are doing (the sin) that He make allowances for us – that He will not punish us as bad as if we really wanted to be doing the sin. Consider and think on this as we look at a few Scriptures.

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Paul Norman Sr

commented on May 15, 2015

You keep saying we can become perfect, not in our actions, only through the blood of Christ. we will always sin, however we should not deny Christ.

Rodney V Johnson

commented on May 15, 2015

Thank you for your comment. We all "have" sinned and been forgiven if we have accepted Christ. Should we continue therein so that grace may abound in our lives? (John 5:14; 8:11; Romans 6:1-23)

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