Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Salvation is God's provision for man, to deliver us from sin, its consequences and judgment and gave us eternal life
Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death on the cross, is the central and most important fundamental basic tenent of the Christian faith. Romans 1:16-18, John 3:36, Acts 16:30-31,Acts: 4:12
Who we are without Christ
Dead- Ephesians 2:1-3, Romans 6:23, John 6: 53, Eph 5:4
Condemned- Rom 8:1-2, John 3:18, Mark16:16
Slave to sin- John 8:34, Rom 6:2-14, Rom 6:20, Gal 5:1,
Slave to Satan- 2Timothy 2:26, 2Peter2:19, Acts 8:23, Rom 7:24, Heb 2:14,
Hopeless end- Psalm37:38, Isaiah1:28, Isaiah13:9, 2Peter 3:7.
Salvation in Christ Jesus- Rom 5:8, Acts 4:12, Titus 2:11.
Saved by Grace- Salvation is God’s free gift to man, we did not earn it but by Grace- Rom 9:14-16, Eph1:7, 1Tim 1:15-17, Rom 6:14,
Not of works- Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5-7, Rom 4:1-5,
No amount of human goodness is as good as God. God is perfect righteousness Hab1:13.
Salvation is the deliverance from sin, the consequences of sin and the judgment of sin through Jesus Christ, thereby giving us the new life of Christ and in Christ.
Eternal life- 1John5:11-12, John3:16, John17:3
Eternal life is not about living forever because no one ceases to exist when they die. Everyone lives forever either in heaven or hell. To understand this, read John 17:3. Eternal life is the life of Jesus Christ. It begins with “knowing” Him-intimate relationship that produces.
God’s plan for man with eternal life is eternal but we have choice to stop it or allow it. Eternal life on its own lives on. But we should also know that there is eternal death.
It is all about love- 2cor 5:14; john3:16
Salvation came by love, and should be kept in love- john 14:15-23
Work out your salvation-Phil 2:12
We are not to produce or work out another salvation but it means to value it, cherish it and watch it – you must love your salvation. Adam and Eve didn’t love theirs to value it, they chose otherwise.
Justification By Faith- Rom 5:1-2, ROM 1:17, ROM 4:5, GAL 2:16
Justification is the legal standing that results from the process of being justified. To say that one is justified from sin is not a claim that he is innocent of the crime; rather that the offender has been exempted from the penalty he justly deserves- Rom 5:12, Rom 6:23
Assurance of your salvation- Rom 8:32, John 3:36, Acts10:43.
Assurance is the confidence realization of our security in Christ. It is the realization of what we have in Christ such as eternal life, forgiveness of sin and being the object of God’s personal care as his children- 1John5:11-13, Col2:13, John5:24,Rom8:1; 5:1.
Summary – it is the will of God that all should be saved and none should perish. Return and reconcile to Jesus Christ today.