Romantic And Religious Love Series
Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 20, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: The Christian can love on the physical level and the spiritual level. In Scripture the two become one, and are linked as closely as the body and spirit.
Love makes the world go round, says the one time popular
song, and there are very few who will deny it. History
reveals that one of life's greatest tragedies is to die unloved.
During the Civil War, Charles Sumner was assaulted in the
Senate chamber, and was seriously ill for months. He
regretted he had to leave his battle against slavery
unfinished, but this was not his deepest pain. He wrote,
"But in the midnight watches, my keenest heart-gnawing
regret was that, if I were called away, I had never enjoyed
the choicest experience of life, that no lips responsive to my
own had said, I love you."
He expressed the minds of millions who would agree. It
would be terrible to live and die and never hear anyone say
to you, I love you. Love may not make the world go round,
but it makes men happier as they go around with it. Love
has enabled men to die with heroic valor. During the great
battle of Gettysburg, Pickett was ordered to charge the
Union artillery. As he went to the head of his lines, Wilcox,
another commander, rode up to his side, and taking a flask
from his pocket said, "Pickett, take a drink with me. In an
hour you will be in hell or glory." He refused the drink
saying, "I promise the little girl who is waiting for me down
in Virginia that I would keep fresh upon my lips until we
meet again, the breath of the violets she gave me when we
parted." Faithful to his love, he rode off to die without
whiskey on his breath. No one can calculate the power of
human love in overcoming evil.
Love is the major theme of the Bible. The two great
commandments that sum up the whole Old Testament are
love commandments. Love of God and love of man are the
highest values of life. In the New Testament love is not only
the highest virtue and the first fruit of the Spirit, it is the
very foundation of the Gospel. God so loved, is the
beginning of the Gospel, and the end result is, we love Him
because He first loved us.
It is of interest to note that love is the greatest theme of man's
songs whether they be sacred or secular. The world
revolves around romantic love, and the church around
religious love. The one appeals to the flesh, and the other to
the spirit. It is a serious mistake, however, to conclude that
the two are opposed. They are not necessarily in conflict, for
spiritual people also enjoy the experience of romantic love.
In fact, it is only as Christians that we can experience the
best of both worlds. The Christian can love on the physical
level and the spiritual level. In Scripture the two become
one, and are linked as closely as the body and spirit. Each
affects the other, and, therefore, romantic love is everywhere
in Scripture used as a symbol of religious love. In other
words, God has taken the most common and universal
experience of mankind and used it to illustrate the ideal
relationship He desires to have with man.
The Song of Songs is a great love song that deals with love
on the level of the physical. All the delights of an ideal
romance and marriage are dwelt with in beautiful poetic
language. The Bible would be sadly lacking if it had nothing
to say about one of life's most important realms-the realm of
romantic love. Few, however, have been content to leave it
as a romantic song. It is true that God is not mentioned in
the song, and there are no religious words. Yet, Jews and
Christians alike have always seen the secular language of the
Song as symbolic of the sacred. Just as the physical Temple
was symbolic of the heavenly Temple, so earthly human love
is symbolic of the eternal love union of God and man. It is
no mere accident that eternity begins with a marriage
banquet of Christ and His bride. Heaven is seen as an eternal
This is the Song of Songs, that is, the supreme Song, like
the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The ultimate in
songs does not deal with romantic love only, but with the
love of God and man. Religious love does not eliminate
romantic love, however, but exalts it. According to I Kings
4:32 Solomon wrote 1,005 songs. No doubt many of them
dwelt with the theme of love, but this one is the Song of
Songs and became a part of Scripture because it deals with
love on all levels. It is the worlds greatest love song.
Some Christians have been embarrassed by the romantic
and physical love of the Song of Solomon. They have