
Summary: A sermon comparing the spyware problem on a computer with the sin-problem in the life of a person.

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1. On Friday, Pastor Debbie was having trouble with her computer…

• And she asked me to help…

• With our new Helping Hands Ministry…

• I had planned to sign on to help with computer problems…

• So, I guess this was my first call for help!...

• In any event, what I found when I saw her computer was a HUGE mess!!

• Her computer had literally been taken over by spyware and adware….

• How many of you use a computer with regularity?

• Have you ever seen “popups”?...

• Popups are a result of small computer programs that are put on your computer…

• Sometimes without your knowledge…

• And, when you go to a certain webpage…

• Other pages just “pop up”…

• Usually trying to sell you something…

• Some of the biggies are pharmacy, mortgages, and sex.

• So, let’s say that you go to to check out the latest news…

• If your computer has been infected with spyware…

• You might get popups for buying anything from computers to Viagra to subscribing to sex sites.

• Of course their goal is to get you to come to their website and buy something.

2. In any event, Pastor Debbie’s computer was as bad as I’ve ever seen…

• As I was trying to help her…

• She was getting literally HUNDREDS of popups…

• It took gargantuan effort to be able to close all those popups and try to get anything done.

• Anyway, after that experience, I decided to make sure my computer was good and clean…

• And then I decided to send out a list of recommendations to keep your computer running smoothly…

• As I began to think about it…

• I began to realize that there was a correlation between what we are trying to do with our computers…

• And what we are trying to do with our lives…

• As with any illustration…

• It will break down if you try to take it too far...

• But I certainly hope to get some mileage out of this idea of comparing our computer to our Christian lives…

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

I’ve entitled my sermon, “Sanctification…does that compute?”

To be honest…whenever I hear someone trying to explain sanctification…I always cringe…

• I feel like we have made sanctification so difficult…

• And the more we try to explain it…

• The more confusing it becomes…

• But…when you finally experience it for yourself…

• It all becomes so clear.

But, in any event, I intend to take your computer…

• And use it to illustrate the sanctified life.


1. Before we get saved…

A. Sin is in control of our lives…

o We do what WE want to do…

o Not what GOD wants us to do.

B. This picture of sin is the picture of someone’s computer completely taken over by spyware…

o All the popups are popping up…

o And we are following them to our own ruin…

o In some cases, it is exactly the same as the pop ups on the computer…

o Chasing after drugs…sex…and material gain…

o But, at some point, people will find that chasing after those things does not satisfy…

o That is true in real life…

o And it is true chasing after all those different pop ups…

2. So we decide to try something different…

A. We get saved!

o We give our lives to Jesus…

o Now, instead of chasing after all those things…

o We are saying “no”…

o “no” to sin…

o And “yes” to God…

o And so, in our computer allegory…

o We start to close down the pop ups…

o Each of those little windows that pops up…

o Has a little red “x” in the top right corner…

o So, whenever we get a popup…

o We start closing it down…

o But, as with salvation…

o AND with your computer…

o You haven’t yet dealt with the underlying problem…

o You are dealing with the sins…

o But not the SIN…

o and the sins just keep coming!

o Computer-wise, you keep getting pop ups…

o And you keep closing them down…

o But, as Pastor Debbie found out…

o It can still be quite a battle…

o Dealing with the pop ups…

3. The answer for the computer…

A. and the answer for the Christian…

o You’ve got to deal with the underlying problem…

o Computer-wise, you’ve got to deal with all those little programs on your computer that are causing popups in the first place…

o So, you use a spyware destroyer/blocker…

o It searches through your computer and finds all those little programs and it rips them out…

o And then, the good programs will provide on going monitoring…

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Jimmy Little

commented on Jan 11, 2014

Brother Larry I have heard, read, and preached on Sanctification many times but this is, in my opinion, one of the best in helping our Tech savvy generation to understand entire Sanctification. You've blessed my heart and I'm sure others as well. May God Bless you and continue to use you for His Kingdom work. Pastor Jimmy, Columbus, Ga. Lighthouse Ministries

Larry Brincefield

commented on Feb 6, 2014

Wow!! Thanks, Jimmy!! Your comment was a real pick-me-up this morning!!

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